WOI MORTAL. War of the Immortals Private Server - JOIN US!

smoochy boys on tour


LOMCN Leecher
Dec 8, 2020
Heard of battle of the immortals? A sequence to that is War of the Immortals(WOI). WOI Mortal is the longest lasting woi private server since 2016 with 200 over active players.

WOI is a 2.5D mmorpg with good storyline, along with plenty of pets, fashion, upgrades and unique double class switchable during fights!
With the updates, there are many bosses and mass pvp and events waiting for you!

In Woi Mortal, there are caring players community and GMs that will help you with guidance, requests and tickets support!

Free to play, fast to progress. Offering you hourly 3500 zen(game currency) per account, up to 2 accounts while you stay online!
That's 5,000,000 zen for your spending spree if you stay online for a month like many of the players!