Yimoogi bug..


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jun 10, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
How exactly is Yimoogi coded to work on 2.3 files?

On euro there was like a time limit after it tele's in which you must kill it or it will just spawn another clone and continue to tele when it's nearly dead.

But upon testing it on these files, it just tele's when it gets below 1k hp, regardless of whether the clone is dead/alive, or whether it only just tele'd 30 seconds ago.

Anyone know how it works? Or doesn't it?


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
yimoogi isnt coded as offical on ne servers atm, its bugged (if ur goin by euro standards) on fourheros also, im tryin 2 get them to code it like its meant to be

it should work like this:

-yimoogi is there passive, once hit it spawns a clone (then neither are actually a clone, both are considered "real")

(not actually 100% on this bit my memorys goin funny lol)

-as soon as 1 got low hp... about 1/8 hp, they would both random teleport

-find them and they would both be non-passive and attackin every1... ud then have to continue killin both... say 1 was full hp an dother was 1/8 hp tho, if u got the full 1 back to 1/8 they'd tele again.

say u killed the 1/8 hp 1... it would die and then just be 1 left.. then u had like 2mins i think it was to kill the last 1 before it would respawn clone.. again it would tele at 1/8 hp

the last yimoogi to die = real 1 that would drop properly.

on here it works totaly diff, like it just teles at 1/8 hp, and if u kill real then fake stays there forever, and eventually turn passive
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