Rise of Phoenix Mir II

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Oct 14, 2004
Bristol, UK, England
2x exp? not meaning to slate it or owt as i do love low rate servers, but the only way i can see this working with a succesful usercount is if u make unique caves from the sstart or change hunting cavess around, ssay like psc being a low lvl cave and mines being maybe a high lvl cave(something different)


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
2x exp? not meaning to slate it or owt as i do love low rate servers, but the only way i can see this working with a succesful usercount is if u make unique caves from the sstart or change hunting cavess around, ssay like psc being a low lvl cave and mines being maybe a high lvl cave(something different)

Tbh I don't think it's going to work at all with that exp rate, and by the sounds of it they don't really care either? :s


Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
RoninGhoul killed at about level 30 Exp 2040
Level 30 exp needed 178000 / 2040 = 87 mobs, or less if you hunt around.

Dont like that to bad.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2004
All those negative replys are by people whos mir life has being ruined by the quick fix High ratex50 etc servers around today. If you want a good long lasting server with a community look no further than this one. I really do hope you get this server up and running it will be a breath of fresh air.

Whats the obsession with exp rates anyway,isnt mir about game play and getting the cool items. I never knew anyone on Euro mir who only wanted to be lvl 40 or get to 50 being their primary focus. If you really want to enjoy mir at its best the best way is to give a low rate server a go. High rates is like a can of red bull quick burst of energy then you want another one.

Face facts how many servers have come through this forum last 2 years. Of those servers how many still are up? about 3 decent ones since along time ago. Those servers still up since then are high rates that only serve to give you high stats and you end up being tank characters with stats bigger than most page 3 birds lol.Also some servers are owned by a select few who invite their personal friends to come and they get free items to make them stand out from the rest and dominate.

But if its high rate you prefer who am I to say thats bad. I too play high rate servers but am sick to death of getting everything too quick and too easy. Low rate is for old school mir players and current mir2US players maybe. If you dont wanna try it out dont bother posting again . If you do join in ill be waiting in safezone to coem hunt or to pvp whatever flaots your boat.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
All those negative replys are by people whos mir life has being ruined by the quick fix High ratex50 etc servers around today. If you want a good long lasting server with a community look no further than this one. I really do hope you get this server up and running it will be a breath of fresh air.

Whats the obsession with exp rates anyway,isnt mir about game play and getting the cool items. I never knew anyone on Euro mir who only wanted to be lvl 40 or get to 50 being their primary focus. If you really want to enjoy mir at its best the best way is to give a low rate server a go. High rates is like a can of red bull quick burst of energy then you want another one.

Face facts how many servers have come through this forum last 2 years. Of those servers how many still are up? about 3 decent ones since along time ago. Those servers still up since then are high rates that only serve to give you high stats and you end up being tank characters with stats bigger than most page 3 birds lol.Also some servers are owned by a select few who invite their personal friends to come and they get free items to make them stand out from the rest and dominate.

But if its high rate you prefer who am I to say thats bad. I too play high rate servers but am sick to death of getting everything too quick and too easy. Low rate is for old school mir players and current mir2US players maybe. If you dont wanna try it out dont bother posting again . If you do join in ill be waiting in safezone to coem hunt or to pvp whatever flaots your boat.

Great reply, but shame you didn't actually read the other posts in this thread before "responding" to them. All those negative replies? The only replies in this thread that could be arguably classed as negative are from myself and Andy. Both of whom have already stated that we are LR players...

Moving on... it's been said time and time again here on lomcn that the only way an LR server can be successful is if it's reliable. No offence but the other versions of Elysian/Iceman's servers have not been reliable... so what's different?


Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
Great reply, but shame you didn't actually read the other posts in this thread before "responding" to them. All those negative replies? The only replies in this thread that could be arguably classed as negative are from myself and Andy. Both of whom have already stated that we are LR players...

Moving on... it's been said time and time again here on lomcn that the only way an LR server can be successful is if it's reliable. No offence but the other versions of Elysian/Iceman's servers have not been reliable... so what's different?

I said it befor this is not my server,i have said i'm helping people get it up.

I dont wish to run a server or make one. must of my time is working and mir usa.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 16, 2010
Thanks iceman but please people don't post if its negative towards the server its my first time if your willing then please do post away
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 23, 2008
Well i wish you all the best of luck, i myself also love low rates but only a reliable one :) either way you seem to no where you want the server to head in the long term which can only be a good thing... but don't tell people not to post negotive comments as negotive comments can only help you run a better server, and i can understand where there coming from, due to past low rate servers. Just make sure you get it right from the begining and your do just fine :)


Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
Just some new Skill info,Demon and them should be on track for a beta run soon.

Plague - Taoist, Level 42.
Needs Amulets, Poison SC based spell, MP usage goes by users SC and the attack itself drains enemies HP and MP in pvp or pk.. It can also have a chance to stun/curse/slow/poison/para mobs and players.
Lvl1 - 42 - 8000
Lvl2 - 44 - 14000
Lvl3 - 47 - 20000

Hemorrhage - Assasin, Level 47.
Spell that cuts open target making them hemorrhage aka Red for 15 seconds or so making them weaker so attacks do more damage during the duration of the spell/poison.
Lvl1 - 47
Lvl2 - 51
Lvl3 - 55

Counter Attack - Warrior, Lvl47
Use just as your enemy attacks and their attack gets dodged and given back to them with a % chance of missing. Also gives AC/AMC+15-15 for around 7 seconds.
Lvl1 - 47 - 7000
Lvl2 - 50 or 51 - 11000
Lvl3 - 55 - 15000

Magic Booster - Wizard, Lvl47
Increases MC for 20 seconds, followed by a 20 second cooldown time to re-use the spell. MP usage increases depending on users MC for casting Magic Booster aswell as using spells while it's active.
Lvl0 - 47 - MC6-6
Lvl1 - 47 - MC12-12
Lvl2 - 50 or 51 - MC18-18
Lvl3 - 55 - MC24-24


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Good luck guys. Finally a decent server to try with tigers which has caught my eye. I will be fetching my mates from Fourheroes who has been looking for a good server to play.



Golden Oldie
Jun 20, 2003
United Kingdom
All those negative replys are by people whos mir life has being ruined by the quick fix High ratex50 etc servers around today. If you want a good long lasting server with a community look no further than this one. I really do hope you get this server up and running it will be a breath of fresh air.

Whats the obsession with exp rates anyway,isnt mir about game play and getting the cool items. I never knew anyone on Euro mir who only wanted to be lvl 40 or get to 50 being their primary focus. If you really want to enjoy mir at its best the best way is to give a low rate server a go. High rates is like a can of red bull quick burst of energy then you want another one.

Face facts how many servers have come through this forum last 2 years. Of those servers how many still are up? about 3 decent ones since along time ago. Those servers still up since then are high rates that only serve to give you high stats and you end up being tank characters with stats bigger than most page 3 birds lol.Also some servers are owned by a select few who invite their personal friends to come and they get free items to make them stand out from the rest and dominate.

But if its high rate you prefer who am I to say thats bad. I too play high rate servers but am sick to death of getting everything too quick and too easy. Low rate is for old school mir players and current mir2US players maybe. If you dont wanna try it out dont bother posting again . If you do join in ill be waiting in safezone to coem hunt or to pvp whatever flaots your boat.

Agreed, its sad that "big numbers" mean so much to players nowadays, people are deluded into thinking leveling faster = more casual gaming, when in truth you may spend the same amount of time getting lvl150-200 on hr as lvl35-40 on a Lr, with the same perks and privileges.

slower leveling = more balanced pve encounters and pvp ( more fun too)

I said it befor this is not my server,i have said i'm helping people get it up.

I dont wish to run a server or make one. must of my time is working and mir usa.

But.. if your hosting it, and fall out with them for what ever reason, what happens then? their files are tied to your dedi, they cant move elsewhere.

what happens when your dedi time runs out?

Im all for low rate servers, but as suggested x2 exp is unlikely to attract many players from the private community, unless you can get lots of people from USA playing then you will be fighting an uphill battle.

All the best with the server :)


Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
Agreed, its sad that "big numbers" mean so much to players nowadays, people are deluded into thinking leveling faster = more casual gaming, when in truth you may spend the same amount of time getting lvl150-200 on hr as lvl35-40 on a Lr, with the same perks and privileges.

slower leveling = more balanced pve encounters and pvp ( more fun too)

But.. if your hosting it, and fall out with them for what ever reason, what happens then? their files are tied to your dedi, they cant move elsewhere.

what happens when your dedi time runs out?

Im all for low rate servers, but as suggested x2 exp is unlikely to attract many players from the private community, unless you can get lots of people from USA playing then you will be fighting an uphill battle.

All the best with the server :)

They can get to the dedi any time they need.

The exp is 2x but also the exp per level has been reworked to help out.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Nov 18, 2008
Agreed, its sad that "big numbers" mean so much to players nowadays, people are deluded into thinking leveling faster = more casual gaming, when in truth you may spend the same amount of time getting lvl150-200 on hr as lvl35-40 on a Lr, with the same perks and privileges.

slower leveling = more balanced pve encounters and pvp ( more fun too)

Pvp is good on high rates aswell! Any rate can be a gd pvp server. Depends if you have enemies playin it to pk :D

Pvp was and looks good on: Toro, 4H, Crusade, EM and other servers. Most of them failed because stat cap i recon And they couldnt go over 1k. Look at 4H they have plenty of wars fights and other stuff And its a hr.

Edit: I recon EM failed because it was obv based on donation. But if he could go over the limit of 1k im sure that would be live at this moment :)
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