Zenith Server 2.3 -Dedi Host- {Med/HighRate}

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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
A real Server...

This isnt no ten minuit server and have worked very hard getting it going

i wont spam to much on info but heres a little bit about us here..

Start Level..: 45
StartGold..: 50k
ETA..: Hopefully 26/10/08 or if i rush it could be done 22/10/08 if its not done by the 22nd it wont be done untill the 26th
Host..: Almost completed Dedi negotiations. (hopefully done by sunday)
Leveling exp..: As i said med/high but not too high as dont want lvl 200s a decent level will be 90-100 after that its up to the geeks to do the rest (lol =P)

i will not be modifying spells much... ill reduce curse to like 15-20 secs max
firewall will not last forever lol
FS will not 1 hit ppl
will add obviouse spells like TaoXHalfMoon/ WarriorPuri/ WizardBless.. maybe a few more

im not the biggest fan of pets but i have a ton of scripts on my pc just need to chek them all online and balance them

My favorite part of mir... but it will not be neccesery to do quests to get by.. just makes things tadge more fun and easyer, if u can be assed to do them.

will be alot of new maps with exciting hunting grounds.
Not many boss teleports..(Tele rings will be as rare as somthing like skillnecklace on euro, so therell be a few around. so youll be able to telering to most bosses).

Ill have mir kits ingame not massivly rare but not the best stats by a few other sets.. when i say they wont be that rare i mean when ur lvl 80+ull hunt evil mir but mir kit wont be as appeling as some other kits.
Have made most kits dependent on classes not like most servers where u get a brand new kit every 5 lvls lol but where u get new bits and bobs every few lvls I.E a lvl 55 will get a new wep and then next wep will be maybe 59 but maybe rings wont change till lvl 61 somthing along thoses lines.. its good anyway. Decent Items will be low level to wear but will increase stats every 7 or so levels.

although i find this weird. most ppl love it so there will be rebirth with good advantages.

Ill add this ingame as i like this whole new subclass system going around.

will only be me.. i dont like having more than neccesery GM's as it causes complications and no need for me. ill have some friends helping me with certain things. but the only rewards they will get will have no affect to server. I.E Special color on names or special titles, somthing along thoses lines.

Give tt's everywhere u go.. no 1 wants to play euro mir as its annoying getting a TT lol(sounds lazy but its just easyer and has no side affects to server bar ppl hunting alot more, which to me is a good thing).

would like more than one town to become a sz so ill have differnt features on differnt towns I.E ill have maybe special repair in BW but to get to battleground ull have to go to a diff SZ.. Sz's will be accesable by using the @commands I.E bw = @bw etc etc

Thats all ill let u know for now. And if a few of you are wondering why i have chosen this name. its because::

Zenith means 2 things and iv chosen this meaning to be our guildline/Base of the server:


To dream of staring up into the zenith, symbolizes your potential. You are pushing your limits and overcoming obstacles in pursuit of your goals.

Hope you like the ideas.
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 26, 2008
you seem like a good guy and i have a feeling this will be a sucessful and long term server, nice work.



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 19, 2003
Chester :P
just a quick question about the start level 45, does this mean that the skills r staying the same lvl as on euro?? or have u modified the levels??

maybe a level 1 start but add a cave thats fairly easyish to level in :S just dnt see a great lot of point with a 45 level start, but apart from that sounds good m8


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
just a quick question about the start level 45, does this mean that the skills r staying the same lvl as on euro?? or have u modified the levels??

maybe a level 1 start but add a cave thats fairly easyish to level in :S just dnt see a great lot of point with a 45 level start, but apart from that sounds good m8
As i do agree with you about this, i have been thinking about it alot and most of the reason i chose this is phycological. Reason i say this is, that most ppl h8 being lvl 0-30, lol so wots differnce in starting a server at lvl 45 and making it take a while to get to 100 instead of the same result being start lvl0 and getting to 60-70

Main (Real) Reason= No 1 wants to hunt deers. so things like dss/thunderring/etc etc will be obtained like cooper rings lol and will give u a chance to start fast and get on the road that leads you to fun.
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 19, 2003
Chester :P
ok fair comment, but could sort of have the same from 0-30 (or which ever :P), but its ur own server, ur own idea.

GL with it m8, i will more than porbs jump on and try out :) all the best m8


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Aug 10, 2007
Wales, UK
good luck with server

off topic (SORRY)
harry hurry and get your server up lol were bored


LOMCN Veteran
Jul 26, 2007
Sounds like a real server with my name in it :P GL with this!



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 1, 2008
"This isnt no ten minuit server and have worked very hard getting it going"

minuit :P ?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 19, 2003
Chester :P
tbh m8, just reading thru the details of server, and tbh i wudnt do taoXhalfmoon i wud just leave it at HM, as taos have pets to help them to, XHM is more war bassed for leveling, its like saying taos / wars can also have magicshield :s << my oppinion (and b4 any 1 says anythin i generally always play a tao so its nothin against taos )


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
ill be trying this =) ETA??

2-4 weeks tops probly about 3 weeks

Done nothing today didint finish work till 5:30 then had footie training from 7-11 so havent had time

I got a differnt team to train for tomoz from 3-5 but ill work quite alot tomoz night as im out the rest of weekend lol
Match on sat(then pub with lads)
Match on sun (then out with best m8)
But next week ill power work on it


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
tbh m8, just reading thru the details of server, and tbh i wudnt do taoXhalfmoon i wud just leave it at HM, as taos have pets to help them to, XHM is more war bassed for leveling, its like saying taos / wars can also have magicshield :s << my oppinion (and b4 any 1 says anythin i generally always play a tao so its nothin against taos )

I also do agree with this.. but base Sc will be v low, so xhm wont give them any advantage, as i plan for taos to use their dc quite alot but all comments welcome and i will consider most and test most as long as they are not ridulouse, lol


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 19, 2003
Chester :P
when u say base sc very low, how low do u mean?? i mean dnt go below the euro standard (i managed 21 sc min :P). i know what u mean m8, but its giving out one of the wars best leveling skills really, my personal oppinion wud be to lower XHM to level 33 and then give taos halfmoon for level 33, but XHM cnt go up to level 2 untill level 37, then level 41 for level 3 (same as now but they get XHM at a lower level. it was just a opinion, but like i say i use a tao an though it might of been a bit OTT thats all, though i would post :)


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 26, 2003
depending on how strong tao pets are, they genrally do the trick for leveling.
genrally every server has stronger tao pets then euro, if you ask geeking tao how fast they level compared to a geeking warr, tao is still slower most of the time, but not by much.


Known Cheater
Golden Oldie
Apr 16, 2003
Ya Mums
tbh jst keep class skills the same, maybe wiz n war rev bt thats bwt it, taos r meant to lvlslowly due to how much they own in pvp, just make sure u make it so u actually need a tao for bosses unlike most servers and maybe weaken pa+ or make it rare?



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jun 17, 2007
i like the giving taos the leveling skill, but imo xhm is to much HM is more logical, and maybe lower XHM like i stated above, for a lower lvl for wars.

i think wiz / war rev is a bit to much for there class's as taos can hide and just FW t-bolt (or what ever) and just rev now and agen, my oppinions ^_^


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Will post screenies tomoz

Going bed now and they all on other laptop (w/e connection).

As iv not had majour interst in server i wont rush it.

But the dedis sorted for 3months so hoping to use alot of it lol.

Wont have a beta as iv tested most bugs will ask a few m8s to just dble chek when live.

Pics will be after 6pm tomoz as i dont get home from work till 5 and i need my hour to relax lol.

Sorry about lack of replys have had busy weekend.
But, except tomorow im free all week after work so should be making majour improvments this week.

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