Working out ...


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
I have bad stretch marks on my shoulder.

Same, ive got huge mother****ers right across the top of my armpit, and theres **** all you can do about them. Mine are like, craters lol. However, the upside is, they do eventually fade away and improve, but wll never be like "perfect skin" again.

While this post is still here i mightaswell ask..

I used to work out like 3 years ago i started when i was 15 which was 3 years ago and did it for about 11 months i actually lost weight (i was alrdy quite stocky but had a gut etc) and gained some muscle not alot but i didnt expect 2 gain alot anyway, then i left school and started college and stopped and basically went to bein a lazy fooker and eating and drinking ****e now my quesitons.

Since i stopped i gained some weight and no longer have 4 Abs etc slightly showing and my legs have went fat along with my arms shrinking and all i have now is stretch marks is there anyway to fade these completely or even so they just dont look as bad? i heard of cocoa Butter fading them but i need clarity or if i worked out would they fade or go worse?, Also!... if i started training again but started out slow would that be a good thing because i heard if u work out and stop lose it all.. then work out again ur basically destroying your muscles to a point which they wont grow.

P.S Could anyone who's serious about working out and has been doing it a while point me towards a nice diet i seem to have lost the one i was using i still have my training routine though :).

Thanks if anyone helps! .. Yes i like paragraphs lol

Most people will tell you there are strict guidlines etc on what to eat, and what not to eat, personally, I don't beleive in anything like that at all. The important thing to note here, is you know what went wrong when you hit college, and I did exactly the same thing. What you have to do, is make cuts from the diet that made you fat, which I will assume from your post you have already done.

Secondly, check to see how your doing now, unless your still gaining significant weight, there are few problems. If your gaining a lot of weight, you have to cut back your diet, I find the best way to do this is to spread your eating out over the day. most people eat 2-3 large portions a day. Try increasing this to 6, but eat less food.

For example:

Breakfast (cereal +2x toast)
Lunch (3 sandwhiches)
Dinner (A pizza)

would become

Breakfast (cereal)
10am (Toast)
Lunch (2 sandwiches)
2pm (sandwich)
Dinner (3/4 pizza)
7pm (1/4) pizza

obviously this is a nice example where I made the numbers easy to work with. So you spread your eating out, THEN cut back, and your body doesnt notice as much. Then just hit cardiovascular training to shift the weight. Running/Jogging, rowing machines, or anything that relies on endurance rather than power.

As for the thing you mentioned about destroying your muscles, its called "Dystrophy" (and ill be corrected here if im wrong) but I beleive it only occurs if you stop and start in short amount of time. For example you go to the gym, lift some weights, then take a 30 minute break and start again. The reason is, you work your arms, and your body sends supplies there to repair when it knows your resting, then if you start work again, its already used a lot to repair the first muscles, and there are depleted resources to recharge and regenerate your next muscle group.

If you start training for months, then stop, it wont have much of an effect on your muscles, because they get repaired. If you start again, a few months later, then your working with repaired muscle. However, you cant kick the diet when you stop training, that needs to carry on for a while afterwards to make sure you get a proper recovery.

My ultimate suggestion for weight loss is a rowing machine, because it works your entire body (as long as your technique is right) which means no matter where your weight is stored (your genes decide where it's stored, and how its moved) it has to move from the most concentrated area, because thats the only place that can resupply all the others.

Think of it like a warehouse network, if 5 warehouses are low on stock, and no new stock is arriving, then the warehouse with the largest stock will resupply the rest. The only difference is, untill your body learns proper distribution, it will always send too much "stock" to the largest warehouse. With time and work however, it will learn to distribute your fat stores.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 22, 2004
I'm sorry, but all this strict dieting, eating prescise amounts, at prescise times a day etc. it's all bull. You wanna become a pro body builder, well then yeah you should probably follow these guidelines. You wanna become perfectly ripped? then you should probably follow them too. But my guess is you don't. I don't weightlift by a specific schedule, I weightlift when I have the time to, I eat chocolate, I smoke, I drink alcohol. I was fat. I started weightlifting and doing a bit of cardio vascular, cut back a slight on the chocolate, carried on with the rest of my diet same as before, mcdonalds etc. included. The fat went and the muscles came. Seriously, I might have a pretty decent metabolism or whatever, but it can't much different for anyone else, you don't have to make drastic lifestyle changes like Blam and Urbanfox. Just weightlift and get on a treadmill whenever you've got the time. give it a month, you'll get some results, the only thing i do recommend though is protein shakes, they work a treat.


Loyal Member
Oct 17, 2003
Same, ive got huge mother****ers right across the top of my armpit, and theres **** all you can do about them. Mine are like, craters lol. However, the upside is, they do eventually fade away and improve, but wll never be like "perfect skin" again.

Most people will tell you there are strict guidlines etc on what to eat, and what not to eat, personally, I don't beleive in anything like that at all. The important thing to note here, is you know what went wrong when you hit college, and I did exactly the same thing. What you have to do, is make cuts from the diet that made you fat, which I will assume from your post you have already done.

Secondly, check to see how your doing now, unless your still gaining significant weight, there are few problems. If your gaining a lot of weight, you have to cut back your diet, I find the best way to do this is to spread your eating out over the day. most people eat 2-3 large portions a day. Try increasing this to 6, but eat less food.

For example:

Breakfast (cereal +2x toast)
Lunch (3 sandwhiches)
Dinner (A pizza)

would become

Breakfast (cereal)
10am (Toast)
Lunch (2 sandwiches)
2pm (sandwich)
Dinner (3/4 pizza)
7pm (1/4) pizza

obviously this is a nice example where I made the numbers easy to work with. So you spread your eating out, THEN cut back, and your body doesnt notice as much. Then just hit cardiovascular training to shift the weight. Running/Jogging, rowing machines, or anything that relies on endurance rather than power.

As for the thing you mentioned about destroying your muscles, its called "Dystrophy" (and ill be corrected here if im wrong) but I beleive it only occurs if you stop and start in short amount of time. For example you go to the gym, lift some weights, then take a 30 minute break and start again. The reason is, you work your arms, and your body sends supplies there to repair when it knows your resting, then if you start work again, its already used a lot to repair the first muscles, and there are depleted resources to recharge and regenerate your next muscle group.

If you start training for months, then stop, it wont have much of an effect on your muscles, because they get repaired. If you start again, a few months later, then your working with repaired muscle. However, you cant kick the diet when you stop training, that needs to carry on for a while afterwards to make sure you get a proper recovery.

My ultimate suggestion for weight loss is a rowing machine, because it works your entire body (as long as your technique is right) which means no matter where your weight is stored (your genes decide where it's stored, and how its moved) it has to move from the most concentrated area, because thats the only place that can resupply all the others.

Think of it like a warehouse network, if 5 warehouses are low on stock, and no new stock is arriving, then the warehouse with the largest stock will resupply the rest. The only difference is, untill your body learns proper distribution, it will always send too much "stock" to the largest warehouse. With time and work however, it will learn to distribute your fat stores.

Ah thanks Alot Atom, i never used 2 have half an hour breaks between workin out either so i shud be ok :P used 2 have like 30 second breaks.

My friend eats wotever he wants but only drinks water where as i only drink water + milk and sometimes pure fruit juices and my friend is pretty big he works out when he can i may just work out when i have the time cut back on some junk food and start drinking protein shakes again i don't want to be super ripped just have a rather toned body.

Thanks for ur help Atom im glad some1 has :).

Time to get the home multi gym and rowing machine back out again lol gotta put the twat up aswell -.-


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
pyraine while I agree with you on some points, the drastic changes really do improve the gains you make, also you seem pretty relaxed about your working out, and seem to have good genetics for muscle gain, despite what you think it doesn't come easy to all.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 22, 2004
I don't believe people with a genetic handicap can struggle ALOT. I just don't believe it. Besides, I think the majority of people enquiring are likely to be relaxed, I'm guessing they're aiming for toned, slightly muscular bodies, not aiming for that 50 cent figure.


Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 11, 2003
you make good points however people with genetic handicaps struggle a lot, for example one of my friends who trains with me tries very hard, intense workouts but doesn't experience many gains.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Nov 16, 2006
Morning: Steroids
Lunch: Steroids and lucozade
Evening: Small penis


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Morning: Steroids
Lunch: Steroids and lucozade
Evening: Small penis

Here's one I made for you.

Breakfast: Toast
Lunch: Nothing because I want you to choke on it
Dinner: At this point Im hoping your wormfood.




LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Here's one I made for you.

Breakfast: Toast
Lunch: Nothing because I want you to choke on it
Dinner: At this point Im hoping your wormfood.



Nice insults.

I liked the bit about the worm food :agree:

Your so cute.


Mir 1.4
Mar 3, 2004
i guess im the only person who can eat what they like as long as they work hard enough to burn the calories :P