DarkRealm Server

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2005
Solid said:
PK is part of the game which is why you were banned for boss stealing and no pking

and since you are banned and not part of the server piss off cause moaning aint gonna get your account back asshole

ur not part of it either u moron he took it down

and i was banned 4 pking him, then 4 saying that i was guna pk u whenever i saw u, apparently having a KOS list makes u a grief player...only in the eyes on an idiot like u tbh


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 1, 2004
Solid said:
aint gonna get your account back asshole

You wont get urs back either,

<DIR>DarkRealm Server-new exe on lomcn-Online says:

</DIR>i cant take the stress anymore

<DIR>DarkRealm Server-new exe on lomcn-Online says:

</DIR>but im closing server now



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 23, 2003
cheatguy said:
ur not part of it either u moron he took it down

and i was banned 4 pking him, then 4 saying that i was guna pk u whenever i saw u, apparently having a KOS list makes u a grief player...only in the eyes on an idiot like u tbh

i have never 1ce sed that pking is grief play pay attention child


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2005
Solid said:
i have never 1ce sed that pking is grief play pay attention child

host did, and u seem 2 agree with everything he said....also stealing mobs is part of the game too, as is luring..u got owned so u went 2 cry about it, simple as that

then i pked host so he banned me


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 23, 2003
cheatguy said:
host did, and u seem 2 agree with everything he said....also stealing mobs is part of the game too, as is luring..u got owned so u went 2 cry about it, simple as that

then i pked host so he banned me

how many times you were banned for boss stealing if you read the rule you will see that boss mob stealing is bannble.

end of.

Solid Out.


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
end of the day this server is extremly lame, 3 wipes and for wot? why not make a back up, and the classic line i cant take the stress nemore. keep it down imo as noone can be fooked to level up AGEN


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2005
Solid said:
how many times you were banned for boss stealing if you read the rule you will see that boss mob stealing is bannble.

end of.

Solid Out.

where exactly is this rule? i was told to look on the servers forum, and oh its not there...which lead me 2 believe u were doing wot u do best - chatting ****

host is obviously an idiot if he thinks making a server with rules like "no pk", "no fighting 4 bosses", "no guild wars" will work, especially if he gets upset when problems happen (after 1 day), and then closes server


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 23, 2003
troop said:
ok i need 2 get 1 thing across 2 EVERY1.

pking will not b bannable pking is part of the game i know.the mob stealing isnt and will b bannable.
guild wars happen all the time and yes its a good laugh its wen ppl start getting verbaly abusive it cross' the line.

T_M r a pking guild even on euro mir so that will never change.so if u get pked by any1 do as they do lvl more and fight back.but as i sed the mob stealing will NOT be tollorated.

thnx 4 ur time

here you go numnuts



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 7, 2005
Solid said:
here you go numnuts


thats on lomcn, u and him said look at server forums....im not guna go looking thru 40 odd pages on here, so kindly fk off

edit: after reading that, i wonder y he dont take his own advice "if u get pked lvl harder bla bla bla", instead he gets pked then bans me lol


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 1, 2004
Solid said:
u were banned for bosses stealing idiot

Glo never got banned for attempting to steal ks... oops 4got tycoon members are allowed to do wtf they want!!


Dont worry guys back up 2night he'll reset accounts again probaly lol

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 2, 2004
Somewhere In The World
server is down, end of, who cares who stole what boss and who pked who and who got banned because of what. the server is down, tbh its like we're all banned, now get over it server is gone

MOD lock this thread becuz these people will just keep on spamming, 43 pages of bull****... geeze...


even if he puts the server back up, give it 5 hours and i bet his like ooooo nooo the stress i cant cope server is down 4 good. just think, he'll keep putting it up for 5 hours... he'll keep reseting... he'll keep banning... he'll keep moaning... . i vote new host. he totally sucks balls, he dnt even know how to change ledu ip, frickin noob.
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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
lol T_M gets banned then server goes down.

its a decent server.... just needs a decent host that can cope with carebears cryin 24/7 when they get pked + knows that PKIN and MOB STEALIN is fkin PART OF THE GAME.

nvm whos comin to try out TUROKE with me? :p


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 28, 2003
rite as ive sed b4 it aint the fking pking u ignorant load of kids its the verbal abuse that yes T_M giv most of!!!!

u all need 2 grow up,their r kids younger than u lot playing and they dont say or do 1 thing out of place 2 any1,but they get given it from all of u.

as 4 server being reset no it aint.i put it down 2 ip bann feer and felony as they r abusive assholes imo.i didnt ip bann ben @ all as i took notice in his screenies as i sed i would 4 all of u.it wasnt the pking that got t_m a bad name it was the lippy school kids.

wot feer sed 2 u ben was well out of order and he will never get another chance on this server if it does go up.

it has been fun and entertaining having u lot on the server.i was in a msn convo wiv ben fubu and a couple of others and u lot rly r quite a laugh ,shame u had 2 get masty towards sum ppl ingame.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
troop said:
rite as ive sed b4 it aint the fking pking u ignorant load of kids its the verbal abuse that yes T_M giv most of!!!!

u all need 2 grow up,their r kids younger than u lot playing and they dont say or do 1 thing out of place 2 any1,but they get given it from all of u.

as 4 server being reset no it aint.i put it down 2 ip bann feer and felony as they r abusive assholes imo.i didnt ip bann ben @ all as i took notice in his screenies as i sed i would 4 all of u.it wasnt the pking that got t_m a bad name it was the lippy school kids.

wot feer sed 2 u ben was well out of order and he will never get another chance on this server if it does go up.

it has been fun and entertaining having u lot on the server.i was in a msn convo wiv ben fubu and a couple of others and u lot rly r quite a laugh ,shame u had 2 get masty towards sum ppl ingame.
tbh m8 i dont give no abuse ingame as its just childish. but when FEER got all moody (which he does cause hes a trouble teenager) i kicked him from guild for tryin to steal mine+reloads ZT. he then comes back sayin my dads a cripple and crap which ye did piss me off but then again i know hes just a kid with troubles. But after abuse like that u cant expect me to stand back and let him kill a boss :X.

As for pkin tycoon.... i pk noobs like solid for given it the lip 2 me... but tbh like i said... its only words over the net dont bother me... ill just make them cry by stealin there mobs ;)

hope server does go bk m8, with no wipe, spent alot of time last nite re lvlin and gettin kit ><

only advice i can give u tbh is Ignore all the cry babies and just let them get on with it, if they dont like it no1s forcing them to play ^^ :P


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 27, 2003
sounds the best course of action trooper. feer has been an arse for as long as i've been on the server.

My only other comment is this, and this is for every1, yes including both tycoon and t_m members. If someone is minding their own business it isnt exactly friendly to attack them. if someone insults or attacks you then by all means do as you please with them. But leave out the innocent bystanders please. Those who have no interest in fighting and just wanna get on and play the game. There are people only in guilds to be with friends and/or have company in game. A person's guild doesnt and shouldn't automatically mean they're gonna KOS someone of a rival guild.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 20, 2004
PLEASE try get server back up. no wipe as most ov people have dun nothing wrong. people abuse abit all time cant be helped personally i only say stuff like "noob" and "sit" i get ppl back with teh pk :ppunk:

please try get it up asap :dunce:

and nice words annon :) ^^ i agree i neva attak any1 unless attaked or abused first. i save it for sw i h8 ppl attaking low lvls and saying oh well ur in T_M/tycoon or i stole ur mob cause ur guild did it 2 me earlier.
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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Annon said:
sounds the best course of action trooper. feer has been an arse for as long as i've been on the server.

My only other comment is this, and this is for every1, yes including both tycoon and t_m members. If someone is minding their own business it isnt exactly friendly to attack them. if someone insults or attacks you then by all means do as you please with them. But leave out the innocent bystanders please. Those who have no interest in fighting and just wanna get on and play the game. There are people only in guilds to be with friends and/or have company in game. A person's guild doesnt and shouldn't automatically mean they're gonna KOS someone of a rival guild.
its a role playin game.... some r quiet lvlers... some r pkers and thiefs.... cant please every1.... so just put up with it tbh :x

if u dont wanan get attacked then de and go bk when they have gone lol
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