*** Three Heroes ***

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Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK

General Server Information & Downloads

The Three Heroes is the final server that will ever be made by me. Its a combination of all the best things from all my servers (OldSkool, Fourheroes low, and high rate) along with new ideas that ive picked up from other games, and just random ideas ive had over the years.​

Server Team consists of Myself, Hany, and Matt.
Matt taking care of all coding related things.
Myself taking care of all the ingame related stuff.
Hany being my right hand man aiding me in the ingame stuff, as well as running our forums and things

So lets talk about a few things that make the server a little unique and different.

Level Cap:

Its something never been done in any successful mir server, and that is a level cap. The reason for this is because pretty much every major MMORPG these days will have some form of level cap, why? Well theres many reasons why level caps work, one of the obvious reasons is that players levels don't get out of hand. It allows for proper patchs to be implemented, stops the "geeks" from going too far ahead, allows new players the feel that they are able to catch up and play on par with those playing for years. The list is endless so I won't go on about it to much.

Level Gain/Loss via PK

This is something that has been done before in a few servers, but never in a successful server. A few veterans of mir will have played such servers before. The system is simple... If you PK someone higher level, or within 10 levels of your own level.. you gain their level.. While they lose a level.
This isnt something that will happen in every map however, we plan to make a few maps where this system wont work, for example a place where a mass fight takes place, but is mostly for fun, and not tears. However these places will be decided while the server is online, and through a mass vote.

We are also in talks about an option to disable it individually, as we are aware not everyone plays mir for the PK. The idea is pretty simple, if you have the PK option turned off you neither gain levels, or lose levels on PK. But this will be something that cannot be changed unless you are sitting in a safezone to avoid players abusing the system mid-combat.

Sell your Levels

I feel there are 3 types of players, Levelers, Pkers, and Hunters. Im fully aware there are players that like to keep themselves to themselves, and peacefully level aware, so this system is based off that idea.

The NPC will basically buy levels from you, de level you, and award you gold for said levels. As well as auto giving you gold and de leveling to back to 220 if you ever go above 220 (this will only happen if a level 220 player pks a level 211+ player).

This system is not 100% complete so far but at the moment there is the option to de level down to 1, 100, 200. With 100 option offering better rewards than the 200, and 1 better than 100 (obviously)

Stats and stuff

Technically at the start the server will be considered a "Low rate" in terms of stats, lets say around level 50 euro hp/mp/dc etc. Obviously as the server progresses over the months, and years it will eventually turn into a med, and high, and extreme rate.. you know the drill.

Start level is 1, and max level is 220. However dont be taken back by such a huge level gap, leveling is very very easy, and because of how the levels are spread out (think of 220 as level 50) you will certainly see yourself flying through them.

Cave layout etc

The caves have been split into 4 catagorys.

Leveling Caves - Your typical high spawn, easy to kill mobs. Droping some basic items with the odd sub boss.

Hunting Caves - These are your kinda main caves. Sub boss's on every floor, with a final boss at the end. Droping their own unique hunting item sets, along with various random items. Hunting caves can actually be faster levelin than a leveling cave, however will cost you more in gold from the amount of pots you spend. And most likely will need to be grouped at lower level

Group Caves - We aim to make a new group cave every couple months, similar to how WoW and other games released new "Raids/Instances". The cave will have around 6-7 boss's, will be non-rtable, and will require some time, skill and players to work your way through. We aim to have each of the boss's here to have their own unique style of AI and "tactic", rather than your typical tank and spank fight. Even if its as simple as having to kill MobA, before you call kill MobB.

Battle Areas - These are your typical areas where we expect most the fighting to take part. OmaKingSpirit style caves for example.. a fairly High HP boss, not hard tactic wise.. the hard part is fighting off the numerous players and guilds.

We plan to have MudWall, Ginko, Border and Sabuk fights on this server as well.


Theres Quests guiding you from level 1 to 220 throughout the server, and we hope the quest list continues to grow along with the server. The Levelin caves for example can be unlocked by completing quests in the Hunting cave, or paying gold to unlock.

Variety and Choice

During your time on the server you'll have certain choices to make. Heres a few examples.

-Unlocking levelin caves can be done from completling hunting caves quests, or paying the gold fee. Obviously doin the quests will be the best option as you wont be wasting gold, you'd be gaining it. But if players so wish, they can skip them.
-Gaining cash at level 220 can be done via hunting boss's, or de-levelin via the NPC.
-You can choose to level in a normal cave, or go to a "rich mans" area and level at x1.5 of the speed.
-You can choose to buy Gems, Items, and other things from a NPC, or go find/create them yourself.

This brings me onto my next point, Gold.


Gold is going to play a HUGE part on the server, litterly everything is going to give you choices of if to part with your gold, or keep it for something else. There will be NPCs that sell items for gold, gems for gold, and other stuff for gold! This may make you think twice about wasting your gold on pots and stuff.


Unfortunatly we have decided that we WONT put assassins into this server, hence the three heroes name. Purely because they are slightly annoying to balance, and i just dont feel they fit into the server.

Im not really sure what else to say and talk about... The server will have pretty much all the best features and things ive made in my past servers, like the GT upgrade system on fourheroes (altho i also plan to recreate that into a "solo" upgrade thing as well for those that do not join guilds), the weapon luck upgrade NPC, lottery system, funfair (yes it will be bk!) etc etc

Feel free to ask questions and ill answer when I can

ETA: We dont have one, but we are aimin to release 1 in the next week or 2 when we are a little futher with the work.

We have no plans on closing FourHeroes at this time, we are confident we can keep it online and ran along side this server. After all, updates are merely about makin the stats working for that type of server. We dont feel it would be right to just close a server that is still getting 90 odd users a nite.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2007
United Kingdom
Don't like the sound of level cap or Gain a level / lose a level.

Also create a new interface. The one on fourheroes is ordinary.

Good luck though.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 28, 2005
You'll be given a choice to disable/Enable the Gain/lose level feature, and it'll be in certain maps as stated in the advert which will be voted on from the community,

Leveling Cap - oh well it's up to you to like it or not, but after all we see it pretty essential , after all updates will be pretty much done properly, leveling cap increased within every update etc etc, it'll will be like an expansion in wow that will bring back old users, in the long run this will be pretty important and we aim for the long run.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Don't like the sound of level cap or Gain a level / lose a level.

Also create a new interface. The one on fourheroes is ordinary.

Good luck though.

Losing a level, or gainin a level is not as extreme as it sounds, as i said level 220 is the same as like level 50.. so think of it this way.. 4 levels here = 1 real level. So when you lose a level, your really losing lets say, 25%. Which can easily be got back within about 15minutes of levelin, so its not that big of a deal. Its jsut to make pkin a little more special and different

Interfaces are not at the top of my list in all honesty, and everyone prefers different interfaces, so i'll never please everyone. Having said that tho i spoke to matt about adding the new interface, but giving the option to use either the new, or old interface.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jun 23, 2007
cant wait, final server to be made by u guys, take however long u need but just make sure it is the single most awesome thing you will ever do in your life.


Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
cant wait, final server to be made by u guys, take however long u need but just make sure it is the single most awesome thing you will ever do in your life.

Well that certainly is the plan, its always a risk goin with a different kind of server with different ideas, but im confident it will work out somehow.

I like to release my servers with the kinda basic structure in, and work on it while its live, its the best way really. Majority of things always have to be changed once a server goes live because drops wasnt how u predicted, or gold wasnt how u was predicted etc.. and i like to build my ideas and stuff around whats goin on ingame at that time. its worked well in past on OS and 4heros so should work well here


Loyal Member
Aug 18, 2006
The server will be flawless, there is far more motivation this time as it's the be all and end all of Ben's Servers.

I look forward to playing with the full usercount :P


Golden Oldie
Jul 9, 2003
Been a very long time i played mir, but after seeing the instance/raid idea, i will give this a go ^^. I still play WoW alot, and thats the one thing i love doing on WoW ;)


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Aug 9, 2004
Looking forward to it. sound good.
First of all thumbs up to matt for doing all the hard boring work and thumbs up for ben and hany for doing great fun server.

Hany ma esmak fi la3ba?



Jul 29, 2004
Kent, UK
Looking forward to it. sound good.
First of all thumbs up to matt for doing all the hard boring work and thumbs up for ben and hany for doing great fun server.

Hany ma esmak fi la3ba?


are you trying to say that matt does all the "hard boring work" and me and hany just sit havin fun lol?


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 18, 2007
sounds decent. only problem will be people will try and abuse some of the systems as allways. as for the lvl caps, not a big fan, i think that aslong as lvling speed stays at a steady pace people will still do it. problem with 4 heros and most high rate servers is that after the quick burst of fast lvls they slow down and without using exp pots ends up almost a slow rate server.

just hope u take ur time to set up the server and not rush it.

hope to see a good balance for all classes and for all types of players. lvlers, pkers, hunters, solo players, grp players, guild players.

might send u some idea's that u might like later on.


LOMCN Veteran
Mar 1, 2010
Definately be playing this, one of the only servers I see as being reliable with alot of effort put in.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 30, 2010
Played all your server so far Ben and they have all been decent so looking forward to this one as well :).
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