

i get thru bout 10 a day thats it unless im drinking then i could get thru like 40 lol.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 8, 2003
i smoke have dont since last yr at school i had no friends and decided to get attention by smoking which unbelievble made me gain friends and a good grounding after parents found ciggy's in my blazer lol. gotta give up i am not proud or think its clever to smoke if u havent started or just started dont it only gets harder to stop


ppl need it when they get stressed!!! and yeh if u aint started dont bother waste of pennys :P unless ur mums or dads OWN shops which would be handy and for booze :P.


ipixie™ said:
i enjoy smoking atm, no point lying about it.

But if i had the choice again, i wouldnt smoke.

Well ive tryed to quit to many time but then theres always someone winding me up so i just end up smoking again dont think i will ever quit tbh and u cant beat a nice ciggy after some food most enjoying time of having a ciggi imo. :handsquis


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 17, 2003
im most likely gonnastart smoking again on tuesday :P(thats when im back from germany) due to me haning around all my friends smoking :P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 11, 2005
Northern Ireland
MysticTao said:
Well ive tryed to quit to many time but then theres always someone winding me up so i just end up smoking again dont think i will ever quit tbh and u cant beat a nice ciggy after some food most enjoying time of having a ciggi imo. :handsquis

hard to beat!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 22, 2003
Coalville, Leicestershire
smoking is for retards
only idiots smoke.... lmao at the end of the day its our own life we all goin to die some day no matter what, so ppl wanna smoke n kill thereself doin that let it be, u could just go out n get hit by a bus or sommet whats it matter?

all u need todo is open ur frontdoor these days n could get killed so what the hell

i live my life one day at a time n make the most of it, so what if i smoke gotta die somehow might aswell die happy doin the things i like.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 9, 2004
Rampage said:
i smoke explain how im a loser...

Explain why you smoke...

and as for those saying that it relieves stress then you don't know how wrong you are, it wouldn't surprise me if the stress is brought on by not having a ciggarette, how many of you lot actually get stressed? lol

Its not as if it even tastes good, smells good or make you look hardcore, it may look like that to the retards that do smoke, but as for those who actually have something going for them you all look like stupid fags trying to get attention...


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 22, 2003
Coalville, Leicestershire
DarkXXX said:
Explain why you smoke...

and as for those saying that it relieves stress then you don't know how wrong you are, it wouldn't surprise me if the stress is brought on by not having a ciggarette, how many of you lot actually get stressed? lol

Its not as if it even tastes good, smells good or make you look hardcore, it may look like that to the retards that do smoke, but as for those who actually have something going for them you all look like stupid fags trying to get attention...

y u automatically asume ppl who smoke have nothing goin for them?

and i smoke cus i like a fag to wake me up in the mornin and u say they taste bad? so u most of smoked at some point.

i actualy like the taste expecialy after a meal.

n if i wanted to look "hardcore" i would use some weights and buy some bling n baseball bat or sommet not a pack of fags.
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Grr people, stop with the "but you could get hit by a bus " argument -_- It's extremely difficult if not impossible to prevent things such as being hit by a bus or car, being in an accident/crash, etc. (except if you never left the house). Smoking is preventable and if you don't smoke you've almost entirely cut out the risk of contracting a smoking related illness/disease (I say almost because there's still the minute possibility of catching one through passive smoking).
I'm not going to call you all stupid for smoking because that's absolutely rediculous, I know plenty of people who smoke who are incredibly intelligent people, but it IS a stupid thing to do and I'm those of you who do smoke know why it's stupid.


LOMCN VIP (Mapper)
Jul 28, 2004
UK - Midlands
Iv'e smoked a while, but havn't been smoking as much as i used to. Had 1 yesterday. Not planning on having 1 today, even though i really could do with one. Guna go to the gym instead probs.


Apr 15, 2003
I don't smoke, i cant stand the smell of it.

GilgaMesh said:
I smoke, Have done since 1st year in primary school.
Thats like, age 7? Do you mean First year of secondary (age 11) or were you really that stupid at 7 ?

I dont understand why people start to smoke? Its a huge waste of money :/


so is alot of things like ive said b4 its just one of those things.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 6, 2004
Well me as a smoker, i personally think im a loser for doin so. Its amazin after 4yrs maybe of smokin how unfit i have become compared to how i was. I dont mean a fat over weight loser lol jus i get nackerd alot quicker but doesnt stop me doin the same as i did tbh. I think smokin 15+ a day is jus daft i have 1 like every 4/5hrs if tht, or i could go the whole day n av 1 jus b4 i got bed tbh. Stress? lol at age's 18/19 ppl shunt b gettin stressed imo its jus weakness and a lame excuse :thumbup: .

Edit - also reason y i smoke at college is thru bordem its tht sh1t -_-, quittin afta i leave tbh.
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