zOMG 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB!!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006

The 9/11 terrorist attack on America which left almost 3,000 people dead was an "inside job", according to a group of leading academics. Around 75 top professors and leading scientists believe the attacks were puppeteered by war mongers in the White House to justify the invasion and the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries. Professor James Fetzer, 65, a retired philosopher of science at the University of Minnesota, said: "The evidence is so overwhelming, but most Americans don't have time to take a look at this."

omg so like this small group of shit stirring attention seekers who happen to be academics must be right, but the thousands of scientists, researchers and experts who say otherwise must all be completey wrong!!

guyz ive changed my mind lol, these 75 media grabbing assholes have totally changed my views on the matter, down with the government LOOL!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
not if hes equipped with a sarcasm detector hes not


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
your just dismissing it because your do what the media tells you to. Ive heard all the arguements about this and people dont seem to realise the full picture, coming up with crap excuses like "the terrorists were organised" and "it would be impossible to keep this many people quiet"

The simple fact is, America DID do this so they could invade and get oil, im pretty sure everyone will soon realise this because the oil prices in the US are falling at a rediculous rate.

Now to all those "obey the machine" idiots, the reason it was so easy to keep the entire team quiet was because George W Bush actually planted the bombs themsevles. To make sure suspicion wasnt aroused, he made the bombs himself frome washing powder, snake venom, and an assoertment of underwear.

He then proceeded to lie and say he was going for a walk, when he actually went to a secret room in the white house, where make-up experts used prosthetics to give him an entirely new look, they worked blindfolded so they didnt know what they were doing.

The next day bush went to the WTC's and proceeded to plant the bombs, they were cleverly disguised as carpet, people, and sometimes even "escaped roswell aliens"


this is just an example of one of the types of bombs he planted. Nobody was any wiser, because the bomb didnt actually look like this at the time, because he cleverly scuplted it to be an alien that looked like a human. His "human" shaped bombs were sculpted to look like carperting, and the carpeting bombs which were used as small triggers for larger explosions were very very neatly done. The carpet bombs were made to look like a carpet, disguised as an alien, disguise as a carpet.

He then made the master bomb, which was an alien, disguised as a carpet, disguised as a fire extinguisher, disgiused as a human duisguised as carpet. If someone saw the bomb, they would instantly forget everything, and their head would explode.

To make sure he didnt succumb to this, George bush had to migrate through the building in his disguise, and use mirrors so he didnt look directly at the bomb, he banged into windows a few times, which is why some of them smashed before the rest.

Then on the day he detonated the bombs, and they were cleverly done, so they projected an image of a baseball hitting a goat, but the baseball was disguised as a plane, and the goat was disguised as hotdog. He had to detonate it at the perfect time, so that the sun hit the top of the hotdog giving it the illusion of being the buildings.

If you think this is too "sick" for America to do, ive heard rumours that Bush sells babies to petrol companies, so they can test on them, and that he personally was responsible for the death of the Dodo. Also, he sells africans to the chinese as a synthetic fuel research instruments, and the chinese in turn supply him with the snake venom and washing powder he needs to make bombs.

Edit: ignore typo's im typing with a swollen to **** hand and also, im too tired/****ed off to check it.


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
Tomorrow will probably be one of the safest days ever to be on a plane

Unless you're Samuel L. Jackson...


Apr 15, 2003
Meh, the obligitory 9/11 post! has arrived!
Now, where is the september desktop thread?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 24, 2004
Colonel Mustard in the study with the candlestick.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
there is a famous video called loose change 2
watch it if your interested

I hope that was a lame attempt at a joke, because like 90% of people know about that video, and unfortunately for the world, about 15% are stupid enough to believe the bull**** of a guy who knows **** all.

As much as urbanfox loves America, even he cant deny there is a portion of their people who just cannot, under any circumstance accept the truth. The same tossers who you could throw a rock at, and the would claim it was a spaceship. You could present them with a video of you throwing the rock, before and after pictures of the rock, the rock itself, and their reponse would be "Your trying to covAr it up OMG conspirisee"

When that loose change guy dies, im going to piss on his grave, just like he's pissing all over the graves of hundreds of other people.


Apr 15, 2003
I have recently been benefiting from a 3-4p drop in petrol prices, hurrah!

I have been benifiting from a 6-8p drop!! I even managed to get 90.9 at a services in Milton Keynes the other day!! 90, at a services! I have also seen a 89.9 somewhere, but iw as already full at the time :(


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
R.I.P to all who died - these kinds of posts ridicule the dead. (In the WTC attack and the deaths that followed at the hands of the Coalition and more terrorist attacks.)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 6, 2005
i know that many people know about that video that is why i called it famous
and acctually i just said watch it if your interested not that i would believe what is said there or that you should do
i think its just an interesting video not more not less
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