BloodDrench 1.9!!!!!

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 2, 2005
lol i thought it was u when he said punk'd .. but then he said no really hes dead in hospital his flu got too bad and he got numonia and flopped out on his back now hes dead oO what a nub


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jan 30, 2006
I know, It's sick. I'm just finding something fishy, after speaking to baron1 over the months, I've never seen him type like this, Now i'm not saying he types bad, i'm saying that tonight he is typing much alike to his brother.


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
To be honest I know this seems really harsh and sick Zeb(Even though I do like him alot) but none of the guys who actually posted here give a shiz whether this guy died or not, I mean, its not as if you know him in real life and that his passing would affect you're lives a tiny bit. Although it would be a sad moment, half of you were just happy that you were being chosen to become GM. I think half of the people in this thread are just looking for a GM/Admin position with no work involved, all lazy bastads in my opinion. All the rest of us work for a GM Position in a server team and gain the respect of other members, I suggest you follow in Zeberines footsteps and work for a server/respect, he is ill and in hospital yet this kid STILL finds a way to build a server and talk to his friends on msn, what a legend. Take a leaf from his book, work for your successes.

Yours with faith,

-Get well soon Zeb mate, I'm with ya.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 12, 2004
United Kingdom
tbh i did actually care if he died as he seemed like a kl person on msn and on the forums. why else would i post to inform the rest of you...yes i am a gm on the server..even if i werent i would still go out of my way to post about what has happened (or in this case...thought out)....yes this was a sick trick playing with people feelings but some people DO care about other peoples lifes and not just about the i am not flaming at anyone but if somone just thinks that people are not going to care about somone that has gone out of the way to make a server even when he is ill then they are wrong.....sure there are SOME people that only care about this game but others dont...i for one was shocked when i heard that all this was a trick as my uncle passed away from neumonia not to long ago.... this trick for sick nomatter what anyone sais......

i may have gone a lil off topic but oh well...

get well soon baron and GL stabbing ur bro lol (most prob i the proccess of doing it now!)

and GN all


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 26, 2005
ok ffs, back in hospitol again, im useing my dads handheld sat nav :D which has the internet and windows. but still, im giving it to hope, im not getting any better :(, i think this because its been in and out all week, and it just not ****ing changing ne thing. sorry about the long delay


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 26, 2005
Baron1 said:
ok ffs, back in hospitol again, im useing my dads handheld sat nav :D which has the internet and windows. but still, im giving it to hope, im not getting any better :(, i think this because its been in and out all week, and it just not ****ing changing ne thing. sorry about the long delay
acctually, scrap that all week part, its been more like all MONTH
but thanks for your conserns


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
Right mate, come on msn later. If you need ANY help with the server whatsoever, i'm pretty damn good with the DB's, just gimme a shout if I can do it I will. Whatever you need, i'm here for ya buddy.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 16, 2005
Get well soon, dont even know you, but hate people being ill.

I got experience with servers, got one nearly fully made on my PC (AncientLords) if anyone used to play it. Add me to msn if you like.

[email protected]


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
Ok well, I've been talking to 'Baron' recently on msn, and I have no proof of this, but it seems to me this is another one of his schemes to get people to do his work for him. I know this is a major change of heart coming from my direction, but I am merely posting what I believe and I will NOT have the wool pulled over my eyes again, as he has done it twice before. You people can do whatever you wish, if you wish to help him, or not after this post, that is for you to decide not for me.
For starters I asked him how such a young and healthy guy can get so beaten up over the flu, I mean... Hospital? For the flu... No. Now he says he also has asma, although I know that asma is a major backpulse in the UK. Also why hadn't he mentioned this before? Strange in my opinion.
Secondly, I've already said how he has already messed me around twice with mirservers. He said this on msn;
Quote: 'listen, is there any way we can pretend that didnt happen and start a fresh until i mess up again'
Stating that he is going to mess me around again.
Although he said that is not what he meant as soon as I stated that, I still believe it could happen sometime soon.
Lastly, he now says;
Quote: 'what mirs do u play, i might be able to get some things'
Whats this? I believe that is a form of bribery. He has also tried this on me before, of course me being a human, I accepted and was conned on both occasions. I know, silly of me to accept a second time, hence the reason for me not having the wool pulled over my eyes, AGAIN.

The moral of the story is, I will not trust 'Baron' until he has utter proof that he has this horible medical condition of which he preaches about, although you lot can, if you do get conned or whatever you wish to call it, don't say I didn't warn you. Of course, after this he will obviously post about what a scum I am and how evil I have been to him. Trust him or me, up to you.

As soon as I come up with more evidence or that he proves himself, I will edit.

Last edited:


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 26, 2005
w00t84 said:
Ok well, I've been talking to 'Baron' recently on msn, and I have no proof of this, but it seems to me this is another one of his schemes to get people to do his work for him. I know this is a major change of heart coming from my direction, but I am merely posting what I believe and I will NOT have the wool pulled over my eyes again, as he has done it twice before. You people can do whatever you wish, if you wish to help him, or not after this post, that is for you to decide not for me.
For starters I asked him how such a young and healthy guy can get so beaten up over the flu, I mean... Hospital? For the flu... No. Now he says he also has asma, although I know that asma is a major backpulse in the UK. Also why hadn't he mentioned this before? Strange in my opinion.
Secondly, I've already said how he has already messed me around twice with mirservers. He said this on msn;
Quote: 'listen, is there any way we can pretend that didnt happen and start a fresh until i mess up again'
Stating that he is going to mess me around again.
Although he said that is not what he meant as soon as I stated that, I still believe it could happen sometime soon.
Lastly, he now says;
Quote: 'what mirs do u play, i might be able to get some things'
Whats this? I believe that is a form of bribery. He has also tried this on me before, of course me being a human, I accepted and was conned on both occasions. I know, silly of me to accept a second time, hence the reason for me not having the wool pulled over my eyes, AGAIN.

The moral of the story is, I will not trust 'Baron' until he has utter proof that he has this horible medical condition of which he preaches about, although you lot can, if you do get conned or whatever you wish to call it, don't say I didn't warn you.

OMFG!!!! Yea they are lines from what i sed but they were simply because i did mess steish around before and i was trying to make it up to him, none of that was bribery!!! and im sorry u cant see im sick over the computor. and id like to make a point, how many asmatics out there have caught a cold, or flu (in my case) and its gone to your chests and made u very ill.....thought so, so steish dont u dare try n twist my words for no reason!!!


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 26, 2005
and sorry to post again, but steish offered help, i didnt ask for any help!, so i wasnt trying to pull the wool over ne1s eyes again


Big Dick
Golden Oldie
May 25, 2004
You miss my point completely, I am saying, you more than likely dont have this sickness which you are preaching about, merely making it up for attention and to be noticed, also for people to do you're work for you. Next time read what I'm saying instead of jumping around to conclusions, your post actually states nothing in you're direction just makes you look more like the idiot conner you are.

Also why not edit your post? Dumbass, that's what I do.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 26, 2005
y fake it???? i have nothing to fake for, ive been doing this server by myself! so i wasnt looking for ne special favers


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
I will say it once and say it good. You want to pretend your ill .... find but do it elsewhere.

Want to ask people to help you in your difficult time? fine but do it elswhere.

Want to keep the respect of (if you have any) people that like you then shut up.

Want to keep your forum account then use the ****ing edit button and stop dobule posting.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 2, 2005
You can all stfu, sams one of my good m8s and hes been working on his server over 7 months now working hard etc.. he has had bad flu and been in and out of hospital more then 6 times so tbh all stfu.. sam never fakes anything
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