Longevity of Mir 2

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Game Master
Mar 24, 2003
From my veeery limited understanding, it would be a case of if you want to buy GG, do it there n then if you don't want any risk?

If you want 10 quid of GG, buy 10 quid of crypto then buy the GG, if you sit on it, you're taking the risk of losing/gaining money like any investment in crypto.
Ah yea I guess you wouldn’t sit on the crypto, but my thoughts are correct in thinking that the game gold could cost more or less depending on the value of the coin at the time.

Anyway I don’t really have an issue with that. My personal hope is for LOMCN to take a stronger approach against cash cows and misleading user-counts like they do with cheaters and people using dodgy server files. How easy this is to manage in reality is up for question I suppose😫.


LOMCN Developer
Mar 26, 2003
Does the value of the crypto for OldSkool fluctuate? If I buy £20 today, will I get the same value in your GS next week, could it be worth more or less or does it hold the exact same value? I don't have much knowledge on it, and certainly not in terms of integration with mir obviously.
i think what he meant = will the amount of ingame value (gg or whatever) you get fluctuate with the coin market, or will it be fixed x count = x gg regardless


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Does the value of the crypto for OldSkool fluctuate? If I buy £20 today, will I get the same value in your GS next week, could it be worth more or less or does it hold the exact same value? I don't have much knowledge on it, and certainly not in terms of integration with mir obviously.
The price of 1000 Gamegold will be 15 MATIC - about £9.6 at time of this post so roughly 1p = 1gg as ive always done on my servers.
We won't constantly adjust the price it costs in MATIC unless there is a dramatic change. If you convert there and then you might benefit you might not.
I mean lets face it whatever money you had in your bank account last year is now worth 10% less now anyway cause of inflation so the ups and downs are everywhere in a global economy.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Apocalypse V2 - This servers focus was clearly designed to exploit people with gambling addictions, promoting a new sense of P2W that exploits the vulnerable. Allowing people to spend £1000+ individually on hopes of achieving better gear to compete. This became so excessive that it collapsed on itself, which the players found were unacceptable and recalled.

For some reason, this was spun against the players and LOMCN only agreed with the developers in their clear abuse of this game. It should not be accepted to exploit thousands, I can only assume 50K+ was accumulated from this originally before the recalls. At no point were the players opinions ever listened to and it was always them at blame. The players with real life gambling problems, being exploited who were baited into an addiction.. blame them without discussion? Also they thought £2.40 for an HOUR of double exp was acceptable, they even advertised it as 200% even though it was +100% in a way to falsely advertise it in the store. They acknowledged this, but again no care given and nothing was changed as it didn't benefit their pockets.

We have now their developer/s moving onto a NEW server with the same gambling systems, with a non-refundable system to further exploit people. LOMCN have not closed the previous server and are still allowing the advertisement and forum hosting of a dead, inactive, non-updated server that the developers have decided the best course of action is to make a new one.
I have not read the whole thread, or anything past this point, but i just wanted to respond here.

You know nothing about anything, yet talk like you do. You have heard a story and are stupid enough to just believe it.

This is the exact problem with the mir community. Social media has influenced the way in which every one speaks to each other online. With this they act like they know something because someone else told them. I heard johnny robbed tim, because aaron told me. This goes from hear say to facts in seconds, and spreads like fire in the outback.

People have become so entitled; as an example if someone's feedback is listened to and yours is not, you act as though GMs/Players/community do not listen value your opinion, the truth is they just dont. Maybe thats ok, maybe your opinion is wrong/stupid or just not in the direction someone wants to take something. Just because you think its the right thing, does not mean others MUST listen. You are 1 of many, but act like everyone is many to you. This is just pure arrogance.

I really want to quote this point here as a prime example:

promoting a new sense of P2W that exploits the vulnerable.

This gentleman here has decided to be a ambassador for the community as if you are all so stupid and vulnerable. His words.

Do you think there maybe be a reason why Big successful companies are unreachable? Because they are far well established and experienced enough to know that the players will destroy the game long before the creators do. EVERYONE is out for themselves in the gaming world, despite what anyone says.

My server failed for 100 reasons. Me, other gms, players, lack of work. i can go on. I talk on behalf of other servers i have experienced too. Discord is a sespit of negativity, but is also the only way (as it stands) to really build up a usercount. I recently watched a server spit out content (good content too) at a rate like no others. and yet players consistently moaned. Peoples expectations are crazy in todays gaming world. Mir cant be long term successful.
In my opinion players should expect popular servers for no longer than 6 months, and when they die down not blame everyone, but instead realize that this is how the gaming world is today.


Aug 13, 2020
I can't wait to play that Mir Epic

Hight Rare server

Your QA is as bad as the current situation, people are ripping you new sphincters and that banner is

I have not read the whole thread, or anything past this point, but i just wanted to respond here.

You know nothing about anything, yet talk like you do. You have heard a story and are stupid enough to just believe it.

This is the exact problem with the mir community. Social media has influenced the way in which every one speaks to each other online. With this they act like they know something because someone else told them. I heard johnny robbed tim, because aaron told me. This goes from hear say to facts in seconds, and spreads like fire in the outback.

People have become so entitled; as an example if someone's feedback is listened to and yours is not, you act as though GMs/Players/community do not listen value your opinion, the truth is they just dont. Maybe thats ok, maybe your opinion is wrong/stupid or just not in the direction someone wants to take something. Just because you think its the right thing, does not mean others MUST listen. You are 1 of many, but act like everyone is many to you. This is just pure arrogance.

I really want to quote this point here as a prime example:

promoting a new sense of P2W that exploits the vulnerable.

This gentleman here has decided to be a ambassador for the community as if you are all so stupid and vulnerable. His words.

Do you think there maybe be a reason why Big successful companies are unreachable? Because they are far well established and experienced enough to know that the players will destroy the game long before the creators do. EVERYONE is out for themselves in the gaming world, despite what anyone says.

My server failed for 100 reasons. Me, other gms, players, lack of work. i can go on. I talk on behalf of other servers i have experienced too. Discord is a sespit of negativity, but is also the only way (as it stands) to really build up a usercount. I recently watched a server spit out content (good content too) at a rate like no others. and yet players consistently moaned. Peoples expectations are crazy in todays gaming world. Mir cant be long term successful.
In my opinion players should expect popular servers for no longer than 6 months, and when they die down not blame everyone, but instead realize that this is how the gaming world is today.
People are entitled to their own opinion, me presenting my opinion doesn't make me an 'ambassador for the community'.

Let's present some examples..

- You informed everyone that you didn't even understand the prices of your own GG store. You said you have nothing to do with it and yet was arguing with the community when they complained it was too expensive and a scam. You then told everyone you that you thought 1000 GG was £1, when in actual fact it was £10. Somehow months later you told everyone on comms that you had got your pricing wrong... How ****ing stupid can a developer be, to not even know their own prices?

- On season 2, you knew this was the end... you started to remove the in-game gold options out of the GG store on selected items that provided massive stats. An example of this were the mounts with +60/90 stats (10-20% of an average players entire stats), which you changed from being purchasable in-game via gold to GG to milk any last bit out of the game.. (one of many changes).

An example of your incompetence...

- Your server was so greedy, not even Bon wanted any involvement in your ideas (and hany from the sounds of it). The levels of corruption and greed built into your re-roll and other similar features that worked on £/chance, should have been illegal. It was at the same level as slot machines, which would be identified as an illegal means of gambling. Yet you absolutely destroyed the community and came out of it not giving two ****s about anyone but yourself. As I quote you.. "EVERYONE is out for themselves in the gaming world, despite what anyone says."

You have swayed into here with the same level of arrogance and entitlement you had on Apocalypse V2, the only change is that you have owned up how your server failed so terribly because of you.

YOU... started the downfall of all these issues and created a problem, that should have never started. I've yet to speak to any other player that had any respect left for you, after the way you treated your player base and blamed everyone but yourself until today.

You treated all your players with the same hand. Selected individuals decided to recall (which I never did), but everyone was dealt with the same hand in response. You could have easily pulled this back and just acknowledged the issues, spoke to people and fixed the issues at hand. "We were not going to make updates to a dead server,"... you stopped with the updates before it had even died and took the decision to stop, once people had refunded.

Instead of speaking about it, you vanished for around a YEAR?! (Lost count how long it's been now) and pretend you are keeping the server up for the players.

Lets be honest... you was never in it for the players or had any intention to do this for the players. It was just lies, mixed in with money in an attempt to fleece the Mir2 community which failed terribly for you.

"EVERYONE is out for themselves in the gaming world, despite what anyone says." - Dan
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
We're not stay at home single mothers who have the time to study literally anything.............
We're hard working men who have to provide for our families. I'm working 60+ hours every week got no fking time to study ****.
You talk like you know me? Child


Feb 26, 2004
Out of curiosity, when I brought this up ages ago (Multiple times), where were you all when I was bitching about the forum being poisoned with this cancer mentality of servers lol.

Too many of you trying to make money or something, now it's not really profitable huh? :D

Hate to be the bearer of bad news...but i'm pretty sure it's a bit late...the only players you have left are in it to make money, not play the servers.
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Mar 4, 2022
Read through the whole thread and thought I would add my 2 cents.

1) A lot about P2W and corruption blah blah, sorry but I can name 5 games from the top of my head that are heavily p2w and boast very good user counts and longevity. Middle ground is always OK, as a player I'm not even against GG shops, but things should be obtainable (reasonably) playing too, please not the word reasonably

2) Chargebacks, just stop using PayPal You have stripe, and a vast amount of other payment methods that make charging back much more difficult

3) Please stop using the word crypto if you have no idea what it is, I swear Mir is full of 40 year old karen's. Ben made a server where you can donate via crypto, how does that even ruin the game. It can't be charged back, if you don't know how to use crypto. The internet is your friend.

4) The last point, nobody has really mentioned is the lack of collaboration from GM's on here. You all punch out servers regularly, ofc most people are just going to migrate to the shiny new server. If you want a server that has a sustained UC, stop giving them choice? All these player complaints about lack of content etc could easily be solved if you could put some greed aside, make a server where you have a few GM's and share the work load. But what happens is a server will come out, then 2 months later another one will...

I don't subscribe to the belief that players or GM are solely responsible for the sorry state of this game, it's a collective issue. The players are very fickle and cry about everything but it's also very clear some servers (Apoc V2) were released accepting that they wouldn't last long, so what was the best way to earn as much money as possible. Again, GM's should make money from their servers, it requires work and time. However the decisions you're making in the short term, completely shafts the longevity of your own servers. For what it's worth Win server although not perfect, and was not as fun as perhaps Ben or Gena's servers, at least the guy tried to change something using a subscription based service.

Plus this community is toxic, half these guys can't put their points across without an insult...
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Majestic Mir 2
Dedicated Member
Aug 24, 2015
Majestic Town
@Win i agree with you.. was in a discord with dan and someone else and he said to kane lets make a server to get some £ then off there pop. just before last xmas dan started his “disappearance”.i heard he went to paris to go and see a doctor… not sure if this is fully true or not. If its true then fair enough but why paris…. Anyways the deed has been done nothing we can change the past… i doubt they will be making another server… just get along with it now? a new year… fresh start… lets hope theres not too many cash cow servers and bring the new proper servers whats been developing over last year(s)
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Prime example of whats wrong with LOMCN the community is so stuck in the past and a lot of people are resistant to changes or improvements. From what I understand Jamie tried it with his last server to slowly intergrate some of the Mir4 feature into his server and at first everyone was happy but then as soon as they were implomented the Oh this isn't mir comment, why's he changed this, whys he changed that.

He put time and effort into trying to create something new and what did he get for it abuse and complaining to change it back to the way it was, seen this happen on a lot of servers then as soon as it gets changed back people complain, this is boring, theres nothing new to do, the classes are unbalanced, assassins and taoists are soloing all the bosses.

People on here aren't happy unless there complaining about something... (myself included)

Crypto is a way to better protect server owners investment into making a server as it prevents people from charging back its as simple as that. could an owner use it to launch a cash cow server then take the server down a few weeks to months later sure they can but its no different than any other P-server cash shop game on this site or any other, heck Jesus was known for throwing out multiple cash cows a year.

The only reason player went to his servers is the same they go to any server the community playing it and a fresh start crypto instead of the pound being the payment method is not going to change that.

Someone a few pages back said something about mir being 20 years old and crypto shouldn't exist together but thats like saying I'm gunna use my nokia 3310 instead of a smartphone just because. its a daft arguement.

Lastly I am one of the few people on this site who pushed for evolution on servers made a big detailed post ages back when Jamie released zircon on how to fix/improve the game and no one did anything with it. But then its funny how when Mir4 came out almost all the suggested changes were a part of the core game for it and how balanced the actual pvp system is when fighting someone of similar power and skill instead of these stupidly unbalanced pvp 1 shot server where either all classes are broken or one class is massively overpowered to the point there is no point playing them.

Thats the reason there are less people every year because none of you want to let owner improve the game but then do nothing but complain its boring because you played the basic version of mir2/3 to death...
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Why the f are we still here?
Golden Oldie
May 10, 2009
County Durham
I have nothing against crypto integration, though I have to say I personally wouldn't be a huge fan of it.

My reasons being, as a crypto trader myself, the market is at its most volatile it has been in a long time. This is worsened by the regular talks of the crypto industry being regulated, which in part has taken its toll on crypto too.

The idea isn't bad, but the risk as it stands today is high. Crypto is proving to us that investment is not worth it's while as shares continue to plummet. Even the top coins in the crypto world are struggling, whales that once inflated the market have disappeared and figures show.

My only advice to anyone investing is to do your homework and research.

Again, this is in no way bashing the idea as I don't think it's a terrible idea, especially as a lot of companies accept crypto nowadays, as you rightly mentioned. I am however of the opinion that it may not work within this sort of target audience, though I'd love to be proven wrong.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
I have nothing against crypto integration, though I have to say I personally wouldn't be a huge fan of it.

My reasons being, as a crypto trader myself, the market is at its most volatile it has been in a long time. This is worsened by the regular talks of the crypto industry being regulated, which in part has taken its toll on crypto too.

The idea isn't bad, but the risk as it stands today is high. Crypto is proving to us that investment is not worth it's while as shares continue to plummet. Even the top coins in the crypto world are struggling, whales that once inflated the market have disappeared and figures show.

My only advice to anyone investing is to do your homework and research.

Again, this is in no way bashing the idea as I don't think it's a terrible idea, especially as a lot of companies accept crypto nowadays, as you rightly mentioned. I am however of the opinion that it may not work within this sort of target audience, though I'd love to be proven wrong.
I hate crypto in general and I agree the market is volatile its why I would say to anyone who intends to play on a game that uses crypto buy as you need and use it don't leave it sitting there that way you get what you paid for. the exception is when the price has crashed hard and if you understand how crypto all works then it may be worth buying some in bulk and holding onto it but I wouldn't suggest this to a newbie.

Prime example is Wemades Wemix dropped drastically last year towards the end fair few of us bought some up well it was cheap because it was bound to rebound when MirM launches, it dropped because they messed up a report which they then fixed but got delisted from some crypto market but they are getting added onto Binanace which means it will most likely go up again, and there doing a buy back and burn where they will buy x amount of there own crypto throughout the year and burn it to improve the value of it.

When I bought it was $0.15 per wemix its now $0.36 and MirM still hasn't launched, Its still not listed on Binance so although I doubt it will increase to $24 which it reached early on in mir4s launch it will probably rebound to $2-5 at some point in the future but there is always a chance it doesn't or it drops lower than when I bought thats the risk you take when buying to hold and get a greater return in the future. its a gamble and why I suggest noobies be very careful if your holding onto any crypto.
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Loyal Member
Loyal Member
May 25, 2019
I don’t understand what people want to achieve from all this?

Peoples heads have fell off since Ben advert.

Where’s the new year new me attitude 😂✌️


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
@Win i agree with you.. was in a discord with dan and someone else and he said to kane lets make a server to get some £ then off there pop. just before last xmas dan started his “disappearance”.i heard he went to paris to go and see a doctor… not sure if this is fully true or not. If its true then fair enough but why paris…. Anyways the deed has been done nothing we can change the past… i doubt they will be making another server… just get along with it now? a new year… fresh start… lets hope theres not too many cash cow servers and bring the new proper servers whats been developing over last year(s)
I was going to reply to the tards response but he wrote me an essay and tried to capture individual moments, out of context, i think id be the bigger idiot arguing with him.

But your reply is exactly my reason for posting in the first place.

I got very ill, i never went to paris! but see how a rumor starts? I mean who decided to say paris, probably like 8 people before it got to you, this is why i always say, i cant listen to too many opinions on mir, because while its MOSTLY with good intentions, if often comes from a bad source/experience.

Anyone who thinks i did not work my but off for Apoc, is delusional. The Elite mir guy or w/e had a bad experience and cant manage to see past his tunnel vision. His information is so poor i may aswell go get feedback from Winnie the Pooh.
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LOMCN Veteran
Feb 14, 2005
Lets face it we all love mir. Nothing will ever compete with the feeling of getting the weapon you really wanted drop, or wiping a guild from your boss the **** talking ect ... this is why we all play however sometimes servers can go over the top with game shops, i fully understand a server needs to make its money thought, i also think some servers personally over complicate mir at times and try to make it more like world of warcraft.

The hardest thing in mir right now is finding a dedicated team. People launch a server love it and care for it for around 2 months then slowly just stop, or just release another server couple months later, also lots of servers are copy and paste these days. But i also think one of the biggest faults is rushing to bring a server out.

I have been contemplating making a server of my own for years as the ideas and things i could potentially bring as a player i would love to share, another issue i have is I'm ok at coding however I'm no pro, if bugs came about i would not be able to fix them in an hour like most these wizz kid gm's ^^.
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