Dragon Chronicle Closed?

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Mar 23, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
lol milo based off dm2 source or theirs? :p

No idea, still old interface so I'm gonna assume there's..

Remember Nick they don't like the DM2 source.. too unstable for them (By unstable they simply mean CPU and Mem Usage is too high)

-edit- .Virus I know that wasn't aimed at me but I'm pretty sure its been mentioned before that source released must be compilable..
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Dedicated Member
Jan 6, 2007
Never knew that but even if it is surely people will not try to compile it and use it? It would never work out if enough was changed as it would not be talking to your server correctly.

You would simply just rip code from the clients source and try to emulate the server to talk back.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 9, 2005
poor Td lol, hes labelled a pain the ass whereever he goes if it isnt on RZ LowRate its developing files lol


LOMCN Developer
Mar 26, 2003
lol just got home from work:
not gonna reply to everything but just some facts:
- i have never tried to take away credits, if you go ingame and click the credits button on selchar you see the original credits from dm2 team not mine
i kept the dm2 name on the files (ingame and stuff) to show ppl where they originated from, i would be posting here if i was allowed which again would give you guys credit
- i'm not gonna say i did all the work but i did quite a bit
- you say that the dm2 project is sorta on a low atm, ever considered why? in the weeks, month(s) before i went closed source like 90% of the 'usefull' updates came from me, every other team member was either not doing anything or working on custom codes that where non-euromir since they knew i'd give them the euromir anyway
.... oh well i know you guys well always hate me even if you knew 100% sure i have a point,cause that would mean you'd have to admit that just maybe you're not as right as you think you are :p


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
This is going back to thedeaths bug challenge. I know you bugs because I have your compiled files and as I have stated numerous times the db server crashes when opened on 3 dif machines. You don't have our files. Apologies if you haven't posted your latest files to the usual place and thus I have outdated ones.
And I can see you are very well informed about every aspect of our team...considering I'm a she. NOT a he.


Apr 15, 2003
the gpl is bull**** dumbass, because the files are not nicks, they are someone elses that got stolen............ ie.. not ownership of lomcn, nick or anyone else.


As this was linked here, I'll paste what i said there for people who can't be bothered to click.
me said:
The original code may not be legally licensable under the GPL, but all the code we added ourselves, was licensed that way, and as we wrote it ourselves, we can license it however we want - we chose GPL. As a result, further modifications have to be under GPL aswell, unless all contributors on the SVN agree to relicense the code.

I'll also repsond to shorty's comment about changing the encryption beign useless by pointing out that I have programmed a dll that is currently sitting here that has encrypt/decrypt methods in it. I havn't fully fiished testing, but it should work perfectly fine for the mir sources (will check tomrrow). Further more, it only works in 1 exe, trying to load it in an exe that isn't the one it was compiled against causes it not to function correctly.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 15, 2006
Realistically , Both sides of this arguement have failed the community and players.

You've got TDs Side which arent releasing source (which is bad) and being punished for it by restricting access on LOMCN.

But then , you've got something far worse .. which is LOMCN allowing the DC team to do exactly the same thing (sure they gave a source .. a bloody "broken" one - thats the same as giving nothing atall).

Basically the people who established the rule that source must be provided on request , are the same people who failed to do this while on the DC team.

From a "Conspiracists" Point of View ...

Dc dissolved their Team once they had gotten the files as close to working euro as possible.
This way they dont have to share their sources with people who request on LOMCN.
They would have had to do this because 1/2 the goddamn team is from LOMCN and/or had their names attatched to the DM2 open source project...

Ever think ... "Well if DC is no more , and it was a Euro Clone "Code-Wise" ... Then certain people have Euro DM2 source who are supposed to be in the DM2 project" ... why haven't these sources been posted??? lol


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
Realistically , Both sides of this arguement have failed the community and players.

You've got TDs Side which arent releasing source (which is bad) and being punished for it by restricting access on LOMCN.

But then , you've got something far worse .. which is LOMCN allowing the DC team to do exactly the same thing (sure they gave a source .. a bloody "broken" one - thats the same as giving nothing atall).

Basically the people who established the rule that source must be provided on request , are the same people who failed to do this while on the DC team.

From a "Conspiracists" Point of View ...

Dc dissolved their Team once they had gotten the files as close to working euro as possible.
This way they dont have to share their sources with people who request on LOMCN.
They would have had to do this because 1/2 the goddamn team is from LOMCN and/or had their names attatched to the DM2 open source project...

Ever think ... "Well if DC is no more , and it was a Euro Clone "Code-Wise" ... Then certain people have Euro DM2 source who are supposed to be in the DM2 project" ... why haven't these sources been posted??? lol

Crawford some times I wonder if you have anything better to do.

Thats 100% false, theres a difference between what DC did and what td is doing.

First off hes releasing binaries to the public which destroys the svn, why would people work on the source when they have more up to date server files, its the lazy mans way out.

You need to understand the difference between some one running their own custom coded server (which is why myself and damian decided to release the source to begin with) and some one robbing the source and releasing it as his own.

Yeh DC closed to escape dataforce's wrath lol *humour*.


LOMCN Developer
Mar 26, 2003
This is going back to thedeaths bug challenge. I know you bugs because I have your compiled files and as I have stated numerous times the db server crashes when opened on 3 dif machines. You don't have our files. Apologies if you haven't posted your latest files to the usual place and thus I have outdated ones.
And I can see you are very well informed about every aspect of our team...considering I'm a she. NOT a he.

i knew you where a she but i call everyone a he :p
also the dbserver only crashes if you use a faulty db :p


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 15, 2003
why would people work on the source when they have more up to date server files, its the lazy mans way out.

sometimes people cant code or dont have the luxury of time to be able to code. feel priveledged

only a full server team with someone who knows programming and has a lot of spare time will be able to complete the DM2 project and they will still be behind the other servers. take for example Mental, not a great example i know but still, as a single man team he would have to not only code everything into the source himself he would also have to provide item, mob, area, spell and drops all by himself which unless you are 100% unemployed would be near impossible

you keep calling people lazy, well its not lazyness in all cases, i agree some are but some arent


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 10, 2005
I'll also repsond to shorty's comment about changing the encryption beign useless by pointing out that I have programmed a dll that is currently sitting here that has encrypt/decrypt methods in it. I havn't fully fiished testing, but it should work perfectly fine for the mir sources (will check tomrrow). Further more, it only works in 1 exe, trying to load it in an exe that isn't the one it was compiled against causes it not to function correctly.

:S I don't remember saying that as I worked on changing encryption for DC so I don't know why I would say it is useless - nor do I know why I did it if I did. I 100% support it woooo hehe.


Dec 1, 2003
One thing is Missing from this entire argument and why the project / server failed - something the chinese do very well - MONEY !!!

A group of Coders write from scratch a Mir Server - they Sell it, as they are the only ones with the code, no-one argues who wrote what, who did what with what code and so forth.

The Server Owners Buy this said set of files, they have just provided the coders with real money - this is the best incentive ever - forget GPL lol

Server owners now have something more advanced and is getting updated then the FREE ones out there, they also can charge money, they keep server running as its making them Do$h - Ala Ragezone.

Players come, many people online, many play, more come and the cycles continues...


Devilsoul Owner
Feb 4, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
One thing is Missing from this entire argument and why the project / server failed - something the chinese do very well - MONEY !!!

A group of Coders write from scratch a Mir Server - they Sell it, as they are the only ones with the code, no-one argues who wrote what, who did what with what code and so forth.

The Server Owners Buy this said set of files, they have just provided the coders with real money - this is the best incentive ever - forget GPL lol

Server owners now have something more advanced and is getting updated then the FREE ones out there, they also can charge money, they keep server running as its making them Do$h - Ala Ragezone.

Players come, many people online, many play, more come and the cycles continues...

BH really hopes you are not saying that people should sell there updated files
BH will NEVER let something like this happen



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 15, 2003
BH really hopes you are not saying that people should sell there updated files
BH will NEVER let something like this happen


for once on this topic we agree :D i hope that the european code base never resorts to that
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