[C# Files] Apocalypse Mir

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
A lot of people forget the skill range that sins have, they have darkbody, moonlight, now also shadowstep and assassinate, utilize their spells properly and you'll see a big change in a sin vs warr, especially if flashdash is made how it is supposed to be ( that's when yellow poison reduces your Armour ), i really don't see what the problem is.

Flash Dash is like this.

I think Assassins will be a very powerful class to play ;)

-Apocalypse Team


Night date without obligations, one night only
Loyal Member
Sep 11, 2005
Flash Dash is like this.

I think Assassins will be a very powerful class to play ;)

-Apocalypse Team

i wont be playing sin or warr, but there you have it, a sin with flash dash and can use it properly smashes a warr, just saying.....

here is a good point, is their any chance you can have FF do less damage on undead mobs, just so certain spells are still usable, like people playing a wiz (and if they have FF) i don't see the enjoyment running through every cave just using FF because it can hit everything, i believe FF should do less damage then TS on undead mobs and vise versa
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
Well like u said i based it on past experience. If your spells are completely custom then you make me really happy.

I just expected FF will work both on living and undead ppl so its just a better TS and necessary in every cave except the undead ones.
I expected tdb is a double hit that cuts through ac so that basicly doubles or tripples warrior's damage output.

I suppose my way of posting could be a bit offencive and we end up in arguments while im only trying to give some feedback based on my huge experience. My frustration comes from the fact that i havent seen a proper server since 2.3 files which was like 3-4 years ago.

I keep seeing:
- Euro caves (obviously bugcave is gonna feel amazing the 1000th time u are going to do lvl20-30 in it)
- Afk leveling spells (apparently getting to the necessary lvl for say lvl3 shinsu isnt enough. I have to spawn it a few thousand times next to guards to worth the lvl3)
- Euro items (whats more exciting than camping WG's for drings? And when you get em u can finnally move on to the proper caves with that amazing 0-1 dc u just gainned)
- Fuked up balance thats based on rare high lvl spells (and if you dont get em or till you get em simply hunting/pvping is not enjoyable)
- Taos are a support class (which tao would possibly want to hunt solo when his mates not on? And when his mates on whats more fun than just poisoning the boss and do a blessing every 5minutes right?_
- Sins shouldnt melee warriors (suppose they either mean not to fight em at all or HeavenlyStrike em to death)
- Bosses having like 3hr respawn times (whats more exciting than running a cave for 30mins to find out someone was just ahead of u and u have to either tt or wait 2,5 hrs?)
- Solo hunting or small group hunting is not an option (apparently on a 50usercount server is very easy to find 10man groups constantly)

I really do hope and wish your server has none of the above problems, really succeeds and offers me many hours of fun. Thats the only reason im posting.


Night date without obligations, one night only
Loyal Member
Sep 11, 2005
Well like u said i based it on past experience. If your spells are completely custom then you make me really happy.

I just expected FF will work both on living and undead ppl so its just a better TS and necessary in every cave except the undead ones.
I expected tdb is a double hit that cuts through ac so that basicly doubles or tripples warrior's damage output.

I suppose my way of posting could be a bit offencive and we end up in arguments while im only trying to give some feedback based on my huge experience. My frustration comes from the fact that i havent seen a proper server since 2.3 files which was like 3-4 years ago.

I keep seeing:
- Euro caves (obviously bugcave is gonna feel amazing the 1000th time u are going to do lvl20-30 in it)
- Afk leveling spells (apparently getting to the necessary lvl for say lvl3 shinsu isnt enough. I have to spawn it a few thousand times next to guards to worth the lvl3)
- Euro items (whats more exciting than camping WG's for drings? And when you get em u can finnally move on to the proper caves with that amazing 0-1 dc u just gainned)
- Fuked up balance thats based on rare high lvl spells (and if you dont get em or till you get em simply hunting/pvping is not enjoyable)
- Taos are a support class (which tao would possibly want to hunt solo when his mates not on? And when his mates on whats more fun than just poisoning the boss and do a blessing every 5minutes right?_
- Sins shouldnt melee warriors (suppose they either mean not to fight em at all or HeavenlyStrike em to death)
- Bosses having like 3hr respawn times (whats more exciting than running a cave for 30mins to find out someone was just ahead of u and u have to either tt or wait 2,5 hrs?)
- Solo hunting or small group hunting is not an option (apparently on a 50usercount server is very easy to find 10man groups constantly)

I really do hope and wish your server has none of the above problems, really succeeds and offers me many hours of fun. Thats the only reason im posting.

i'v literally just posted about this :PP


Feb 26, 2004

Decent looking team.
Decent advert.
Decent content.

Down with the time wasting server teams, rise the pro and reliant ones :D

Can't wait to try it out. By the video you clearly already have testers, just wondering if there is a way to contribute too? I haven't read the pages of spam, so sorry if you already mentioned this.

One question,
I noticed the Hunter (Or Archer) has 5 new pets, which is pretty cool. I main a Tao, and always have done since I started Mir. Will they be receiving new pets at all? Would be nice to see a change in this regard as nothing since Deva has been done with them.
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LOMCN Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
lol i think i'll agree with the rest here:
it's ok to have some spells hard to get, however:
if you assume a class like wizard needs FF to lvl, then he should get FF
it's pretty much a joke to offer a balanced/fair server if you make it so only a few lucky ppl can actualy lvl fast (aka those who got lucky enough to get their top lvling skills)
i have no objection to some skills being rare, but you need to BALANCE it (aka give ppl base skills and not make every single lvl 4x skill rare)

biggest stupidity i've seen in almost every mir server: a wiz who gets luck/has a few friends that get lucky and gets FF can suddenly lvl 10times faster then others who didnt get lucky? (how can you make a balanced server if 1 lucky skill drop makes you better then anyone else who spend 3times more time ingame?)
yea that has been the argument for atleast the past 2 years. You can't realistically balance the classes when the end game skills are rare.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
yea that has been the argument for atleast the past 2 years. You can't realistically balance the classes when the end game skills are rare.

I cant agree with it.

Because the next argument will be kit.

If every one has the same skills. The people with Full top gear will completely gank the people without it. Infact it will be worse because having top skills is useless without the good kit, so those with high kit and all the spells will be doing The highest possible damage.

The only real way to ensure balance is to give everyone the same kit/spells/level. But then you are not talking about mir anymore.

I keep saying this, but no one seems to see this point :boxing:.

-Apocalypse Team


Staff member
May 19, 2003
I disagree, i also think when you're level 50 you should have decent access to everything at your level - armours/items/spells. Maybe not through a store, but atleast commonly dropped through a dungeon of your current level.

The end game comes when you start enchanting / crafting these items, or finding the same items with added stats.

You retain balance and everyones happy because they're not stuck with a level 30 armour still at level 50.


Feb 26, 2004
I cant agree with it.

Because the next argument will be kit.

If every one has the same skills. The people with Full top gear will completely gank the people without it. Infact it will be worse because having top skills is useless without the good kit, so those with high kit and all the spells will be doing The highest possible damage.

The only real way to ensure balance is to give everyone the same kit/spells/level. But then you are not talking about mir anymore.

I keep saying this, but no one seems to see this point :boxing:.

-Apocalypse Team

You have to remember, not all players here are use to "Mir" lol.

I'm old school, from Mir BETA. I remember having to hunt for SummonShinsu and MassHealing. Back in the days when Lv35 skills were the max, and TDB/CHM/Deva doesn't exist etc. I think the majority of this community didn't arrive until after the big patch of the skills came in, which by that point, all skills up to 35 were in shop due to how common they had become and most of the new ones too.

Of course this happens over time, is what people don't understand lol. The more common something is, the cheaper it becomes and the more likely it is to end up as a shop item from people. This, for me, is Legends of Mir, this is the route I expect all servers to take in regards to items and spells...But like I said, i'm old school lol. I know in MMOs today that release, books aren't used and skills are just "Unlocked" at certain levels and made more powerful by items.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
I disagree, i also think when you're level 50 you should have decent access to everything at your level - armours/items/spells. Maybe not through a store, but atleast commonly dropped through a dungeon of your current level.

The end game comes when you start enchanting / crafting these items, or finding the same items with added stats.

You retain balance and everyones happy because they're not stuck with a level 30 armour still at level 50.

Where's the progression once you have everything?

This type of server would mean you would need an update once every week to add new content, and well lets be honest, 4 new balanced maps with new challenges each week is a little optimistic for those of us who have full time jobs!

I have never had to have this discussion before, im finding it a little confusing, I was sure people came to play mir still because they really enjoyed the way it was set up? I know for sure that's why I returned, I was fed up of playing WoW/LoL, where everyone has the same gear as you within one week. I love the fact that mir is so RNG and that you can aquire items in different ways, such as pk (body drops). The excitement of 'randomness' is what people love and hate about mir. That one chance of getting a Heavenarmour/Mir item is what makes people hunt!

-Apocalypse Team
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Staff member
May 19, 2003
Just like every mmo, you provide good end game content.

Lets say you go through all the main 'story' content, reach max level (lets say 60) - you've done all the main dungeons, got all your skills, got all your basic armour/items/weapons from various drops.

Now you move on to end game content.

Crafting your items to get them higher in stats
doing end game dungeons which provide you with materials to make better items
doing repeatable quests and daily quests to get special mounts or pets.
having pvp contests

then a patch comes out that ups your level cap by 5. Gives a few new dungeons, items, quests. And then people go through that content until they've capped. Then they repeat the end game process to keep everything fun.

I've always hated mir private servers that feel the need to limit items and slow down leveling because they don't have enough content for people. If you don't have enough content that allows people to progress all the way through to level cap AND have suitable end game content - then your server obviously isn't ready and you shouldn't be releasing.

I've never played an mmo that's gone with the idea of "we've not made enough dungeons at high level yet, so lets make the items and skills super rare to slow people down".

Also, a lot of that rant wasn't aimed directly at this thread or at you. More of just a general hatred I have for a lot of private servers here.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Just like every mmo, you provide good end game content.

Lets say you go through all the main 'story' content, reach max level (lets say 60) - you've done all the main dungeons, got all your skills, got all your basic armour/items/weapons from various drops.

Now you move on to end game content.

Crafting your items to get them higher in stats
doing end game dungeons which provide you with materials to make better items
doing repeatable quests and daily quests to get special mounts or pets.
having pvp contests

then a patch comes out that ups your level cap by 5. Gives a few new dungeons, items, quests. And then people go through that content until they've capped. Then they repeat the end game process to keep everything fun.

I've always hated mir private servers that feel the need to limit items and slow down leveling because they don't have enough content for people. If you don't have enough content that allows people to progress all the way through to level cap AND have suitable end game content - then your server obviously isn't ready and you shouldn't be releasing.

I've never played an mmo that's gone with the idea of "we've not made enough dungeons at high level yet, so lets make the items and skills super rare to slow people down".

Also, a lot of that rant wasn't aimed directly at this thread or at you. More of just a general hatred I have for a lot of private servers here.

I 10000% agree with all of this. This is how successful MMO's are run these days.

But lets be honest, mir is an old game with a completely different audience.

If I was going to make a server like this, I would not be using mir files! I would be using files of a game that attracts thousands of players, not hundreds.

These files have been made because the 3 of us in the team love Mir!

We don't want to take the Mir feeling away.

-Apocalypse Team


Night date without obligations, one night only
Loyal Member
Sep 11, 2005
yeh getting your spell upon lvling is known to mainly med/high servers, i expect a low rate server to be a grind, yeah its bad when u can have one person spend like 10 hours on the game and get nothing and one little group of people come on the server and in 2 hours have alot of there kit sitting in store, this is what i love about mir.

mir is never going to be on par with WOW/LOL or any game like that and i dont think mir should at any point follow suit.

mir is all about grinding finding kit and spells and then smashing your enemys to pieces.

keep it like this please gms


Staff member
May 19, 2003
I'm all for nostalgia, i play mir because i loved what it was 12 years ago. But being a hard grind session wasn't one of the things i enjoyed.

Maybe for a lot of people this is the main thing they like about mir still, but in my opinion i think updating the way mir plays and removing that constant grind for exp and items will make mir even more enjoyable.

You have to remember that these aren't the files we all played in euro beta. They have more classes, much more leveling content, and tons of extra side content that we didn't have originally.

Theres no need to have to grind for weeks to find your spells, because simply there are better things to do now.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
This statement confuses me.
Lets say we give every spell to every player on login, What then decides the balance of the power is the items. Its the same concept, the only difference is, the way Mir has always run is that items + spells = most power. Changing it will still have the same impact, unless we give every 1 the exact same gear.. but then it becomes a different type of game. People come to LOMCN to play Mir because they love the gameplay.
I know that's how I feel anyway.

I don't want to keep going around in circles, all I can say is trust our judgement in the understanding of players frustrations in class balance, we have worked very hard to make as balanced as fair a server as we can

-Apocalypse Team

No because items dont define how fun your class is to play.

I dont mind running around in **** kit, but if i dont have spells. Nah **** that, id rarther pull my eyes out.

You have to remember, not all players here are use to "Mir" lol.

I'm old school, from Mir BETA. I remember having to hunt for SummonShinsu and MassHealing. Back in the days when Lv35 skills were the max, and TDB/CHM/Deva doesn't exist etc. I think the majority of this community didn't arrive until after the big patch of the skills came in, which by that point, all skills up to 35 were in shop due to how common they had become and most of the new ones too.

Of course this happens over time, is what people don't understand lol. The more common something is, the cheaper it becomes and the more likely it is to end up as a shop item from people. This, for me, is Legends of Mir, this is the route I expect all servers to take in regards to items and spells...But like I said, i'm old school lol. I know in MMOs today that release, books aren't used and skills are just "Unlocked" at certain levels and made more powerful by items.

I've played since BETA.

I am just not fond of repeating myself a hundred times.

I'm all for nostalgia, i play mir because i loved what it was 12 years ago. But being a hard grind session wasn't one of the things i enjoyed.

Maybe for a lot of people this is the main thing they like about mir still, but in my opinion i think updating the way mir plays and removing that constant grind for exp and items will make mir even more enjoyable.

You have to remember that these aren't the files we all played in euro beta. They have more classes, much more leveling content, and tons of extra side content that we didn't have originally.

Theres no need to have to grind for weeks to find your spells, because simply there are better things to do now.

What this guy said, there is 100's of other stuff you could be doing, other than grinding for spells you need to be usefull, i dont mind brand new spells being rare, but the euro till 2.3 should be given to you.

God, someone give me a set of files that arnt totally ****ed and i will show you how its done -.-
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
I cant agree with it.

Because the next argument will be kit.

If every one has the same skills. The people with Full top gear will completely gank the people without it. Infact it will be worse because having top skills is useless without the good kit, so those with high kit and all the spells will be doing The highest possible damage.

The only real way to ensure balance is to give everyone the same kit/spells/level. But then you are not talking about mir anymore.

I keep saying this, but no one seems to see this point :boxing:.

-Apocalypse Team

You are wrong in this one.

Yes there must be rare and super rare items that are basicly OP and reward ppl that commit in hunting them and if anything ppl's kits should be unbalanced between each other. The minute i log in a server and see everyone in bichon being in same kit i log off and delete it.

But comparing that with spells.... Is there an item that makes TS hurt living mobs/ppl? Is there an item that makes warriors hit twice as strong? Is there an item that makes halfmoon hit 8 targets instead of 4? etc etc

Balance= what a class i CAPABLE of doing no matter kit not what each specific person is doing depending on his lvl/kit/effort. Please dont confuse those things.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
I'm all for nostalgia, i play mir because i loved what it was 12 years ago. But being a hard grind session wasn't one of the things i enjoyed.

Maybe for a lot of people this is the main thing they like about mir still, but in my opinion i think updating the way mir plays and removing that constant grind for exp and items will make mir even more enjoyable.

You have to remember that these aren't the files we all played in euro beta. They have more classes, much more leveling content, and tons of extra side content that we didn't have originally.

Theres no need to have to grind for weeks to find your spells, because simply there are better things to do now.

And this is our plan, but whilst hunting the new content, this is where you will also gather some skills. Its the same concept. Instead of hunting only for items, you are also hunting for some of the new skills.
yeh getting your spell upon lvling is known to mainly med/high servers, i expect a low rate server to be a grind, yeah its bad when u can have one person spend like 10 hours on the game and get nothing and one little group of people come on the server and in 2 hours have alot of there kit sitting in store, this is what i love about mir.

mir is never going to be on par with WOW/LOL or any game like that and i dont think mir should at any point follow suit.

mir is all about grinding finding kit and spells and then smashing your enemys to pieces.

keep it like this please gms

It will be kept similar to this, although different spells will have different values and rarities.

No because items dont define how fun your class is to play.

I dont mind running around in **** kit, but if i dont have spells. Nah **** that, id rarther pull my eyes out.

But your spells will be bad without the good gear they will just look different... We are now talking about Aesthetic appreciation, and well we all know we want this, otherwise items like HeavenArmour would be worth 1mill rather than 500m (an example of prices). People pay this to look good. Just the same with spells.

-Apocalypse Team


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
And this is our plan, but whilst hunting the new content, this is where you will also gather some skills. Its the same concept. Instead of hunting only for items, you are also hunting for some of the new skills.

It will be kept similar to this, although different spells will have different values and rarities.

But your spells will be bad without the good gear they will just look different... We are now talking about Aesthetic appreciation, and well we all know we want this, otherwise items like HeavenArmour would be worth 1mill rather than 500m (an example of prices). People pay this to look good. Just the same with spells.

-Apocalypse Team

Not if you balance the server properly...... Yeah people with good kit should hurt more and last longer, How-ever one of the main good points of euro was a decent warrior in a GreatAxe @ level 30 could drop a level 45 in a SOWG.

I dont think i ever had over 60 DC on euro (i was really unlucky...) Yet i never struggled to kill people with alot better kit than me, Unless they were better players/Alot faster


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
You are wrong in this one.

Yes there must be rare and super rare items that are basicly OP and reward ppl that commit in hunting them and if anything ppl's kits should be unbalanced between each other. The minute i log in a server and see everyone in bichon being in same kit i log off and delete it.

But comparing that with spells.... Is there an item that makes TS hurt living mobs/ppl? Is there an item that makes warriors hit twice as strong? Is there an item that makes halfmoon hit 8 targets instead of 4? etc etc

Balance= what a class i CAPABLE of doing no matter kit not what each specific person is doing depending on his lvl/kit/effort. Please dont confuse those things.

I appreciate that you are replying through interest rather than moaning! But I am saying the same thing to you every post. Nothing is going to be for free, including spells. You are going to have to hunt for new spells, Just like on 90% of low rate servers.

-Apocalypse Team

Not if you balance the server properly...... Yeah people with good kit should hurt more and last longer, How-ever one of the main good points of euro was a decent warrior in a GreatAxe @ level 30 could drop a level 45 in a SOWG.

I dont think i ever had over 60 DC on euro (i was really unlucky...) Yet i never struggled to kill people with alot better kit than me, Unless they were better players/Alot faster

I so agree with this! I was talking yesterday to a friend, and we had this exact discussion about warriors able to kill players in GreatAxes on euro!

But unfortunately these files have too many different classes and features to render this realistic now.

-Apocalypse Team


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 3, 2004
I appreciate that you are replying through interest rather than moaning! But I am saying the same thing to you every post. Nothing is going to be for free, including spells. You are going to have to hunt for new spells, Just like on 90% of low rate servers.

-Apocalypse Team

Just make sure you wont make us afk lvl spells and i will be happy. Can we at least get that? Or afk spawnning skeles to guards is considered working for it? Tired of trying to point out the obvious.
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