Part two

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 2, 2009
Generalisation ftl.

I'm not a statistic!

I took it that when Smavid made that remark he was referring to the 2 mods who are part of the 4H team, not every Mod on the forums!

Quite a few people over the past few days have criticised mods and made similar comments regarding the lack of action, so why has one comment by me been singled out and highlighted?


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Like ive said, and you keep failing to understand, Ben gets infracted and banned just the same as anyone else.

As for me and Preacher taking action against you all, thats because you have been breaking a number of rules.

Break rules, action is taken, noticed how Ben hasn't posted anything in the past few days really? :001_rolleyes:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 29, 2006
lol at "standing up to ben"

you need to get out more sunshine. Its a beautiful world out there, and much better reasons for crying.

Put on your best shirt, wipe away your tears, and take a step outside.

agreed here :P lol. bens an bumhole. leave it at that.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 20, 2005
Preacher deleting the post is not the answer.
general chat is for talking.
We agreed not to post on the server adverts as we where assured we could express out opinions etc in general chat.
Then you come along and close the thread.
You make a post and i Quote the below from the last part.

The reason im posting again is because your last post is the whole reason we are protesting.
I can assure you that if i get banned for reoping this post i will be going above your head as it should never have been posted.

this is your last post below
Yet another thread gone off topic. Posts that are against the rules of LOMCN are delt with on a case by case basis. No one is above those rules, no matter what anyone else might belive. I know Bon can be abrasive in the way he puts his opinion accross (but at the end of the day it is only his opinion), and the community here has been around long enough to know what he's like and to take anything he says about a server with a heafty pinch of salt. However one or two of you (Naming no names) have turnned it into some sort of massive conspiracy, your getting to worked up about things. Just ignore his posts, it's simple.

On topic, i will clear the Upcomming section of any unused threads.

Thread locked. Please don't create another one, i think the community has had enough of this little ego trip between you three (Bon, Tallos and pob) to last a lifetime.

the green is exactly what we are talking about.
Hes been doing this for so long the staff have become complaciant and you now condone it saying thats just ben.hes done it long enough and you should no by now lol.

That in its self is stupid.

Any new members who do not no ben will look at his posts on every server advert (not noing him and his ways) and think what he is saying is true.
Im sorry preacher but this is not acceptable on any scale.

Condoning his continued behavour on any level is not an acceptable solution.

There has to be new rules made and all moderators need to stick to them.
many suggestions have been made as to the new rules which will put a stop to this permantley but they are been ignored.

Untill something is done this wont go away.
Closing threads and banning people for standing up to ben is not the way either.

Instead of pushing this under the carpet why not deal with it the way it shold.
Set the new rules and have done with it.

playing a server for 1 hour or so is not enough time to form an opinion of the over all game.

saved to text file for reposting if deleted ...
why don't you just **** off?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 2, 2009
Like ive said, and you keep failing to understand, Ben gets infracted and banned just the same as anyone else.

As for me and Preacher taking action against you all, thats because you have been breaking a number of rules.

Break rules, action is taken, noticed how Ben hasn't posted anything in the past few days really? :001_rolleyes:

It is not about taking action against us, we all expected and accepted that action would be taken, it is about the fact that if anyone posted anything remotely negative on a 4H thread it is instantly cleaned and people warned / infracted.

If any other advert was spammed or flamed, it would be left for days. Then only partially cleaned or wiped totally clean, losing all of its good feedback!

Anything that is posted that casts the slightest shadow over 4H or Ben is immediately removed or deleted, why is it never left for people to give their opinions or just locked like other threads ? Why delete these posts but leave similar ones regarding other servers?

People say ignore Ben and he will stop, but that is bull crap as he does the same thing over and over again. Ben has influence over many people and plenty have admitted that his negative comments do put them off trying servers. It is not just like he posts one comment and leaves it there, he goes on and on and on posting until the ad is pulled or the server goes down. Mission achieved ! ! !

I have no doubt Ben will keep his nose clean for a few weeks as he knows people will be waiting for him to start again, but on the other hand he does not realy have many rivals advertising at the moment,


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
lol at "standing up to ben"

you need to get out more sunshine. Its a beautiful world out there, and much better reasons for crying.

Put on your best shirt, wipe away your tears, and take a step outside.
True dat :sleep:


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
It is not about taking action against us, we all expected and accepted that action would be taken, it is about the fact that if anyone posted anything remotely negative on a 4H thread it is instantly cleaned and people warned / infracted.

If any other advert was spammed or flamed, it would be left for days. Then only partially cleaned or wiped totally clean, losing all of its good feedback!

Anything that is posted that casts the slightest shadow over 4H or Ben is immediately removed or deleted, why is it never left for people to give their opinions or just locked like other threads ? Why delete these posts but leave similar ones regarding other servers?

People say ignore Ben and he will stop, but that is bull crap as he does the same thing over and over again. Ben has influence over many people and plenty have admitted that his negative comments do put them off trying servers. It is not just like he posts one comment and leaves it there, he goes on and on and on posting until the ad is pulled or the server goes down. Mission achieved ! ! !

I have no doubt Ben will keep his nose clean for a few weeks as he knows people will be waiting for him to start again, but on the other hand he does not realy have many rivals advertising at the moment,
Most the crap posted on the FH thread was posted by the 'We hate Ben' fan club, and was purely directed at Ben about his actions on LomCN, which has nothing itself to do with the server.

If you posted something like 'Well I was ingame and the GM Ben was rude to me and told me to FO because I asked a simple question and he refused to help me etc etc etc etc'. That would be releated to the server.

I can't even remove posts in the ad sections, and Preacher hardly ever does.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
wow......... get a life please i cant belive ur still carryin this on

think its fairly obvious from ur posts who the immature litle twa t is here pob.... and it aint me

grow up and live in the real world, not ur little fantasy world where every1 loves me and hates u, and its all some sorta consipiricy...

ive many haters, but plenty of friends... preacher and celsius are both my m8s, but ive received infractions of both in the past.. azura also ocmes down hard on me with 24hour bans.. plus theres that cough jealy that continues to mess with my siggy and be a complete nob but hay, i get over it, as its a forum and i dont rly care

maybe u should lighten up and go outside.. stop revolving ur life around mir so much, makin u senile m8


Sep 12, 2005
Staffordshire, UK
ive many haters, but plenty of friends... preacher and celsius are both my m8s, but ive received infractions of both in the past.. azura also ocmes down hard on me with 24hour bans.. plus theres that cough jealy that continues to mess with my siggy and be a complete nob but hay, i get over it, as its a forum and i dont rly care

You realise that's just going to add to the conspiracy people have created right? I personally would of left that part out regardless of truth or not you've just gave them more ammunition.



Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Hehehe, its funny your making such a big fuss over ben, its a joke again, and everybody sees it. The REAL lomcn community are having thier say in this, not the little minions who trawl the forums with you.


Untrusted Member
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 6, 2004
Dont know about the rest of you guys but think this has gone on long enough

And been loads of similar posts, yer its been a read lol but its time to stop i think now.

Lets just hope things carm down



Ive had a think about this and il reopen this, i really want this to get sorted and maybe this will do it
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Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
Get a grip guys, Arguing over something as petty as this. Dont see why the rest of the forum has to deal with this along with the Mir2 junkies.

Whats happened?


Holley Mir 3!!
Oct 28, 2003
Stoke, UK
Whats happened?

Well.. from what I can see..

Someone cried... someone else cried back.. some spammed... then someone else cried a little.. I put my 2 pence in.. someone else cried... err.. you get he gist..

That pretty much covers it!

HF :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
May 2, 2009
Get a grip guys, Arguing over something as petty as this. Dont see why the rest of the forum has to deal with this along with the Mir2 junkies.

Whats happened?

It may seem petty to some but it bet it is really frustrating for anyone trying to launch a new server and has to contend with digs, jibes, spam and flames on their advert.

It was initially posted in the mir 2 section, but for some strange reason Preacher decided it was not relevant to mir 2 and moved it here :confused1:
Strange really because the whole issue is about mir 2 new server adverts lol

I'm quite sure it could all be resolved by Ben making a gentleman's agreement to stop spamming rival server adverts or admin asking him to stop doing it and him agreeing.

I have nothing to gain or lose by this personally as I actually play and enjoy Bens server and I suppose the less competition for 4H means the more players, the more I will enjoy it, but I have to agree with the other server owners that what he does to their adverts is not nice or fair.

Ben should just have more confidence in his own server and not fear the competition. I don't see why people should have to worry about placing an advert, there are a lot of talented developers on LOMCN who should be given a chance to showcase their work without the worry of it being constantly ridiculed and put down.

Thats just my oppinion and maybe I'm totally off the mark, but hey, at least now I have the chance to put it across without it being imediately deleted :thumbup2:


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
I love the way its all ben this ben that.. i dont even read the posts just skim over it seein my name

u make out its all my fault and i gotta say sorry... pauls the 1 makin all these pathetic threads

i havnt posted or put down ne1s server in ages


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
I love the way its all ben this ben that.. i dont even read the posts just skim over it seein my name

u make out its all my fault and i gotta say sorry... pauls the 1 makin all these pathetic threads

i havnt posted or put down ne1s server in ages


On topic, tis true... also its a lomcn thing, as you keep saying BEN is ruining LOMCN

On this post here here I found the mentionin of LOMCN in 9 posts with mentions of lomcn and any times mir2's been mention in post its highlighted too.

Post 1
I'm a bit lost, you post proving you're immature and admitting it, yet you're calling someone else immature for attempting to get LOMCN back on track by getting the main reason for these forums going to hell banned?

I don't agree with the manner Paul has gone about this (some of the posts on the 4H HR thread), but end of the day I've tried putting the point across to Admins who ignore it/claim they'll sort it and don't, he's taking a much more direct approach that will provoke a reaction, be it good or bad.

Immaturity is rife on the net, however it is far from impossible to prevent it from the forums, as I've already said at least once; Make it so accounts need to be activated by an Admin, when people start being a pain (get banned, new account, carry on) start doing IP checks or put a 24h timer on new account creation etc, have Mods that have the powers/ability/activity to Moderate more sections, there's like... 2, maybe 3 active ones in Mir2, all of whom are either part of 4H or friends with Ben, you can't expect them to Mod things fairly (and if they do, you can't expect people to accept that, lol).

Post 2
As per usual, you skim the post and assume you know what I've said without even reading it, lol.

I said the current active Mods are part of 4H (Celsius and Preacher) or are friends with you (IceMan), therefore either; A) They can't Moderate the forums with an unbias manner, OR B) If they can do it, people who are punished won't accept that it was fair and therefore in either way, the forums are left in chaotic behavior. There needs to be a Mod or two that has no ties with you (good or bad), so you can be punished, as can others, without 'bias/corruption' being cried out.

If LOMCN's always been ran this way, I can't begin to imagine how it had 100+ users, let alone 1k+, lol. Something tells me things were let slip and it steadily got worse and worse.

Post 3
Pauls account has been restricted so he carnt view the forums lol as predicted.

i did what i did in protest and to prove my point which has been achieved 100%.

4 heroes post has been wiped again of all negative threads.
My account striped so i can view any posts nor reply.and ben makes me out to be the bad guy again.

The last yeah and a bit i have never posted on any other server advert.except the last 2 days as part of my protest.
you can seach all of my posts and you will see that 99% of the slatings etc originate from ben and 90% have nothing to do with me.

He goes from thread to thread desicrating it systematicaly then blames other people.
What i am saying is not a comment but sheer facts.
Any one who can use the search feature can proove this themselves.

The fact many people have come forth and said they will no longer be advertising on LOMCN because of BEN and his antics must go to proove we are telling the truth.
LOMCN has become a place for 4heroes only and no one else stands a chance.

I have totaly prooved my point and will no longer be returning to lomcn.
The admin/mods etc dont give a damn as long as 4heroes is ok .
Thats a sad reality and i just hope as many people as possible read this before its removed.
please Quote your self and save all your posts in a text document and send to beachy.
This needs sorting out and sooner rarther than later.
The moderators on this forum need to be sacked and replace with new dedicated people who have 0 ties with any server that can be unbias.Atm its a joke and this forum has already lost its main potion of business.

Well good luck to every one and ben (well i wont say it because this isnt my account) but please feel free to beat yourself repeadly.

all hail 4heroes

Post 4
Ben it is a FACT that your behaviour and actions are putting people off advertising here because you have a tallent of making them look like idiots and ruining the adverts. It may not seem like this to you or you may be so nieve that you don't realise your doing it, but you are!

Mir is already a game that is in decline and finds it hard to compete with modern games. One of the thing that has kept it alive so long is community sites like LOMCN that helps maintain peoples interest, lets people know that servers are still out there and running, but most importantly lets people share ideas, rescources and help each other.

Reading all of your past posts I can't see how you do anything other than just take from LOMCN. You very rarely help anyone and 90% of your posts are either putting people or servers down, mocking or winding people up, or your favourite pass time of telling people how great you are and how your so much better than them!

I'm not making this up Ben, it's all there to see in your past posts m8.

Post 5
I think the reason that some of us "cry" as you put it, is the fact that unlike Ben many of us believe that players should be given options, be allowed to think for themselves and be able to make decisions based on fact when choosing a server.

In the past Ben has targeted rival server adverts and spammed, caused flame wars and posted lies in an attempt to undermine them. Most other server owners / developers seem to welcome the competition and understand that players need variety.
Ben on the other hand seems to fear competition and from the initial advert seems to start putting it down along with anyone associated with it. As soon as a rival advert gets a few positive comments from players it is garunteed that Ben will start posting crap on it to take it off topic or spam it to the point where a mod quite conveniently wipes it clean = Job Done!

Many of us are still quite passionate about Mir and see LOMCN as being a valuable asset to the Mir community. It gets very frustrating to see it being over run by someone who can't handle a bit of healthy competition without turning to underhand tactiks. It is even more frustrating when he appears to get away with it!

I understand what you are saying about the way many of us may appear, but when you look at the wider picture I'm sure you will see the point many of us are trying to make.


Post 6
Paul has acted just as bad and just as immaturely if not worse, so your all as bad as one another. You all say you wanna make lomcn better then why not stop posting about the same thing over n over and get one with it. Nothing gonna happen with bon so just ignore his comments as i do. It's all just pathetic and getting very boring now, your points has been heard im sure, why not close the book now ?

Post 7
ive acted so badly just to proove my point.
If you look pver my post history i never post on any other server advert except my own.
The point i was prooving is if i acted as badly as ben how fast would i be banned.

day 1 i recieved a lot of infractions worth 5 points each.
they should be 1 point.
Each infration was issued by a 4heroes mod lol.

I was then banned for 24 hours from lomcn for 24 hours by celsius (a 4 heroes server admin)

Ben has been acting this way for over a year that i no of yet i have never seen him banned.
I act the same way ben does 24/7 for lessd than 2 days and im removed from lomcn with a million infractions.

This is the point we are geting at.
Ben can do as he wants and no one seems interested.
The current admin just thinks we have a vendetta against ben and 4hereos and we are making all this crap up.

The evidence is clear for all to see just by using the search button.

Ben oblitorates every server advery ever made with out remourse or compassion.

No looking threw the server adverts all the big names are gone because of ben.
So ben now rules 4heroes mir2 sections.

Now the 4heroes server advert has been locked so no comments can be left.good or bad.
It will be moved to the approved server listings just as his other server was then the upcoiming section will be empty.

Close are is the end of LOMCN.........
such a shame.
The last real resource for mir 2 is dead and buried.

I have been working on a myth muserver for year now and its almost complete but i would not even dream of advertiging it on LOMCN.

MythMU has millions of players and could have brought a bit of life into LOMCN if it was channeled properly.
But how could LOMCN ever be updated in such a way .ben would simply get jelous and desimate it with in weeks lol.....

Post 8
Lomcn is still very much alive otherwise why would you still be here ? it may not be what it once was but it's still alive. It's your choice to advertise on lomcn thats completly up to you, but the way you acted in the past few days i'd say makes you look like a fool. Yeh ben gets away with alot of crap but is it for you or i to say he should be banned ? no because were not the mods/admin. Just consentrate on your servers and forget about the rest if ben spams your thread report him to azura i'm sure he'll deal with him where necessary.

Post 9
The fact is, it's no longer worth advertising on LOMCN. It has finally failed.

Leng, give up. I've tried time and time again but some people simply don't have the mental capacity to see what's right under their noses, repeatedly smacking them in the face. It's a lost cause.
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