Working out ...


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 17, 2006
Lean meat is meat without the fat, and when I say grilled, I mean any kind in your grill or a george foreman style thing, as for stomach crunches, it targets the rectus abdominus muscle group, not targeting fat loss in that area.

i have this


and how long does it take for anything to happen lol

*works out whole day... quickly goes looks in mirror*

ah **** nowt hapend
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Deiticians are no use to people on here, people on here will go to them and say "yeh m8 i wrk out like 40 times a day and eay only celery" infact, even if you tell the truth to them, they can't work it out any better than you can.

There are basic guidlines like the one's urbanfox posted, you take those at face value, use them for a few weeks, record the difference, and then tailor it to suit your needs.

The basic thing you need is cardiovascular exercise. You need to work your entire body for maximum effect, because your genetic make-up determines how your weight shifts, not what parts you exercise. For instance, doing 100 sit-ups WILL remove stomach fat, but your gene's may decide to replace that fat with more from elsewhere on your body.

By working your entire body, everywhere loses fat, and the only place that can resupply everywhere, is the part with the largest store. As long as your not currently gaining wieght, then your current diet will probably suffice for the weight loss, and infact will help because your body will still be getting the same amounts of food its used to.

As a side note: soft drinks like coke, and pepsi (full sugar versions) are MASSIVE WEIGHT GAIN drinks. Just by adding 2 cans a day to my usual eating habits put loads of weight on me, not that I can cos I can remove it easy.


have a look at the stickthread mate on here, some dickhead did it..o wait was it atomicide?

no ban plazen beard i was on topic :D

can someone give me a warning, I would rather not have some moron calling me a dickhead.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
can u also ban iceslice whilst ur in a banning mood lol. hes annoying, and is jackbauerCTU who was banned a while ago for being annoying.

thankyou please.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 24, 2004
ROFL never saw that post...:P Crystal Meth is a big thing where i live, cocaine is like dust compared to it, is'nt it 1 smoke/ or sniff and ur addicted?

Apparently it has somthing like a 95% take up rate.


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
also if you're going to try and lose weight you should also start lifting, believe it or not but lifting weights greatly benefits fat loss, but don't try and get bigger and lose the fat at the same time because that's just not going to happen.


Loyal Member
Oct 17, 2003
While this post is still here i mightaswell ask..

I used to work out like 3 years ago i started when i was 15 which was 3 years ago and did it for about 11 months i actually lost weight (i was alrdy quite stocky but had a gut etc) and gained some muscle not alot but i didnt expect 2 gain alot anyway, then i left school and started college and stopped and basically went to bein a lazy fooker and eating and drinking ****e now my quesitons.

Since i stopped i gained some weight and no longer have 4 Abs etc slightly showing and my legs have went fat along with my arms shrinking and all i have now is stretch marks is there anyway to fade these completely or even so they just dont look as bad? i heard of cocoa Butter fading them but i need clarity or if i worked out would they fade or go worse?, Also!... if i started training again but started out slow would that be a good thing because i heard if u work out and stop lose it all.. then work out again ur basically destroying your muscles to a point which they wont grow.

P.S Could anyone who's serious about working out and has been doing it a while point me towards a nice diet i seem to have lost the one i was using i still have my training routine though :).

Thanks if anyone helps! .. Yes i like paragraphs lol


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
No cure for stretch marks at all, apart from hypodermabrasian which is expensive (it is a form of surgery), there are creams out there to help prevent stretch marks by loosening the skin, pregnant women use them, but as for removing them, nothing as of yet. time is the only cure


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Dec 17, 2006
No cure for stretch marks at all, apart from hypodermabrasian which is expensive (it is a form of surgery), there are creams out there to help prevent stretch marks by loosening the skin, pregnant women use them, but as for removing them, nothing as of yet. time is the only cure

Yeah, i have them on the back of my legs. Doctor said "well, you been growing very fast hence the stretch marks.." but doctors are well gay that prat was proper touching up my legg -.-.