Talk about files.


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Kyn and Lil probably are better than me. I expect them to be, after all they do it for a living, i'm just a student.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 27, 2010

Btw, every point you made, is wrong.

LOL Really Matt? I know you well and trust me the most i've seen you code is an application with clickable buttons, You aim to teach C# but you don't know the language you understand the concept that's it. I know it and so do you :P

You're making an ass of yourself, who cares if they release source? Who cares if its messy? If they understand it and it works, fair play, they won't release the files so it won't matter.

Never been the biggest fan of FH but fair play to Ben he has a major source of income from the few that have the lack of common sense to donate hundreds. I's a full time job looking after a server. Even when you split it in 3, you aren't going to be motivated without some incentive.

The major issue is people can't be bothered to get together and work on files along with someone to actually implement a server based on those files. Any projects start up, go strong, then dissapear after a month. Why? The same reason non donation servers close, no incentive/motivation.

Did you read what i said? They shouldn't release the source it's ****e everything is based around thier donations if it doesn't aid thier income they won't add it. Who cares if it's messy? If it was coded decently dedicated servers wouldn't be needed for thier "donations" if they had a decent line speed. Virgin fibre optic 50mb could handle it from a decent spec pc.

You're all acting like he is coding offical mir and hitting 5k+ players, Your running a dedicated server for 100 people? Try improving the net code in the source to handle connections better maybe re-think the packet system? No? Cause your to busy thinking what can we add poorly to make that extra £ rather than how we can improve mir. What have you actually coded that's worth while? Sweet FA.

Stop ass sucking FH cause your spend your dole money there and need to justify it.
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LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
LOL Really Matt? I know you well and trust me the most i've seen you code is an application with clickable buttons, You aim to teach C# but you don't know the language you understand the concept that's it. I know it and so do you :P

You don't know much do you Carl. Who am I teaching C# to? I've never once said I am teaching C#.

Also how would you know I don't know the language, considering i'm doing a project at uni in C#.

Last time I even coded with you was years ago. Also an application with clickable buttons is the most i've coded, yet your whole argument is based around how bad our mir files are.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 27, 2010
Check the Open Source Mir section? Offering webcam sessions lol? What you doing going to Uni then coming back and telling everyone what you've learnt for the day? Did we not start the C# project couple of months back with Kyn? What was it you added with your C# Knowledge?

I've seen the source dude may be old but it can only get worse. Still your files your code you **** people how you want, if thier stupid enough to piss thier money into this server let them, i guess theres no real servers out there to offer them any better.

Glad your using those smod powers for useful IP checking :) who's running CN now days? Anyone actually upto the job or just people who want to make sure thier ads are being spammed everywhere?
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LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Check the Open Source Mir section? Offering webcam sessions lol? What you doing going to Uni then coming back and telling everyone what you've learnt for the day? Did we not start the C# project couple of months back with Kyn? What was it you added with your C# Knowledge?

I've seen the source dude may be old but it can only get worse. Still your files your code you **** people how you want, if thier stupid enough to piss thier money into this server let them, i guess theres no real servers out there to offer them any better.

Yeah i'm teaching delphi, nice reading skills. Also we don't learn delphi at uni, and they aint web cam sessions.

Really Carl, you're making yourself look like an idiot.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 27, 2010
Either way Matt, when it was the C# project it was teaching people C# now it's Delphi has any of it taken off? All i'm saying is people shouldn't bother trying to get the files since the source is poor, and so are the devs bar Cheeky. Headed by the biggest prick here.



LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Either way Matt, when it was the C# project it was teaching people C# now it's Delphi has any of it taken off? All i'm saying is people shouldn't bother trying to get the files since the source is poor, and so are the devs bar Cheeky. Headed by the biggest prick here.


At least i'm trying, instead of just coming here on a new account and attempting to slate people.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 27, 2010
Who's says i'm not here for other reasons? Just saw this and thought i needed to post my views. :P Who is actually in charge of this place?


LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
Who's says i'm not here for other reasons? Just saw this and thought i needed to post my views. :P Who is actually in charge of this place?


Also, Mr. Great coder, go learn project management.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 27, 2010
lol says the guy learning C# at Uni trying to teach people C#, while working on a poorly coded delphi server, then teaching people Delphi. Uni must be tough with all that spare time? That's right since it was your C# project Kyn, Damian and myself started off? There's a nice C# client sitting there (Coded Well) that could be used. Your preaching people should get off thier ass and do something if they want files... You just took leaked offical sources and ****ed them up. Well done -.-



LOMCN Veteran
Dec 31, 2008
lol says the guy learning C# at Uni trying to teach people C#, while working on a poorly coded delphi server, then teaching people Delphi. Uni must be tough with all that spare time? That's right since it was your C# project Kyn, Damian and myself started off? There's a nice C# client sitting there (Coded Well) that could be used. Your preaching people should get off thier ass and do something if they want files... You just took leaked offical sources and ****ed them up. Well done -.-


I'm not learning C# at uni, they don't teach it us, i've just known it a while.

And well done on the client, want a medal?


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
I disagree both Kyn and lil are by far the best I have saw.

But I wouldn't mind having Matt into are dev team

obviously you'd say that, as kyn and lil are on ur team, just like im gonna stick up for matt and say hes a better coder. rly pointless statement iceman, u have no idea who the "best" coder is, and frankly who cares? very childish.

@ this carl person.. u sound very very jealous to me, u mention $$ numerous times, does it get to you that badly lol?

you say uve seen teh source and its terribly coded, but the source that did get leaked, was dated back to when matt and shane 1st started workin on it, it was basically ur basic DM2 code, and yes it is pretty badly coded. over the year or 2 matt has worked on the source i can say his codin of the files has majorly improved, when we 1st started he did struggle a lot with doing simple tasks like maybe adding a boss mob ai, but now hes very good and seems to code some really nice features, eventually (lol) bug free like our quest system and stuff.

but ye... u just come across as a proper little jealous nob, u felt the need to share ur views, well gratz? the moneys gr8 btw thx for asking dont rage 2 much kkkkkk


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 25, 2010
Actually, you're wrong on so many counts.. never been on the dole, I don't play mir or FH (Infact I did play but got banned, a year ago, for constantly slating Ben) let alone any MMOs, and have had the brains to set up and run a server until I got tired of all the moaning.

So yeah just because you profess to know how to code properly, doesn't really mean ****, until you put together an uber set of files. You don't NEED to code well, or even code at all to make a server succesful. People arent bothered about the source, mir 2.3 is good enough to capture the essence of mir.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
Check the Open Source Mir section? Offering webcam sessions lol? What you doing going to Uni then coming back and telling everyone what you've learnt for the day? Did we not start the C# project couple of months back with Kyn? What was it you added with your C# Knowledge?

I've seen the source dude may be old but it can only get worse. Still your files your code you **** people how you want, if thier stupid enough to piss thier money into this server let them, i guess theres no real servers out there to offer them any better.

Glad your using those smod powers for useful IP checking :) who's running CN now days? Anyone actually upto the job or just people who want to make sure thier ads are being spammed everywhere?
I'm currently running LOMCN, and I have no ne of my ad's anywhere on this site, thanks.

Now can we stop the arguing between each other, this thread is to talk about files, not to boast who is the best coder... Afterall, none of you "best coders" are not exactly releasing anything to LOMCN...


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2010
Why should files be released? I'm fairly certain there's hardly anyone around anymore who makes successful servers, or is even capable or trusted enough to run one.

When a decent, stable set of files are released, LOMCN becomes overun with retards putting servers up that close down in less than a month.

Mir is a business, it's always been a business, Euro Mir took money, USAMir takes money, Private Servers take money and just because a few people weren't smart enough to latch onto the fact that you can make money from putting effort into a private server, doesn't make it wrong.

It isn't a lack of files being released that's killing the LOMCN community, it's the countless servers that open and close every week, doesn't matter what files your playing on, it's about how much time people put in, to have the server close and then repeat the process on another server.

I don't play FourHeroes, but it's a server that's been up over a year, with a high usercount, and even if it is full of donations, it's still provided a free stable server for those that don't donate, so how can that be a bad thing?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 27, 2010
I'm currently running LOMCN, and I have no ne of my ad's anywhere on this site, thanks.

Now can we stop the arguing between each other, this thread is to talk about files, not to boast who is the best coder... Afterall, none of you "best coders" are not exactly releasing anything to LOMCN...

And none of the so called "Staff" do thier job this community is ****ed, every thread i go in has **** spammed or threads in completely the wrong sections. There's what maybe a 100 users here now and 16 members of staff that do **** all.

Everytime a new admin comes in it's promises of this and that and it's left for a week before that admin gets bored. Sort something out...


Staff member
Mar 26, 2003
What do you want me to do?

If the members are not willing to help each other, seriously, what can I do?

You all say "Get it sorted" but it's not as easy as it sounds...

You've come along, starting petty arguments yet complain about other people spamming?