[2.3] Setting SafeZone parimeters


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 15, 2005
I'm looking to find out how to set safezone parimeters.
e.g BichonWall, Mudwall etc but with my own town, any ideas how this is done?

I dont mean by typing SAFE into the MAPINFO, i need to set specific safe areas to be safe/PK in


Managed to get it working!
Heres how to do it:


- Enter the map name you desire
- Enter the coords you desire (Stand in the middle of the safezone point you want)

Go to !Setup.txt

- Press CTRL + H and type Safe until
"SafeZoneSize" pops up.
You SafeZoneSize should origionally be SafeZoneSize=10.

- You can edit this to how many cells you want it to expand by, but remember it will make every other safezone point larger too. (Ive changed mine to 17)

- Open up M2Server > Options > Game > MapInfo
Change 10 to 17 (Or however many cells you desire)

You do not need to change the !Setup.txt - M2Server will do this for you.
You do not need to reboot, it will automatically change

Hope this helps.
Thanks to boothy
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 15, 2005
Lmao :)
I just prefer 2.3 files, theyre more my style >.<

Its just like the "big move" from 1.4 to 1.9, 1.9 to 2.3 etc,
takes a while to get use to a new set of files & dislike them.
I'll probbably fiddle around with 2.6/Hero files once Tatsunuko shoots live.

On the upside, boothy convinced me that it was the STARTPOINT and cell expansions via M2Server that set the safezone areas and now I have got it sorted :)

I'll add it to the first page for people

+10 Rep boothy
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LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Sep 5, 2004
in 2.3 you use the start point table in sql server , put in your x and y for center , radius is adjustable via !setup
careful not to make the radius too big however usually people just make it 5-10 units and add the startpoints to cover large areas, when players use a town teleport it will also take them to the last start point in the town they were last in meaning:

If you put a start point for example at center of town then another at gate, the player walks from center of town and out the gate then uses their TT they will end up at the gate and not the center of town. Unless you redo your town teleports to be used from q-function rather than using the shape in your sql but thats up to you!
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