[Custom C# Files] Apocalypse Mir 2

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Dedicated Member
Apr 17, 2015
Listen, because of your stupid competiton on ** i've been tagged like 3 times, now you owe me 1000GG for spamming my personal life. k thx


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 24, 2005
Will hunters be dc based?and what will their dps be more focus on single target or aoe?


Nov 7, 2007
I always thought Chronicles was one of the least P2W servers there has ever been purely based on HardTorces as their main selling item, if was never effecting PVP or PVE, not to mention they dropped from bosses and subs a lot.
If i was playing i wouldn't be bothered about Hardtorches being in there as long as that is the top selling item along with exp pots. or instead of them keeping 100% dura, make it lose dura around 80%, this allowing the player to keep their items for longer but will eventually have to replace.

Chronicles apart of this server? I was sent this advert from a email i have only used on chronicles..


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Got an email to, might be more of a case of lomcn giving the emails out?

Wasn't us.
As Tai has already said, if they wanted us to do it all they had to do was speak with one of us and we'd have sent the Ad out from LOMCN - Not give them the email addresses.


Dedicated Member
Jul 11, 2007
I can’t be bothered to read back through but am I right in thinking the download is being released today?


Feb 1, 2010
Got an email to, might be more of a case of lomcn giving the emails out?

couple of year back SAM the owner of chronicles sent everyone a Upcoming event patch email and it had everyone's emails tagged in by mistake, its not lomcns fault, it was a mistake made by SAM during sending emails.

and with the chronicles user-count hitting around 800 on release no doubt it has most of the active users emails that still keep up to date with lomcn or stop by every now nd then.


Loyal Member
Loyal Member
Dec 23, 2015
couple of year back SAM the owner of chronicles sent everyone a Upcoming event patch email and it had everyone's emails tagged in by mistake, its not lomcns fault, it was a mistake made by SAM during sending emails.

and with the chronicles user-count hitting around 800 on release no doubt it has most of the active users emails that still keep up to date with lomcn or stop by every now nd then.

7125 emails. What a blooper.


May 17, 2017
So a week left, when r we gonna have access to download the client as well as more details about the contents and cashshop info thank you


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
So a week left, when r we gonna have access to download the client as well as more details about the contents and cashshop info thank you

The download is being uploaded tomorrow night and will be placed into the auto patcher asap. unfortunately, we are all unavailable tonight.
Game shop will have nothing that needs information involved, expected items, EXP potions, soul/magic/destructive drugs/mounts, nothing that should upset anyone and nothing that is game changing.

-Apocalypse Team


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 19, 2014
The download is being uploaded tomorrow night and will be placed into the auto patcher asap. unfortunately, we are all unavailable tonight.
Game shop will have nothing that needs information involved, expected items, EXP potions, soul/magic/destructive drugs/mounts, nothing that should upset anyone and nothing that is game changing.

-Apocalypse Team

pleasing to read, see you on launch


May 7, 2018
The download is being uploaded tomorrow night and will be placed into the auto patcher asap. unfortunately, we are all unavailable tonight.
Game shop will have nothing that needs information involved, expected items, EXP potions, soul/magic/destructive drugs/mounts, nothing that should upset anyone and nothing that is game changing.

-Apocalypse Team

can these things be acquired without donating? or is it a case of donators only?


Dedicated Member
Apr 13, 2011
Tbh some people are For and some are Against HardTorches... you can put them in GameShop but make sure that you will have them in Sub and Boss drops aswel: - Sub = let's say HardTorch dura 5/5 ( low chance of droping )
- Boss = let's say HardTorch dura 10/10 ( medium chance of droping )

Also make them to lose dura on your items at 50% slower rate then normal, rather then making them 100% for no loss. This way items will not last forever, you need items to break or lose all the dura to maintain a healthy server. For example let's say you get a HeavenArmour droped, as much as i want to keep it forever i would like to see the dura droping on it and at some point the need to replace it.( this is just my opinion )
Not sure how many remember the days where you used to use a Armour or Sword, only at bosses, or pk because they were low low dura and you could not aford to lvl with them because you would eventualy lose them. Used to keep them in bags untill bosses or if there was some pk you would change them for the fight, with the risk of dying and losing your other ones that you had in bag replace . ( hope i made sense and my spelling was good )

Pots and SunPots, for Pots i would like to see them in bundle rather then stack 20 ... They used to be bundeled in stacks of 8 right? Also it need to be made in a way that people would have to TT at a certian point and buy more pots, this way you will prevent people from staying in the same place 24/7 ... For sunPots, i'm with Koriban on this one, like he said, don't put a cool down on them because you will spoil the fun in terms of pvp . Having SunPots will make people more confident when they fight and might actualy lose a fight because of their mistake. If you don't put a delay on them make them so people can only carry a amount like 10-15-20-25 you pick a number that you think it suits the best.

I hope there will not be AutoPot in game, that is a massive turn off ... Also are you guys prepared for the chinese gold farmers? Like on Zircon for example there were bots that farmed gold 24/7 and gave away all the gold to the top chinese players. When bots got banned they started to complain and said that they see nothing wrong with what they did, because it's in their chinese culture to help, so them farming 24/7 to keep their friends in top 10 made them happy because their friends were happy . There is a post i think ( if it didnt get deleted ) in the zircon section that says the exact same words i say . So we need to avoid this....

Also will you guys name and shame people that will get banned and the reason behind it? Not sure how many want to see this but i personaly think this should be a thing so everyone is aware of the situation. Because if you ban someone, people will find out, and not hearing the voice of the server Owners on the reason that the person got banned will start rumors and alot of talks, and if at some point he get's unbanned for whatever reason ( like on most servers happened, but everybody knows GM's got paid to unban their chars ( wich is fine with me idc) ) Then people will say GM's are corupt and stuff like that . So imo i think a name and shame should exist so people know what's happening.

Like anyother mir server, at certian points there will be Bugs... Some might be game breaking, some might be minor. Let's say someone will exploit a game breaking bug, will you guys do a rewind and ban the person for exploiting? I'm asking this, because back in the days on Chronicles there was a scandal the " Evil Mir scandal " regarding a bug that some guild abused where EM droped more then it should, and from what i remember people got away with drops, they didnt ban the people, didnt rewind and didnt take the items/ gold off them. ( not 100% sure on how the situation was because i alredy quit the game at that time, but i remember i read about it on here on lomcn ) . Also there was a bug on Zircon aswel, There was a Sword from a set that was giving out Wrong stats on SC, a chinese guy a Taoist was using that sword to kill the hardest boss in-game. He was keeping this sword on a different char not on his, when he was going to hunt the boss he was turning observer off, taking the sword from the other char and keeping it in his bag untill he was in the Boss room fighting the boss, so on the boss fight he was swaping weapons to kill the boss with the bugged weapon. He farmed that boss for a while untill he got cought , after that jamie removed the weapon but didnt want to ban him at first, the guy got Banned afer he raged on discord and started to abuse and insult Jamie, after some time when i returned to the server because i quit for a week or 2 i can't remember, the guy was back in the game, for whatever reason he got un-banned.

So what kind of aproaches will you do in similar cases?

Ban people for exploiting and do a rewind even if it has to be a day or 2 rewind and might make people angry / mad ?
Or just Ban people for exploiting without rewind ?
Will you unban people that got banned for serious reasons, like Boting / cheating ( we all know there are cheats and will always be and some will always use them because they used them on 60-70% of the servers ) / exploiting etc ?
Will you ban chinese gold botters?!

A question regarding Archer class, will it have same animation as on Chronicles or the other animation ? Not sure how to explain the other animation, i think there was on a server where the archer felt more like a robot, his animation was the same as the Archer Guards that you have in safe zones. If it will have the same as on chronicles it will be good ( at least for me, i liked it that way ) .

Will people be able to buy mounts and the accesories for the mounts from game shop with Gold aswel or will they be only for GameGold?
Will the other items that will be found in the game shop be available for gold purchase aswel or only for GameGold ?
All items from Shop, will we be able to trade them or put them in TM and sell for Gold or ar they soul bound?

Edit: i hope everything makes sense and sorry for any typos
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Dedicated Member
Apr 13, 2011
if you think people are gonna read through all that **** you got another thing coming.

All that s***? It's a bunch of questions that interest me and i'm pretty sure many others aswel, also i'm not allowed to ask questions or have an opinion or what's your problem? your post is off the subject from what i can see so i think you need to keep your s*** to your self if you can't be on the subject and come with some positive feedback.

Thank you and have a nice day

PS: let others read it that are more interested if you are not


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 29, 2011
Tbh some people are For and some are Against HardTorches... you can put them in GameShop but make sure that you will have them in Sub and Boss drops aswel: - Sub = let's say HardTorch dura 5/5 ( low chance of droping )
- Boss = let's say HardTorch dura 10/10 ( medium chance of droping )

Also make them to lose dura on your items at 50% slower rate then normal, rather then making them 100% for no loss. This way items will not last forever, you need items to break or lose all the dura to maintain a healthy server. For example let's say you get a HeavenArmour droped, as much as i want to keep it forever i would like to see the dura droping on it and at some point the need to replace it.( this is just my opinion )
Not sure how many remember the days where you used to use a Armour or Sword, only at bosses, or pk because they were low low dura and you could not aford to lvl with them because you would eventualy lose them. Used to keep them in bags untill bosses or if there was some pk you would change them for the fight, with the risk of dying and losing your other ones that you had in bag replace . ( hope i made sense and my spelling was good )

Pots and SunPots, for Pots i would like to see them in bundle rather then stack 20 ... They used to be bundeled in stacks of 8 right? Also it need to be made in a way that people would have to TT at a certian point and buy more pots, this way you will prevent people from staying in the same place 24/7 ... For sunPots, i'm with Koriban on this one, like he said, don't put a cool down on them because you will spoil the fun in terms of pvp . Having SunPots will make people more confident when they fight and might actualy lose a fight because of their mistake. If you don't put a delay on them make them so people can only carry a amount like 10-15-20-25 you pick a number that you think it suits the best.

I hope there will not be AutoPot in game, that is a massive turn off ... Also are you guys prepared for the chinese gold farmers? Like on Zircon for example there were bots that farmed gold 24/7 and gave away all the gold to the top chinese players. When bots got banned they started to complain and said that they see nothing wrong with what they did, because it's in their chinese culture to help, so them farming 24/7 to keep their friends in top 10 made them happy because their friends were happy . There is a post i think ( if it didnt get deleted ) in the zircon section that says the exact same words i say . So we need to avoid this....

Also will you guys name and shame people that will get banned and the reason behind it? Not sure how many want to see this but i personaly think this should be a think so everyone is aware of the situation. Because if you ban someone, people will find out, and not hearing the voice of the server Owners on the reason that the person got banned will start rumors and alot of talks, and if at some point he get's unbanned for whatever reason ( like on most servers happened, but everybody knows GM's got paid to unban their chars ( wich is fine with me idc) ) Then people will say GM's are corupt and stuff like that . So imo i think a name and shame should exist so people know what's happening.

Like anyother mir server, at certian points there will be Bugs... Some might be game breaking, some might be minor. Let's say someone will exploit a game breaking bug, will you guys do a rewind and ban the person for exploiting? I'm asking this, because back in the days on Chronicles there was a scandal the " Evil Mir scandal " regarding a bug that some guild abused where EM droped more then it should, and from what i remember people got away with drops, they didnt ban the people, didnt rewind and didnt take the items/ gold off them. ( not 100% sure on how the situation was because i alredy quit the game at that time, but i remember i read about it on here on lomcn ) . Also there was a bug on Zircon aswel, There was a Sword from a set that was giving out Wrong stats on SC, a chinese guy a Taoist was using that sword to kill the hardest boss in-game. He was keeping this sword on a different char not on his, when he was going to hunt the boss he was turning observer off, taking the sword from the other char and keeping it in his bag untill he was in the Boss room fighting the boss, so on the boss fight he was swaping weapons to kill the boss with the bugged weapon. He farmed that boss for a while untill he got cought , after that jamie removed the weapon but didnt want to ban him at first, the guy got Banned afer he raged on discord and started to abuse and insult Jamie, after some time when i returned to the server because i quit for a week or 2 i can't remember, the guy was back in the game, for whatever reason he got un-banned.

So what kind of aproaches will you do in similar cases?

Ban people for exploiting and do a rewind even if it has to be a day or 2 rewind and might make people angry / mad ?
Or just Ban people for exploiting without rewind ?
Will you unban people that got banned for serious reasons, like Boting / cheating ( we all know there are cheats and will always be and some will always use them because they used them on 60-70% of the servers ) / exploiting etc ?
Will you ban chinese gold botters?!

A question regarding Archer class, will it have same animation as on Chronicles or the other animation ? Not sure how to explain the other animation, i think there was on a server where the archer felt more like a robot, his animation was the same as the Archer Guards that you have in safe zones. If it will have the same as on chronicles it will be good ( at least for me, i liked it that way ) .

Will people be able to buy mounts and the accesories for the mounts from game shop with Gold aswel or will they be only for GameGold?
Will the other items that will be found in the game shop be available for gold purchase aswel or only for GameGold ?
All items from Shop, will we be able to trade them or put them in TM and sell for Gold or ar they soul bound?

Edit: i hope everything makes sense and sorry for any typos
Interesting questions tbh be nice to hear the answers as some of these can either kill a server for me or make it even better if you get what i mean ++ for taking your time to write this


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 16, 2014
Of course u will need donate for them... it will be a P2W

Mr negative, suprise suprise 🤣

Any idea of an expected usercount?

---------- Post Merged at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 12:26 PM ----------

if you think people are gonna read through all that **** you got another thing coming.

If you take time to read what he posted you’ll realise there’s a lot of interesting and important stuff in there.
A lot of things that the GM’s should take on board and consider.

Most if not all of his comments are for the good of the server.
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