High Rate


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
I will get straight to the point. Its been a really good while since any of us played a proper professional high rate and after ben abandoning his plan about 5H doesnt seem like we gonna see one any time soon.

Believe it or not a huge part of the mir community if not half of it doesnt enjoy euro-feeling servers, afk leveling spells and in general low rates for various reasons. Thats why Chronicles even though seems a really professional server, well-balanced, with coders(which is rare) and nearly bug-free from what i read has UC of 100-150 instead of 300 or whatever. Simply because u cant enjoy everyone neither with a high rate nor with a low rate.

So im wondering why dont u make a 2nd server a high rate. Im not asking for a completely new server from the scratch that would make server team waste their time on anything mir related other than the current server. Use exactly the same files and just play a bit with the numbers:
Make it 4x the exp it currently is.
Remove spell leveling.
Add a bigger GG shop (i wont use it but im just trying to give you an incentive)
Mess a bit with the sliders of gems/benes/orbs/drop rates.
(OPTIONAL) Make the stats a bit higher or the mob stats a bit lower to make it a bit more solo friendly(i dont mean to solo everything just slightly more than currently in Chronicles) and perhaps add couple item sets for say lvl40 and lvl50 for each class to give it the high rate feeling.

It shouldnt affect the usercount of Chronicles since obviously the ppl here are faithful to this server, have invested a lot of time and most importantly they enjoy it.
It would satisfy a lot of ppl that are looking/waiting for a high rate run professionally but cant find anything for a while.
It will require little to no time from server team to run it since simply they will use same files and apply same patches/fixes.

PS. Im looking for an answer from server team mostly so im not interested in ppl simple spamming here trying to troll or argue with me. ("lazy ***, u want everything handed to you on a plate bblablablabala")


Sour Sally
Dedicated Member
Dec 6, 2013
This server has already reached its end game potential / content ratio.
Making a clone in a high rate would simply just be a clone of this but with 2 different guilds at the top.
same kit, higher levels = more hp and mp only.
Without a high rate content the server would be end game within a week. (not a dig)The team cannot get content out quick enough/bug free on this med-high rate let alone working on a high rate.

Sounds like a silly request to me, but each to theirs own ofc.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Have you read this section at all? Or played the game? If you have you'd realise they wouldn't have the time (or probably interest)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
I could make a list of tons of suggestions on how to make it a proper high rate server other than changing some rates but that would require too much time which would be taken from the current server.
You cant imagine how many of us there are that dislike low rates and would give it a shot even if it didnt have best content possible and we have litterally no options at all and not even something to look forward in the near future.

Also Tai why did you even post here? You are just spamming.
I have played the server but not sure how thats relevant
I do read the forums every now and then but again not sure how thats relevant to what i posted
Because they perhaps dont have the time i suggested a half-arsed server with some rates changed (not exactly time consuming)
Also suggested a bigger GG shop for better donations to give them incentive (or interest as u said)

At least read the damn thread before posting some random crap. Moderate yourself.
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Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
As people have mentioned, there's really just not enough time to handle the current server let alone another one.

I agree, high rates are great when they work and are really fun but the reason they're so fun is because there's LOADS of new content coming out to keep people busy. That's why I prefer them over low rates.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
I could make a list of tons of suggestions on how to make it a proper high rate server other than changing some rates but that would require too much time which would be taken from the current server.
You cant imagine how many of us there are that dislike low rates and would give it a shot even if it didnt have best content possible and we have litterally no options at all and not even something to look forward in the near future.

Also Tai why did you even post here? You are just spamming.
I have played the server but not sure how thats relevant
I do read the forums every now and then but again not sure how thats relevant to what i posted
Because they perhaps dont have the time i suggested a half-arsed server with some rates changed (not exactly time consuming)
Also suggested a bigger GG shop for better donations to give them incentive (or interest as u said)

At least read the damn thread before posting some random crap. Moderate yourself.

I've already answered all your questions in my previous post.

Tai said:
If you have you'd realise they wouldn't have the time (or probably interest)

As I've said to you before; you have no idea the time involved in creating or running a server because you never have yourself. As for doing a half arsed version well, see Razarus' post


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
How is server being bad or good relevant to this post.... Jesus.

Really? you need to ask that question.. jheez its like having to feed a baby.

If the server is enjoyed by the many... then there is no need to please the very few by asking the owners to make a clone of this server in HR. That's why its important to get the feelings of the players on the server.

Does that help answer your question?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 25, 2003
I'm sure the server team would make time if they felt the potential income from a high rate server was worthwhile. Only they can awnser that.

Sqaull - out of interest what sort of demand is actually out there for a high rate server? user count estimate?
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LOMCN Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
I'm sure the server team would make time if they felt the potential income from a high rate server was worthwhile. Only they can awnser that.

So much hate , thank the team for the time you spent enjoying the server would be better maybe?

Now move along. There'll be no loitering...


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 25, 2003
So much hate , thank the team for the time you spent enjoying the server would be better maybe?

Now move along. There'll be no loitering...

So much hate? What on earth are you talking about?


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 13, 2014
There is massive call for a high rate.

Go back one year at around Chrons launch to gauge it easier, there was ThreeHeroes with a steady 50-60 users in evening, the only long term high rate open at the time. Thats probably over 100 people that play it or maybe nearer 150. There was the satellite servers that were either newly up or in their twilight that struggled for 30 users that died, which we still get today (Gravity, TGA etc). The 600 (?) peak of users on Chron launch fell to 200 after initial hype faded and user count leveled out to peaks and troughs as all server do. A very large quantity of those lost numbers were purely cause of the rate. Current servers open are Arcadia and Chronicles, with probably 300-350 UC between them at peaks, arguably around 800-1200 players between them. Aswell as the little servers holding 100 or so. Thats alot of people.

A well executed High Rate requires, as previously mentioned, constant regular, bug free updates and correct statting in item teirs. Sadly im not sure the Chronicles server team would be able to deliver this, as 1 or 2 updates in a year (which were delayed or delivered poorly) would just not be good enough. Also the statting of Chronicles is just mirrored from euro, no work gone into it at all. Okay, theres the level 50+ items, but adding 1-0 stats on items isnt hard.

The only person id trust with delivering absolute gameplay on a High Rate is Ben, who is willing to do so but doesnt have the backing of a team unfortunately.

Might be an idea to see if the Chronicles team will do codey guy stuff for a High Rate and let Ben run it? I dunno, probably wouldnt want to on either party but could work.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
I'm sure the server team would make time if they felt the potential income from a high rate server was worthwhile. Only they can awnser that.

Sqaull - out of interest what sort of demand is actually out there for a high rate server? user count estimate?

The last server ben made without 1/100th of the advertising Chronicles team was able to do (not even facebook group) hit arroun 230 at launch and stabilised to arround say 150 for a decent ammount of time.

There are ppl that dont like low rates. They dispise them.
There are ppl that dont have loads of free time so they want to compete through a gameshop (like it or not those ppl do exist).
There are ppl that dont like euro clones low or high rates.

This is a rough estimate but i believe a proper High rate with decent advertisement without getting a single person from this low rate would easily be on 100-150 Usercount. Tbf tho if someone invested all that time and made that proper high rate it would destroy Chronicles within 2weeks hence im not asking for that.

The idea Adv posted is very nice but aint gonna happen since team doesnt allow a lot of ppl near their files let alone Ben who is treated like being the Devil by many retards here.


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
I fail to see what this thread has to do with Chronicles so i am moving it out of this section

Maybe a high rate server will appear, maybe it will not but the Chronicles section is not the place to be asking/talking about one

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