

Staff member
May 19, 2003

Finding a Job is easy.

Finding a career with prospects is hard.

I agree with this also.

But TBH, i'd rather be unemployed than work at McDonalds etc. It'd never even cross my mind that i'd be that desperate for work to have to apply to a fast food place.

Saying that, i did apply to McDonalds when i was 16 and didn't hear anything back :(


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 12, 2010

Finding a Job is easy.

Finding a career with prospects is hard.

Not really, you just have to stand out to potential employers.

I agree with this also.

But TBH, i'd rather be unemployed than work at McDonalds etc. It'd never even cross my mind that i'd be that desperate for work to have to apply to a fast food place.

Saying that, i did apply to McDonalds when i was 16 and didn't hear anything back :(
It's not about being desperate, it's about making yourself employable to potential employers and someone who is in a job, is more likely to get the job than someone whom is unemployed.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
Not really, you just have to stand out to potential employers.

It's not about being desperate, it's about making yourself employable to potential employers and someone who is in a job, is more likely to get the job than someone whom is unemployed.

You cant make yourself stand out to potential employers, Everyone puts the same **** on CV's.

Its your past experience that people look at, and that's the only thing there interested in, if you've got 2 people going for a job, one with 10 years experience and 1 with None.

Your going to choose the guy whos been doing it 10 years. (unless he's a total douche and on the named sex offenders list or something daft.)


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
I agree with this also.

But TBH, i'd rather be unemployed than work at McDonalds etc. It'd never even cross my mind that i'd be that desperate for work to have to apply to a fast food place.

Saying that, i did apply to McDonalds when i was 16 and didn't hear anything back :(

If you have kids, I feel sorry for them.

If not, get some.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
If you have kids, I feel sorry for them.

If not, get some.

Why :( I do have a job. I'd just never be able to bring myself to work at a fast food place. Also doll money is a lot more than McDonalds pays, especially when you have kids.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
I'd never bring myself to work in McDonald's or whatever either... not only do they have more applicants than they know what to do with, but they wouldn't hire people like us on the basis of being over qualified anyway...

But don't get me wrong, I applied for (even volunteered for in some cases) supermarkets, shops like Argos, cleaning jobs etc.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 12, 2010
You cant make yourself stand out to potential employers, Everyone puts the same **** on CV's.

Its your past experience that people look at, and that's the only thing there interested in, if you've got 2 people going for a job, one with 10 years experience and 1 with None.

Your going to choose the guy whos been doing it 10 years. (unless he's a total douche and on the named sex offenders list or something daft.)
Then obviously your using the same bog standard CV as everyone else and your not standing out to potential employers. I agree that sometimes your past experience can help, but not always. It's the same as going for a job that really should go to someone who is qualified and being passed to someone who is experienced instead.

But just because one person has 10 years and another has 7, doesn't rightly mean the one with 10 years is going to be picked over the one with 7. I've worked in a role where I've had to interview and it's not just about experience that employers are looking for, my last job for example. I got this on the sheer fact I have the gift of the gab, so can sell the hind legs off a donkey. You have to sell yourself to potential employers and if they see you can't, then your not going to get the job your after.

But don't you think and so should others, not have this attitude of certain jobs you wouldn't do. After all mine and the countless millions who pay into the tax fund are what pay for you to search for a job whilst on the dole and live a hand out life.

What I don't understand from some of you and I get the mentality with it, but why are you only applying for 1 job a day. That clearly shows your not interested in looking for work at the moment, or just can't be bothered to put the effort in if it's not there staring at you in the face. Don't just use the job center, or sits such as JobSite - But ring recruitment agency's up and get temporary contract work and if it means you have to work away for the job, then so be it. You can't expect the job you want, to fall in your lap in the town you live in, it doesn't work like that for a lot of us.
CV Library

And if you can't find the job in the industry you want to work in, then bloody re-train as most of you are young and dumb enough to be able to do it. Don't close your options, but open them further and expand what you can do.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
Then obviously your using the same bog standard CV as everyone else and your not standing out to potential employers. I agree that sometimes your past experience can help, but not always. It's the same as going for a job that really should go to someone who is qualified and being passed to someone who is experienced instead.

But just because one person has 10 years and another has 7, doesn't rightly mean the one with 10 years is going to be picked over the one with 7. I've worked in a role where I've had to interview and it's not just about experience that employers are looking for, my last job for example. I got this on the sheer fact I have the gift of the gab, so can sell the hind legs off a donkey. You have to sell yourself to potential employers and if they see you can't, then your not going to get the job your after.

But don't you think and so should others, not have this attitude of certain jobs you wouldn't do. After all mine and the countless millions who pay into the tax fund are what pay for you to search for a job whilst on the dole and live a hand out life.

What I don't understand from some of you and I get the mentality with it, but why are you only applying for 1 job a day. That clearly shows your not interested in looking for work at the moment, or just can't be bothered to put the effort in if it's not there staring at you in the face. Don't just use the job center, or sits such as JobSite - But ring recruitment agency's up and get temporary contract work and if it means you have to work away for the job, then so be it. You can't expect the job you want, to fall in your lap in the town you live in, it doesn't work like that for a lot of us.
CV Library

And if you can't find the job in the industry you want to work in, then bloody re-train as most of you are young and dumb enough to be able to do it. Don't close your options, but open them further and expand what you can do.

Im not on the dole..... Epic speculation you made there though.

I speak from experience, not from sitting on my arse applying for 1 job a day, and then crying its to hard to find a job, i was lucky enough to land a career, not the career id trained 3 and half years for but a career none the less.
Im just saying when you've spent 3 years training to do something and then cant find a job in that sector, i can understand why the blacks go out nicking t.v's in london.

there pissed.

Everyone has the same CV, there's no way in hell you can make a CV stand out, and im like you, if i get an interview i get the job 9/10, its just getting to the interview stage.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 12, 2010
Im not on the dole..... Epic speculation you made there though.

I speak from experience, not from sitting on my arse applying for 1 job a day, and then crying its to hard to find a job, i was lucky enough to land a career, not the career id trained 3 and half years for but a career none the less.
Im just saying when you've spent 3 years training to do something and then cant find a job in that sector, i can understand why the blacks go out nicking t.v's in london.

there pissed.

Everyone has the same CV, there's no way in hell you can make a CV stand out, and im like you, if i get an interview i get the job 9/10, its just getting to the interview stage.
First thing, the dole comparison wasn't aimed at you it was a generalization for all those who are and are moaning.

Secondly if you seriously think that everyone uses the same CV, your are very mistaken in your thinking. Which to me say's your using the same stock CV layout and wording as most of the people who can't be bothered to look for a job. I can guarantee now, that no one on this site has the same type of CV as me and there are thousands of different type of CV layouts - CV Templates

As for the training for 3 years, unfortunately with the economic climate the way it has been for the last four years and knowing it's like this and not changing, then yes your 3 years have been a waste(This is with a present understanding). After all you started your training during the recession, most with an ounce of intelligence would have realized that we wouldn't be coming out of this for a very long time and found a job in another sector to help us through the difficult times until we could get the job we required. After all I've retrained 3 times since the recession and now currently running my own business.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
Not everyones CVs are identical at all - you can obviously download a plain template but this would not get you anywhere. A CV needs to be customised to the job sector you're applying for. Obviously the sections mainly stay similar, but content and approach to a CV can differ greatly. And you should always fully customise your covering letter for each job you apply for.

Each CV should be tailored for the job sector you're applying for. I made the mistake years ago thinking I could use the same CV and similar covering letter for all my jobs - only to find i heard nothing back.

As soon as i actually took the effort to spend 30 minutes for each application and write a fresh covering letter i actually got responses.

My biggest winner has been putting my CV on - they found me both my past 2 jobs - neither of which i actually applied for. Put my CV up, within a week i had recruitment agencies ringing saying they've found a job which matches my CV skills. I would highly recommend it - however for them to contact you, you need to make your CV very searchable.

It's probably easier for me as a programmer than someone like a Chef, as i simply highlight my known languages and years of experience. But i think the main principle of highlighting your skills in clear bullet points and headers stays the same.

It's all about learning from your mistakes imo. I found that after i put out 10 CVs and heard nothing back i must be doing something wrong - so i changed my CV content and style, and i kept adding to it and changing it until people actually started replying.

If you have the motivation to get a job then there is a job out there for you. Sitting on your computer and applying to the first 10 vacancies on jobsite with your generic CV isn't going to get you anywhere - and frankly it's a waste of a job opportunity as you'll no longer be able to apply to the same position with your tailored CV.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
I dont know if DSMir3 lives at home with his mum or something, but how the hell do you retrain 3 times? while not in work? i have a mortgage and bills to pay mate....cant just up and tail off to uni for 3 years to retrain....

Back on topic of cv's if people actually download templates of the internet and send them in, then they are actually retarded....i just presumed the IQ in Britain was over 10, tailoring your CV for the sector/ exact job your applying for is a given, and i agree with u there if there not doing it, they probably haven't got the intelligence to do the job anyway.

Anyone with an IQ over 50 can write a smashing CV, which is safe to presume 60% of people applying for that job would of come to same conclusion as you, you obviously just live in the magic world were your so much more Intellectually superior than everyone else, no1 could ever possibly match you and your epic CV writing skillz.
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 12, 2010
I dont know if DSMir3 lives at home with his mum or something, but how the hell do you retrain 3 times? while not in work? i have a mortgage and bills to pay mate....cant just up and tail off to uni for 3 years to retrain....

Back on topic of cv's if people actually download templates of the internet and send them in, then they are actually retarded....i just presumed the IQ in Britain was over 10, tailoring your CV for the sector/ exact job your applying for is a given, and i agree with u there if there not doing it, they probably haven't got the intelligence to do the job anyway.

Anyone with an IQ over 50 can write a smashing CV, which is safe to presume 60% of people applying for that job would of come to same conclusion as you, you obviously just live in the magic world were your so much more Intellectually superior than everyone else, no1 could ever possibly match you and your epic CV writing skillz.
That's an incorrect presumption on your part with regards to me, as I've worked since the age of 15 and the longest I've been out of work was 6 month. But due to the type of work I do and what I charge in consultation, I've been able to get through the recession without it hitting us too hard. However you do seem to have a lack of understanding when it comes to retraining. If you think the only way to retrain is by going through university again, then you are very mistaken. In fact university is a waste of money to most, unless your going for a specific sector IE: Doctor.

Retraining to another sector is not hard to do at all and certainly doesn't require you to go back to university, though I still work in the same sector I did what they call home learning. I now have a BTEC National Diploma in Business Management, gained several other qualifications in the sector I work in, which I will add is a large enough sector to retrain in and I'm now currently working towards my Bachelors Degree in Business Management. I've done all this whilst working as a contractor in other sectors and now run my own business. So no it's not hard to do and can be done under any circumstance, you just have to be willing enough to want to do it.

You seem to also miss interpret what I'm saying, or at least trying to make yourself look better by putting someone else down who hasn't sat around waiting for the right job to drop in their lap. It's not just about tailoring your CV, as you said anyone with half a brain cell can do it. But it's also about using the correct layout and wording in your CV to make it stand out from others. An example of this, is the type of CV they taught in school. These types of CV's as a business, we don't look at and usually end up in the bin and we don't read CV's we scan them looking for certain key points that make you stand out from every other CV that we get.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Then obviously your using the same bog standard CV as everyone else and your not standing out to potential employers. I agree that sometimes your past experience can help, but not always. It's the same as going for a job that really should go to someone who is qualified and being passed to someone who is experienced instead.

But just because one person has 10 years and another has 7, doesn't rightly mean the one with 10 years is going to be picked over the one with 7. I've worked in a role where I've had to interview and it's not just about experience that employers are looking for, my last job for example. I got this on the sheer fact I have the gift of the gab, so can sell the hind legs off a donkey. You have to sell yourself to potential employers and if they see you can't, then your not going to get the job your after.

But don't you think and so should others, not have this attitude of certain jobs you wouldn't do. After all mine and the countless millions who pay into the tax fund are what pay for you to search for a job whilst on the dole and live a hand out life.

What I don't understand from some of you and I get the mentality with it, but why are you only applying for 1 job a day. That clearly shows your not interested in looking for work at the moment, or just can't be bothered to put the effort in if it's not there staring at you in the face. Don't just use the job center, or sits such as JobSite - But ring recruitment agency's up and get temporary contract work and if it means you have to work away for the job, then so be it. You can't expect the job you want, to fall in your lap in the town you live in, it doesn't work like that for a lot of us.
CV Library

And if you can't find the job in the industry you want to work in, then bloody re-train as most of you are young and dumb enough to be able to do it. Don't close your options, but open them further and expand what you can do.

None of us here talking about it are on the dole...we all have jobs, we are just talking about what we know from our own experiences. It's called discussion and helps if you're open minded (I notice how you chose to ignore my point on McDonalds). If you think it's as simple as calling an agency and saying "find me some temp work" then frankly you're not qualified for this subject. I made the point of going around every recruitment agency on several occasions; all completely fruitless. They won't even put you on their books for something as bullshit as admin or other entry level office jobs unless you already have recent experience. FYI though during my 2.5 year stint of unemployment, the first YEAR I did not claim jobseekers or any other benefit; but the state of the economy is not my fault and I won't accept any responsibility for it.

I dont know if DSMir3 lives at home with his mum or something, but how the hell do you retrain 3 times? while not in work? i have a mortgage and bills to pay mate....cant just up and tail off to uni for 3 years to retrain....

Back on topic of cv's if people actually download templates of the internet and send them in, then they are actually retarded....i just presumed the IQ in Britain was over 10, tailoring your CV for the sector/ exact job your applying for is a given, and i agree with u there if there not doing it, they probably haven't got the intelligence to do the job anyway.

Anyone with an IQ over 50 can write a smashing CV, which is safe to presume 60% of people applying for that job would of come to same conclusion as you, you obviously just live in the magic world were your so much more Intellectually superior than everyone else, no1 could ever possibly match you and your epic CV writing skillz.

All this talk of CV's is nonsense as well. Yeah, obviously if you have a well written/tailored CV then they're going to look at yours over some standard crap, but that's not going to make zero impact next to the person with x amount more years experience than you. I had help with my CV from several professionals and employers were always impressed by it but it didn't get me a job.

Also, since I've been in work this year the term "it's not what you know, it's who you know" has never been more apparent. Everything from seeing how many jobs end up going to internal candidates to managers being given positions purely because they're pally with the next one up, despite the fact they're completely unsuitable for the position and a better person could be found in minutes, but **** that requires interviewing.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 6, 2004
Never made a CV and worked since leaving school 10 years ago. And in that time spam had two different jobs (Argos and now a Painter & Decorator for the last 8 years qualified that is). But my partner has a great CV and sends it out numerous times a week and hears **** all back despite all her qualifications and experience. As Tai said it's who you know.

Ain't read all the thread so if my post is random my sincere apologies.

Congratulations on the job.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 12, 2010
None of us here talking about it are on the dole...we all have jobs, we are just talking about what we know from our own experiences. It's called discussion and helps if you're open minded (I notice how you chose to ignore my point on McDonalds). If you think it's as simple as calling an agency and saying "find me some temp work" then frankly you're not qualified for this subject. I made the point of going around every recruitment agency on several occasions; all completely fruitless. They won't even put you on their books for something as bullshit as admin or other entry level office jobs unless you already have recent experience. FYI though during my 2.5 year stint of unemployment, the first YEAR I did not claim jobseekers or any other benefit; but the state of the economy is not my fault and I won't accept any responsibility for it.

All this talk of CV's is nonsense as well. Yeah, obviously if you have a well written/tailored CV then they're going to look at yours over some standard crap, but that's not going to make zero impact next to the person with x amount more years experience than you. I had help with my CV from several professionals and employers were always impressed by it but it didn't get me a job.

Also, since I've been in work this year the term "it's not what you know, it's who you know" has never been more apparent. Everything from seeing how many jobs end up going to internal candidates to managers being given positions purely because they're pally with the next one up, despite the fact they're completely unsuitable for the position and a better person could be found in minutes, but **** that requires interviewing.
I wasn't ignoring your comment with regards to McDonald's, I happen to agree with you on that. As I've been turned away from McDonald's for being over qualified. Which was funny, as the manager said I was more qualified than him. I'm very surprised with agency work though, as I still get offered agency work now. But a lot of it does depend on which part of the country you live in, to what is available, which is why I said in one of my other posts that you can't just expect to get a job in the town/city you live in anymore and find you may have to work away.

You are right with regards to the current mentality of the work place "It's not what you know, but who you know", most employers at the moment would rather employ internally than externally. It's a far better cost effective for the business, as it costs to advertise externally and your not always guaranteed to get the member of staff that you require. Especially when recruitment agency's are charging between 5% - 20% of the annual pay for the member of staff you recruit from them, who might not even be with you after their probational period has ended.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
That's an incorrect presumption on your part with regards to me, as I've worked since the age of 15 and the longest I've been out of work was 6 month. But due to the type of work I do and what I charge in consultation, I've been able to get through the recession without it hitting us too hard. However you do seem to have a lack of understanding when it comes to retraining. If you think the only way to retrain is by going through university again, then you are very mistaken. In fact university is a waste of money to most, unless your going for a specific sector IE: Doctor.

Retraining to another sector is not hard to do at all and certainly doesn't require you to go back to university, though I still work in the same sector I did what they call home learning. I now have a BTEC National Diploma in Business Management, gained several other qualifications in the sector I work in, which I will add is a large enough sector to retrain in and I'm now currently working towards my Bachelors Degree in Business Management. I've done all this whilst working as a contractor in other sectors and now run my own business. So no it's not hard to do and can be done under any circumstance, you just have to be willing enough to want to do it.

You seem to also miss interpret what I'm saying, or at least trying to make yourself look better by putting someone else down who hasn't sat around waiting for the right job to drop in their lap. It's not just about tailoring your CV, as you said anyone with half a brain cell can do it. But it's also about using the correct layout and wording in your CV to make it stand out from others. An example of this, is the type of CV they taught in school. These types of CV's as a business, we don't look at and usually end up in the bin and we don't read CV's we scan them looking for certain key points that make you stand out from every other CV that we get.

Ah right, and this BTEC diploma you did...which btw is completely useless and is nothing more than a CV filler. I can only imagine that diploma would be useful if you want to run your own business, but were to retarded to work out how to set it up?

Did the funds for it grow out of your arse? and then you did in Magic Land were time stopped?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Mar 12, 2010
Ah right, and this BTEC diploma you did...which btw is completely useless and is nothing more than a CV filler. I can only imagine that diploma would be useful if you want to run your own business, but were to retarded to work out how to set it up?

Did the funds for it grow out of your arse? and then you did in Magic Land were time stopped?
If the BTEC was pointless, how come then It's allowed me to progress and work towards my bachelors degree and really you should learn to read properly. You've just made yourself look like a complete tool, by missing key information I have all ready pointed out, that makes your above statement meaningless.

You've even quoted what I said.....


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Unemployment rate has risen.

Jobs are out there you just got to stand out like a sore thumb. My sector is sales so i always look @ the commission + a car. Am a fussy ****er and still can get my hand snatched.

Get your CV singing and dancing. Like Andy said get registered with your local and online recruitment agencies. Don't rely on the job centre.


LOMCN Developer
Jul 22, 2003
Romania, Timisoara
To get a good job, all around the world, you need to know people! that`s the whole point, civilization where build like that, technology evolved knowing others, big projects are made from human interaction !! We can evolve knowing others!!!!!
CV`s + university and bla bla`s are pure ****. It`s all about you and impressions you make to others, what you can bring in a enviroment....

I work from when I was 15 years old, never had 1 day of unemployment. Worked even when i studied at University, and all of these jobs and projects I found them trough other people.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 11, 2005
If the BTEC was pointless, how come then It's allowed me to progress and work towards my bachelors degree and really you should learn to read properly. You've just made yourself look like a complete tool, by missing key information I have all ready pointed out, that makes your above statement meaningless.

You've even quoted what I said.....


I asked were you got the funds from and the time to do this? i couldnt afford to do a BTEC in business management it probably costs what £500-£2000 depending were you go?, Not possible on minimum wage and bills to pay.

ever heard the saying stuck in a rut? thats what 60% of the population are now, i am barely living hand to mouth, let alone with spare funds to do anything with.

Its the way capitalism is built, a select 10% of population have half decent jobs, 5% run the roost and the other 85% barely live in poverty, its all right saying you can do this and that.

If the whole population did what you said, We'd have alot of highly qualified skilled workers, wondering "Dsmir said i should get retrained and make my CV epicly awesome...but i still cant find a job in any proffessional capacity why why why...."

Because there is not enough "professional" "skilled" jobs for everyone who's trained, and this problem has come in the last 10 years with the boom in university graduates, the government obviously didn't understand there own Economics systems before pushing higher education and the effect it would have on the over-saturation of the job market.

Isnt it now Mandatory to stay in school untill your 18? Just to make the UN-employment figures lower....

What ever argument you come back with is invalid, its not possible for everyone to do as you say for various different factors 80% of the UK's population are destined to live on minimum wage or just above for the remainder of there lives. The sooner they except that's the way capitalism work, the happier they'll probably be.
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