TheLastHopeMir [2.3]

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Sep 15, 2005
Fresh has done a few servers, always been a top GM.. Got no complaints about him what so ever so dunno where the abuse about him has come from.. Enjoying the server so far too.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Loyal Member
Nov 18, 2008
Fresh has done a few servers, always been a top GM.. Got no complaints about him what so ever so dunno where the abuse about him has come from.. Enjoying the server so far too.

Aaron? x

Any updates on new caves?:)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 11, 2010
erm?? Hi GUYS!? exp table changed every 5mins? 6 peopl said to me 26-45 was a right old grind... so on th 2nd day server was up i lowered exp tables for 26-45 and put in a low level kit from 37-45 to help out.. Exp has not changed since that is a promise!

have changed 3 things in the last 3 days. Put a cap on pa/slow for items, adjusted sfb as was doing no damage what so ever and fixed so curse doesnt work every time. with SFB both myself and Fresh were online testing with a number of tao's. The only other changes since server has been up was made FT's tameable like on euro, not in spawns yet tho and changed store npc's to stop Gold exploit. If Fresh has "got pissy at you" have you stopped to think maybe you offended him?

Would like to also state i haven't been on since yday till about 5 due to a work do and work today, but average user on last couple of days outside work and school hours has beed 25-35, in the stated hours is 20.

We have a great community already, have watched some imense fights for OKS, would like to thank all the people who have taken it upon themselves to stad up for the server, but everyone is entitled to there view, albeit negative feedback, critisicm is just as good as positive feed back because sometimes it show's what needs working on, however you did say something that has made me chuckle, you went to lvl in bc with level 0 fbang???? Starter npc :) gives some kit and some low level skills at level 3 :) your more than welcome to come and try again, if not hope you find a server that you like, thanks fo your views.

/GM Damodred


May 3, 2010
im having problems with the launcher, it saying it cant find it, i've tried to extract i 3-4 times and tried using gamepot usa and fourheroes launcher but they are not opening the server, any ideas pls?
P.S. im usin windows7


Dec 4, 2008
I bet people still have exploited gold lol, did you search goldbars/bundles/chests through SQL? so it would bring up everyone who has chests in bag/store at once?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 11, 2010
i was at work when it was found, but it was one person doing it and gave out a couple of hundred mill to some players, the culprit was wiped clean and ip banned, i know its not hard to change ip but sometimes people's ip cannot be changed. when i got in that evening i went in sql and checked everyone's gold, when i then logged ingame people pmed me straight away and gave me the gold.. Every one of our members have been brilliant on server, and are what is making the server so good. on Lomcnviewer's post if your having trouble connecting i have posted the details that need to go into servers.ini file, if its files you need project69 files are the closest and you wont be able to see about 5 skins and a couple of bosses but there not in spawns yet. Autopatcher is almost ready, i don't have an exact date for it though.


Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
im having problems with the launcher, it saying it cant find it, i've tried to extract i 3-4 times and tried using gamepot usa and fourheroes launcher but they are not opening the server, any ideas pls?
P.S. im usin windows7

You cant use Gamepot or 3h exe.

You most use a Exe made for 2.3 files.


LOMCN n00bie
Aug 31, 2010
erm?? Hi GUYS!? exp table changed every 5mins? 6 peopl said to me 26-45 was a right old grind... so on th 2nd day server was up i lowered exp tables for 26-45 and put in a low level kit from 37-45 to help out.. Exp has not changed since that is a promise!

have changed 3 things in the last 3 days. Put a cap on pa/slow for items, adjusted sfb as was doing no damage what so ever and fixed so curse doesnt work every time. with SFB both myself and Fresh were online testing with a number of tao's. The only other changes since server has been up was made FT's tameable like on euro, not in spawns yet tho and changed store npc's to stop Gold exploit. If Fresh has "got pissy at you" have you stopped to think maybe you offended him?

Would like to also state i haven't been on since yday till about 5 due to a work do and work today, but average user on last couple of days outside work and school hours has beed 25-35, in the stated hours is 20.

We have a great community already, have watched some imense fights for OKS, would like to thank all the people who have taken it upon themselves to stad up for the server, but everyone is entitled to there view, albeit negative feedback, critisicm is just as good as positive feed back because sometimes it show's what needs working on, however you did say something that has made me chuckle, you went to lvl in bc with level 0 fbang???? Starter npc :) gives some kit and some low level skills at level 3 :) your more than welcome to come and try again, if not hope you find a server that you like, thanks fo your views.

/GM Damodred

Firebang is not included in your starter skills, when I told fresh this just got 'fo' reply

Maybe I would be more motivated to actually persist with the server if I didnt get abuse within 2minutes of logging on from THE GM.

Also I did not 'offend him' he offended me by telling me to leave server after saying 'Sure this is med? Seems low exp' Simple question from someone who has recently logged on.

People loved up with the server blindly throw insults at me but do as you please, seriously.

Anyways, GL with server
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 11, 2010
i can assure you firebang is a skill a wiz starts with at lvl 3, however you dont get firewall for obvious reasons..

did you click starter npc? if so this is obviously something wrong and i will look into, but seems you are the only one to have this. Surely if as you say people are blindly loved up with the server, we are doing something right... Your obviously well within right to say your view on server but to state pure lies.. like exp tables are changed constantly is tbh out of order. Im not going to lie and say people like you aren't welcome to the server as when i play i am an absolute Cu** and take quite a pleasure in being so. Its people like that who let the GM's know there place, my only regret is I didnt have a chance to speak to you ingame so you could state your stuff..

Thnx for the GL and GL with your server hunt.

/GM Damodred


LOMCN n00bie
Aug 31, 2010
i can assure you firebang is a skill a wiz starts with at lvl 3, however you dont get firewall for obvious reasons..

did you click starter npc? if so this is obviously something wrong and i will look into, but seems you are the only one to have this. Surely if as you say people are blindly loved up with the server, we are doing something right... Your obviously well within right to say your view on server but to state pure lies.. like exp tables are changed constantly is tbh out of order. Im not going to lie and say people like you aren't welcome to the server as when i play i am an absolute Cu** and take quite a pleasure in being so. Its people like that who let the GM's know there place, my only regret is I didnt have a chance to speak to you ingame so you could state your stuff..

Thnx for the GL and GL with your server hunt.

/GM Damodred

Never said exp tables are changed constantly but ta for calling me a liar for no reason, and yes I was given no firebang on my list else I would not have gone and bought it.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 11, 2010
there constantly changing the exp rate to suit the players who are still on it from the start, someone moans
its hard level 30-35, 10 mins later reboot for an hour and the exp needed to level 30-40 has halved to shut them up.
theres ppl like 40-50+ now? you'll prob get banned aswell for saying that about fresh lol.

you have my apologies, i mixed this person up with you.

seems though your the only person with that issue, i will look into it.


May 3, 2010
i was given no firebang when i started either but i simply bought it from bookshop
/ 5uperhero


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 11, 2010
Server itself isn't bad, content has been thought, gameplay hasn't. Isn't medrate at all and whoever runs it is unprofessional. But is good to mess around on spose.


May 3, 2010
This server is terrible, gm's are corrupt... they give one guild items and levels but not the other and then go's and put 100000000000 PK points on my account making me die constantly in town and losing items, giving me chatbans, kicking me from server and then finally banning me because they hate to hear the truth... was good until they got found out and banned me
-8/10, could of been 110% better

P.S. if you see this nelly please pm me and will see you on sphinx when its up :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 8, 2011
What a load of bull! Just because a few us have worked and killed for our kit you shouot corruption? You deserve your pk points and kicking from the server cause of the abuse you was giving the GM in bw, its funny how lancer has a very nice kit and we dont complain cause we know he has worked for his kit aswel. Glad you was banned tbh you wasn't worth the hassle

P.s. Nelly was banned for cheating


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 11, 2010
Lol, you moan because you didnt win at an event, all you did all day that you was on was pm someone constant abuse, then turned your abuse to me. I will not tolerate abuse simple as that, not to myself and not to users. you tell me **** my dad **** my sister etc etc.. not expect a ban? left it at a day then log on tomo all is done, but u make a new char saying corrupt corrupt. As for giving items and kits? lmfao you have made my day. lancer (your guild) is 2nd highest warr with probs best kit. and you claim i help other guild? You and Nelly can play Sphinx together im sure you won't last long on there either, your 25 and act like a 5 year old, Nelly's account was flagged up by an anti cheats programme.. she wants to cheat she can. but not on here. Have fun with your constant abuse to people as it seems thats all you do.


Feb 1, 2010
Lol, you moan because you didnt win at an event, all you did all day that you was on was pm someone constant abuse, then turned your abuse to me. I will not tolerate abuse simple as that, not to myself and not to users. you tell me **** my dad **** my sister etc etc.. not expect a ban? left it at a day then log on tomo all is done, but u make a new char saying corrupt corrupt. As for giving items and kits? lmfao you have made my day. lancer (your guild) is 2nd highest warr with probs best kit. and you claim i help other guild? You and Nelly can play Sphinx together im sure you won't last long on there either, your 25 and act like a 5 year old, Nelly's account was flagged up by an anti cheats programme.. she wants to cheat she can. but not on here. Have fun with your constant abuse to people as it seems thats all you do.

lomcnveiwer isnt 25 hes 13-14 lol


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 11, 2010
hmm, his dob on account ingame said 1985, thats where i got 25 from, does explain alt though lol


Feb 1, 2010
yeh hes 13-14, played mir 3 for ages with him (he does this all the time) no offence lomcnviewer lol
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