Recieved word from my domain provider


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 9, 2003
tell them to prove u aint using diamond :P

P.S im bored ****less without your forums to spam on scorp


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 19, 2003
Chester :P
MentaL said:
You know what the best defence is? A kick in the balls.

correct me if im wrong here (which i think i might be)

i read up on the emulator thingy as well an it seems legal like leo said.

but wot i can work out we r currently using the chinese version of mir which they have just given to us (i think this was said in another post) so to me it seems the only ppl that can rly get done is the chinese that have given us the files.

as far as i can make out the only thing that seems illegal so far is ur domain name as it is if it was theres a big difference.

we have also done some work to these files now so they cnt claim them as 100% theres apart from images.

bc we have added some of our ideas and coded some new things into mir they cnt clain the files to be 100% wemades no more.

im just going by wot iv read here dnt go mad at me if it is wrong


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
Neptune said:
correct me if im wrong here (which i think i might be)

i read up on the emulator thingy as well an it seems legal like leo said.

but wot i can work out we r currently using the chinese version of mir which they have just given to us (i think this was said in another post) so to me it seems the only ppl that can rly get done is the chinese that have given us the files.

If people give is microsoft windows and we use it, we are just as much responsible for using it as the person for giving it to us.

as far as i can make out the only thing that seems illegal so far is ur domain name as it is if it was theres a big difference.

indeed, or using a mir image as a logo.

we have also done some work to these files now so they cnt claim them as 100% theres apart from images.

all the images we use are copyright to wemade.

bc we have added some of our ideas and coded some new things into mir they cnt clain the files to be 100% wemades no more.

still using their basic coding and software tho to access.

im just going by wot iv read here dnt go mad at me if it is wrong



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 19, 2003
Horsham, West Sussex.
Just because they have doesn't make it illegal for anyone to own, so long as there not pretending to be Legend Of Mir, but that still doesn't make the domain illegal, just what is being used for.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
BabyBear said:
Just because they have doesn't make it illegal for anyone to own, so long as there not pretending to be Legend Of Mir, but that still doesn't make the domain illegal, just what is being used for.

Your not the ex gm from euro are you? If not why do you feel the need to copy peoples names? Just like people naming themselves Alaria on servers. so annoying.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 19, 2003
Horsham, West Sussex.
NickAKAVexus said:
Your not the ex gm from euro are you? If not why do you feel the need to copy peoples names? Just like people naming themselves Alaria on servers. so annoying.

Your going to tell me that my name has copyright laws now also? Who in the hell do you think you are, i've had this name on here for years and i can tell you now i've certainly not copied the name or knew that it was in existance, but can i just remind you, there are a few million people called Nick, copy cat!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
BabyBear said:
Your going to tell me that my name has copyright laws now also? Who in the hell do you think you are, i've had this name on here for years and i can tell you now i've certainly not copied the name or knew that it was in existance, but can i just remind you, there are a few million people called Nick, copy cat!

My real life name is Nick, my online handle/alias is Vexus or Vexusdev.

Its just a bit odd that you happen to have same name as a GM, mir community isn't that big.

Sorry to go off topic. :D


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 19, 2003
Horsham, West Sussex.
NickAKAVexus said:
My real life name is Nick, my online handle/alias is Vexus or Vexusdev.

Its just a bit odd that you happen to have same name as a GM, mir community isn't that big.

Sorry to go off topic. :D

Put it this way the size of the mir community is irrelivent, the fact is i've been around long before mir was even a concept and i've used this name for as long as i can remember, but for sake of narrow minded people who pass comment and judgement before they think, why don't i just get it changed?

But before i do that, can i get a list of approved names that meet your requirements?


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 27, 2003
Aslong as we call the servers we play "mir" and use the images created by WeMade, we will be in breach of copyright. Even if we code our own server file's like with Mir:Unleashed. Still gonna be using copyright protected images. WeMade supply those images to us, the user, in their game clients, with clauses specific in the EULA warning against modifying their files or using their stuff for anything other than to play their game...

JUst up til now theres been very little interest in persuing small-time servers. P69 has gotten so big and so well known that it is a threat to official mir and their user base, so now they are forced to take action.

You should be proud to have become such a big player. But you brought it on yourself. Mental take note, they'll find a means of coming after you in one way or another once they get a gameplan, nomatter how well you think you have protected you enterprise.
Last edited:


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
Does not bother me, i get legal issues on a regular bases so, nothing I have not experienced before.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2005
New york
BabyBear said:
Put it this way the size of the mir community is irrelivent, the fact is i've been around long before mir was even a concept and i've used this name for as long as i can remember, but for sake of narrow minded people who pass comment and judgement before they think, why don't i just get it changed?

But before i do that, can i get a list of approved names that meet your requirements?

Oh, narrow minded? Ha the size of mir community doesn't even exceed 1000 and you are telling me i'm narrow minded for thinking that you copied a name which is within that community?

+ No need to start crying because some one asked you about your name.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 19, 2003
Horsham, West Sussex.
NickAKAVexus said:
Oh, narrow minded? Ha the size of mir community doesn't even exceed 1000 and you are telling me i'm narrow minded for thinking that you copied a name which is within that community?

+ No need to start crying because some one asked you about your name.

I'm Crying now am i? since when, you didnt ask you told, you clearly stated that if i wasnt the "real" babybear, then why do i feel the need to copy names. In the 3 years+ that i've been on this forum i can't recall an instance where its been a problem, until you came along of course.


Crystal Dev
Jul 21, 2004
Annon said:
Aslong as we call the servers we play "mir" and use the images created by WeMade, we will be in breach of copyright. Even if we code our own server file's like with Mir:Unleashed. Still gonna be using copyright protected images. WeMade supply those images to us, the user, in their game clients, with clauses specific in the EULA warning against modifying their files or using their stuff for anything other than to play their game...

JUst up til now theres been very little interest in persuing small-time servers. P69 has gotten so big and so well known that it is a threat to official mir and their user base, so now they are forced to take action.

You should be proud to have become such a big player. But you brought it on yourself. Mental take note, they'll find a means of coming after you in one way or another once they get a gameplan, nomatter how well you think you have protected you enterprise.

P69 has been that big for awhile, they only created the argument because of the domain name.



LOMCN Veteran
Mar 27, 2003
lol. and while they're at it they'll demand the server shut down as conveniently the dns is linked with the server... Two birds with one corporate stone...


Crystal Dev
Jul 21, 2004
Annon said:
lol. and while they're at it they'll demand the server shut down as conveniently the dns is linked with the server... Two birds with one corporate stone...

As far as i know they cant demand the server files to be stoped being ran.

As they could just say their diamond files..

The fact that they host a edited client is another thing.

Instead they should say if you wish to play the server please change the I.P's in the ini files and a short lil guide if anything.

Also downloadable ptahces seperate which states you download and install these at your own risk.

Think that'd prevent problems
