

Former Moderator
Apr 17, 2003
Congleton, Cheshire.
Its quite funny seeing all these kids bragging about what drugs they take, so what? tbh if you do use all these different drugs everyday you wouldnt brag about it, it would be something that your used to do everyday - which is like everyone bragging about cleaning their teeth.

Doing drugs is not cool, i believe it is a part of growing up but within reason.

I started smoking weed a few years ago, then moved on to the other things like coke and phet purely because smoking weed got boring, now i realise that phet is ****, basically the come-down is so ****ty i used to buy coke just to bring me back up - which is basically lame.
Now all i do is smoke a lil weed and do a few lines of coke at parties, nothing too big because i would rather spend my life buying things that is worth the money.

But hey, if you kids want to brag about drugs because you think their "cool", i dare you to go spend all your cash on coke, get hooked and end up like a ****ing retard.
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May 7, 2003
Ripman said:
how stupid u can be to take drugs???!!! Geesh this world dies day by day :))

drugs sucks and are for lossers :))
Sitting at a computer for more than 4 hours a day is seen in some peoples eyes as loosers (like most of us), it's just another nieve state of mind. Drugs can be just as much a good thing as a bad (why do you think so many people take them now days?), they can make people feel better (alot of people are prescribed street drugs such as phet's and cannabis for disorders), and even if you don't have one of these disorders, they can sometimes help you on an emotional level.

I started doing hard drugs at a difficult part of my life, but by doing them i found people in similar situations to me, and people that i could relate to, not every drug user is a bad person (and not all drug users will go insane), these are real people. At peek i was doing 4-5pills every friday and saturday night with my friends (i was 16 almost 17 at the time), and we used to go out and have fun, you know, just unwind and let go. It made my life easier to bare and i pulled through some bad times.

I didn't even have a problem getting off the drugs when i decided enough was enough, and now I will only do drugs such as pills or coke at special occasions (raves or big parties).

I don't consider myself to be a bad person, yet I'm still a criminal in the eyes of the government, and many nieve people.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 14, 2006
I love when junkies try to justify their addictions by saying "oh but I only do xxx every now and then" or "oh but they can be good for you!"


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 17, 2003
used to smoke weed/hash alot and am quite ashamed of it, made me complety paranoid with everything. Would never do drugs again.

And for the 12 year old kids that think that there e-peen is +100 due to them saying all the drugs they used, your not impressing anyone, its the internet no one ****ing cares


May 7, 2003
Peart said:
I love when junkies try to justify their addictions by saying "oh but I only do xxx every now and then" or "oh but they can be good for you!"
But what do you have against so called 'junkies' like me, that like to enjoy themselfs on a night out? I really don't see what the big fuss is about. By doing drugs it's our responsibility to make sure recreational use doesn't turn into abuse, because thats when problems emmerge. I think alot of people are wrongly judged because of what they choose to do. I'm sure a few people on this thread have spoken to me before, and realise that I'm actually a nice person.


LOMCN Developer
Jul 22, 2003
Romania, Timisoara
from ur posts i see that drugz are good after all no? :) so we all shuld start to use ****e when we have problems........geesk...drugs are used when ur to week to fight against problems......thats lame.....a person must pass over problems without drugs.....alomust all ppl pass without using this ****.
Also for me is sad to hear that there in UK or warever u are ppl in order to have fun around 16-18 years use drugs......u can have lots of FUN without DRUGS....i dont know this mentality but here in romania we have super partyes with lots of fun and no drugs (alchool rulz).
Drugs enslaves ur mind and body, makes u weeker....drugs control minds....because when u use them u get lots in dreams.... and as u said here it takes u off the real world but DRUGS dont help u pass the problems....only maybe let u forget them a while...but the effect passes....
Here romania will long live withour drugs like i and my parents growed not enslaved to them.
I fell pity for ppl using them just all, i feel pitty when i see some1 who exeeded the drug usage....look at requiem for a dream....u should udnerstand were u can go if u use drugs.....i think if u start using drugs the step to death and total distruction of ur mind and body is to small....


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 24, 2004
Ripman said:
here in romania we have super partyes with lots of fun and no drugs (alchool rulz).
Alcohol is a drug, numbnuts. The kind of ignorance displayed by you is what's wrong with the world, not drugs.


May 7, 2003
yes but apparently alcohol is 'socially acceptable'. Personally I'd rather have 100s of stoners walking down the town highstreet rather than your usual 100 rowdy piss heads. Whats that streets song again, you know the one that's all about the alcholic contrasted with the stoner. I think that song sums it up perfectly.

Anyway, for those who think I'm trying to influence them or whatever 0.o to take drugs, your wrong. I'm just saying, i've been there, done it, and got the t shirt to prove it, and alot of it i dont regret at all. Afterall I'm still here with aspirations in life ect.


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
The majority of people will choose deadly alcoholic drinks such as vodka over a drug as harmless as cannabis, which is pretty stupid, because there is not one accountable death related to cannabis (Oh and did I mention that cannabis is legally given to help ease pain in America) whilst alcohol kills people every single day.

I aint saying that drugs are good or bad, infact I don’t take any but the amount of people who do drink and find that drugs are bad, given that everybody has taken a drug, but given that its publicly acceptable they don’t consider it a drug.. (Paracetimol…..) I find that hypocritical.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
lozmuir said:
Its quite funny seeing all these kids bragging about what drugs they take, so what? tbh if you do use all these different drugs everyday you wouldnt brag about it, it would be something that your used to do everyday - which is like everyone bragging about cleaning their teeth.

Doing drugs is not cool, i believe it is a part of growing up but within reason.

I started smoking weed a few years ago, then moved on to the other things like coke and phet purely because smoking weed got boring, now i realise that phet is ****, basically the come-down is so ****ty i used to buy coke just to bring me back up - which is basically lame.
Now all i do is smoke a lil weed and do a few lines of coke at parties, nothing too big because i would rather spend my life buying things that is worth the money.

But hey, if you kids want to brag about drugs because you think their "cool", i dare you to go spend all your cash on coke, get hooked and end up like a ****ing retard.
Coke is a big thing. People who take it say it isnt, but really it is.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
MentaL said:
The majority of people will choose deadly alcoholic drinks such as vodka over a drug as harmless as cannabis, which is pretty stupid, because there is not one accountable death related to cannabis (Oh and did I mention that cannabis is legally given to help ease pain in America) whilst alcohol kills people every single day.

I aint saying that drugs are good or bad, infact I don’t take any but the amount of people who do drink and find that drugs are bad, given that everybody has taken a drug, but given that its publicly acceptable they don’t consider it a drug.. (Paracetimol…..) I find that hypocritical.
Cannabis and Cocaine are given to people in England legally to easy pain aswell, just not "Here snort this line of charlie"... i know this as my mum is a pharmacist.


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
Skyline said:
Cannabis and Cocaine are given to people in England legally to easy pain aswell, just not "Here snort this line of charlie"... i know this as my mum is a pharmacist.

I know cannabis is, but cocaine? I thought morphene was given to them instead, and morphene is the most powerful substance out there.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 17, 2003
MentaL said:
The majority of people will choose deadly alcoholic drinks such as vodka over a drug as harmless as cannabis, which is pretty stupid, because there is not one accountable death related to cannabis (Oh and did I mention that cannabis is legally given to help ease pain in America) whilst alcohol kills people every single day.

I aint saying that drugs are good or bad, infact I don’t take any but the amount of people who do drink and find that drugs are bad, given that everybody has taken a drug, but given that its publicly acceptable they don’t consider it a drug.. (Paracetimol…..) I find that hypocritical.

Im not going to argue that drugs are worse then alcohol or alcohol is worse then drugs, but every person takes every drug a diffrent way(alcohol is a drug). some symptoms are the same to everyone, but say for cannabis, there are alot of people who just can get that chill out feeling, and noting bad will happen to them even if they are a long time smoker, but then there are the people who will start getting extremly paranoid, very lazy and has no entusiasm(sp?) towards life.

With alcohol you can get the very aggrisve drunks, people that are very talkative when not drinking might be very quiet when drinking, just diffrent things effect diffrent people. me myself when drinking i get a bit hyper and just try and enjoy the night with my friends. but one of my friends when drinking with him, he can just get very very aggrisive and try's to start a fight every time he is out, which does get annoying. Due to me not being a fighting type. And another firends gets very depressed ect, so tbh it really does depend on the person doing it.

I myself think that cannabis is worse then drink, and the only reason for that is due to that when i did it for nerly a year, i got extremly paranoid, and then found out that my uncle got sychtofrenyia(spelling complety wrong) from drugs, so i stoped due to that, having a good time for a few hours a wekk isnt worth ruining your life over, ect.

EDIT: Also the only reason there are so many deaths over alcohol is due to people taking a massive OD in it, and do know recall what they are doing, i mostly blame bars/clubs for this(in ireland anyways) when someone has to much to drink, usualy the boucners will just kick them out of the club, and leave them there. Even a fwe nights ago(wednesday) i rmber coming out from a club to have a cigerate(2 hot in there/smoking area) and i seen this girl that i kinda knew was outside on the curb pucking away, no one around her except 2 gardi(police) trying to figure out were she lived, i went over and just waved down a taxi and went with her to her house(knowing were she lived) and then went home, but if the bouncers just took her into a back room of the club, gave her some water, sat her down she would of been alright. Clubs and Pubs need to have some sort of faclitis these days to Handle people over drinking due to alot of people do not know there limit. I will only have maby 4-5 pints and 2 shouts of baby guinness(Tia maria+Baileys) and then just enoy my night talking to people.
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Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
PassTheBlam said:
I know cannabis is, but cocaine? I thought morphene was given to them instead, and morphene is the most powerful substance out there.
Yep i was surprised aswell. only given in small doeses with another drug, or can rub it onto gums.