WildStar Fails as a pay to play mmorpg


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
So i spent over a year watching them big up this game and it fails in so many ways and kinda gets me mad that good mmorpgs cant get a pay to play player base when we got bad clones like this coming out.

anyways here is what i found when playing in beta's on all the classes

Graphics 7/10 (not bad but not the best)
Sound 8/10 (good music and leveling up comments was funny)
gameplay 6/10 (the dodging stuff was okay but aoe warnings need to appear little faster also fall damage sliding down a hill was just stupid lastly the jumping system all there videos they show these super jumps making the game look cool then when your in there no superjump its only when you use the mushrooms)

Computer Specs - Win7 - 152mb line - 6 gb memory - i7 quad core - amd radeon hd 7870 (so fine for all current mmorpgs max settings)

okay the story its self is not very bad but once you get to planet it lacks for a bit there are loads of hidden quests to find some of them are fun but once you get to level20 it gets little grindy witch is fine for those who like it the world boss on the first planet i killed that guy with group like 10 times and he never dropped anything so that was kinda stupid. the quest tracker fades after 3 seconds meaning you have to re click it to locate where your quests are. loads of bugs the game has been in testing over a year and still that many bugs means that the team must not be very good not to add the fact that they are releasing the game with loads of bugs still in there so i can see the customer service being bad for this game. the classes some classes just don't feel right to play like the medic feels like it is just a healer class.

i did like the scientist , explorer and other 2 features made big difference than other mmorpgs

i can see this game lasting pay to play for no more than 1 year then going free to play so my advice if you wanna save some money then wait. they made a big thing about selling items for creed but i cant see that working.

lastly the game itself just feels like a bad copy of tera and when i look at it and other good mmorpgs like ffxiv tera swtor rift and po2 when its out i think i will save my money for them

if you don't agree feel free to post but after playing the betas and hitting level caps and doing dungeons world bosses the game its self was like meh to me. my friends did try it and they all agreed that it is not worth the money for the game and the sub so none of them are playing now that it is out.
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Staff member
May 19, 2003
i only played beta of this but really enjoyed it, levelling was easy and there was always new content / quests popping up so you were always busy. I define grinding as having to kill in the same area and same group of monsters over and over to gain progression - with tera this just wasn't the case, you'd have so many quests giving to you that you could just power through the areas and not have to kill the same monster twice.

I also played tera for a year and level capped 3 players, wildstar is nothing like this. I enjoyed the combat alot more in tera. Although wildstar got rid of targetting, tera have nailed it much better to make the fights more active, however i left simply because there wasn't any end game content when i played.

If anything i'd compare wildstar more to wow, simply because alot of the time you're still having to button mash and the combat doesn't take much skill (not at the level i got to anyway).

But yeah, i enjoyed wildstar from what i played, i really want to buy it but just don't have the time spare at the moment to get invested in to an mmo.


Golden Oldie
Jul 9, 2003
All I can say is I love it, it's hooked me in a hell of a lot better than Tera did.

I can't say much else currently as I am only level 28, but I have completed each zone nearly fully(90% or higher), something I never did in another MMO, I usually just leave as soon as I can.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 27, 2004
I actually disagree with you saying it'll be Free-to-Play within a year or so. I think (and hope) this will go the distance. Its definitely got the potential to be a serious competitor to WoW.

Most people don't like it and won't get on with it because the skill cap for raiding etc is higher then 95% of games out there. Individual skill is actually required unlike other games where just having time is needed. I'm looking forward to finishing my Raid Attunement quest and begining raiding within the next couple of weeks.

I took a break from leveling earlier in the week, and built myself a Half Pipe and Skate Park for my hoverboard. Funnily enough its brilliant fun.



I'm playing a Draken Stalker called Rebslack on Ascendancy EU if anyone's playing on the same realm.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
you say skill but its basically using diablo skill system and that is just a button bashing game with some dodge involved. well if you like it keep playing but i honestly cant see it lasting more than a year as a pay to play game only time will tell though.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 27, 2004
It is a similar Diablo skill system, which is pretty cool if you ask me. Button bashing? I couldn't disagree with you more, the rotations are far from your typical Hack'n'Slash button bashing game. It's not some dodge either, the dungeons and raids actually require a lot of co-ordination and planned movement. A lot of thinking on the fly. Time will tell as you say, I'm excited to see the directions they go though.


Golden Oldie
Jul 9, 2003
Just did an Adventure and ended up with Mampi from Curse10, small world :eek:

We ended up having to 3man the last boss with no tank >.< the group did well to down him tho and it was actually good fun doing so!


LOMCN Developer
Mar 26, 2003
for the record: you stated you only played beta, this is the reason why you had so little warnings for attacks etc,
you where playing the american servers and latency caused late warnings all the time :(
and you compare it to ff14? in ff14 you had to make sure you where out of the red zones before they even appeared (and far outside), otherwise the game bugs would still hit you :p
wildstar is sort of different, lvling takes no time at all (really ppl hit lvlcap in a day lol)
there's some humor to the quest lines, there's alot of little things that make it fun (like finding worms while mining and you can enter a secret cave underneath them when they die...)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 13, 2014
i only played beta of this but really enjoyed it, levelling was easy and there was always new content / quests popping up so you were always busy. I define grinding as having to kill in the same area and same group of monsters over and over to gain progression - with tera this just wasn't the case, you'd have so many quests giving to you that you could just power through the areas and not have to kill the same monster twice.

I also played tera for a year and level capped 3 players, wildstar is nothing like this. I enjoyed the combat alot more in tera. Although wildstar got rid of targetting, tera have nailed it much better to make the fights more active, however i left simply because there wasn't any end game content when i played.

If anything i'd compare wildstar more to wow, simply because alot of the time you're still having to button mash and the combat doesn't take much skill (not at the level i got to anyway).

But yeah, i enjoyed wildstar from what i played, i really want to buy it but just don't have the time spare at the moment to get invested in to an mmo.
wow does take skill in PvP, bindings/macros and knowing what to use and when to use


LOMCN n00bie
Jul 6, 2014
All I can say is I love it, it's hooked me in a hell of a lot better than Tera did.

I can't say much else currently as I am only level 28, but I have completed each zone nearly fully(90% or higher), something I never did in another MMO, I usually just leave as soon as I can.

Agreed. :RpS_w00t: Indeed...

The game had hooked me after lvl 20... Canceled my WoW sub after that. Its very similar to WoW, but the combat is simply but better in every way and it feels just so much more fresh, alive and skill-based. PvP is not for everyone with the huge clusters, but I love it.