9/11 - proof, America attacking itself.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
enozegar, if you believe the same things that you are typing, I guess you believe that President Bush made Hurricane Katrina - because he hates black people. =/

The fact is that you are stupid and inconsiderate. Would you honestly like it if someone said the bombing months ago in London were from the British government? Of course not. In fact, you are insulting not only me and urban, but the entire United States of America. Michael Moore would't even agree with you.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003

The US government is attempting to justify their plans for war on Iraq, the world's second largest source of oil, by accusing Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction.

The US government has proclaimed that Saddam Hussein must be disarmed. However, recently declassified official government documents reveal that Iraq was armed with weapons of mass destruction by the USA!


I like this part the best, becuase America sold Iraq WMD then invaded and didnt find any. Kinda ****ed up isnt it? I mean surely IF they sold them AND knew they were there. Perhaps someone should find the UPS tracking number for Iraq's consignment and dig them up?

In all seriosuness though, if they DID sell weapons to Iraq then surely they WOULD find them and display them to further justify the war....

Im suprised someone hasnt faked a picture of WMD in Iraq, and said that America Faked the picture to pretend the war was real, but then America didnt release the picture becuase it had an american oil tycoons signature on it with a picutre of him shaking bush's hand while they exchanged Cigars from cuba that they lit on top of an Iraq oil deposit fire. OMG CONSPIRASEE


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Apr 21, 2003
Salem, Oregon
I've heard some pretty bad BS in my life about the USA, but this one definitely takes the cake.

Also about the whole "explosions in the WTCs": Do you happen to know the weight of a Boeing 747 100-Passenger Airplane? Approximately 870,000 pounds, note that the planes in the WTC attacks were 220 if I believe, that is more weight then any sky scraper can handle. They are made for a CERTAIN weight, the "explosions" you saw in the pictures were the cement collums collapsing under the emense weight.

P.S. Sorry about the spelling, if I made any mistakes.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 20, 2006
i thought the planes where cargo planes, afterall.. they where all dark and had no windows :P


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
I'll be posting here after I completed my homework -_- but meanwhile contemplate this...

Did Britain attack itself of 7/7 to justify the Anti-terrorist bill?



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 11, 2004
Middlesbrough ! Smoggy!
The fact is , there were detonations set of as the WTc were on fire , how do you explain them?

I despised the terrorist groups because of what I THOUGHT they had done but now ive watched them videos's its changed my whole perspective on what happened, why do it america?

Unless its an inside job?



Jun 22, 2003
This isn't fact im posting just an idea


America could have done that to itself IF THAT IS TRUE then the reason for this would also be for allies?

Think of the countries that helped america?

Just an idea.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2004
God this is comedy gold

"notice when we slow down this horribly burry video, that the sun is facing in an easterly direction, dispite the flash on the fuslelage being on the western quater of the plane, WHEREAS the explosion was at 250 degrees celcius. Boyals law states that for every action, there is a man dumb enough to believe everything he hears, suggesting that the plane NEVER HIT THE BUILDING. OMFG!''

''there were secondary explotions.


"Note the fire on the building. This is because a missile was fired. Not because a plane just smashed into the ****ing building, god no.''


Jun 22, 2003


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
Ok, lets put the crappy rumours and conspiracy theories to bed, along with the children spreading them.

1. If America wanted to take down the WTC themselves, they could have done it far easier AND made themselves out to be awesome. IF they wanted to blow up the WTC they would have planted bombs, not involved aeroplanes at all, then they would have notified the towers of the bomb threat, evacuated and then blown the towers to the floor.

This would ensure no loss of lives, still give them a reason to go to war AND they would have been able to claim they have awesome intelligence since they "intercepted" these bombs and saved hundreds of lives. This would have resulted in a BETTER war backing and less pressure on the government. It would also have made life easier as they wouldnt have to answer any question about how they got their intelligence as it would be classified.

2. By saying America attacked the WTC, your also saying Britain attacked itself with the London Bombings. I thought it was reatrded enough when people claimed France were behind it. As we all know Britain DIDNT commit the london bombings against itself because we had the good fortune of damning evidence.

3. Could someone please exaplin how the American Government managed to plant tonnes of explosives inside the WTC without anyone leaking the information and without anyone getting suspicious? You cant sneak a load of explosives into 2 towers even over a period of time.

4. If they did want to blow up the towers, kill all those people and cause mass destruction. Then the Bombs OR the plane would have been sufficient, you dont need both.

5. Windows further down explode beccuase of the pressure of the collapse above. Every supporting pillar inside would be slightly different, causing some to collapse while others stood, the force of the implosion as it mvoes down would have hapilly blown out a few of the weaker windows, a well placed bomb blast would blow out more than a single window. Other possible causes are radioators exploding under the immense pressure, even fire exstinguishers or others compressed gas cylinders would explode under the heat, blowing out a window or two. Bomb blasts would blow out a row of windows and put an unmissable hole in the side of the building.

6. The war on iraq was about WMD. Or as some clever people like to claim, petrol prices. Eitehr way, it doesnt matter, the US and UK stated it was about WMD and went in on that claim. They didnt need to blow up themsevles, London or the WTC to invade Iraq, they already had a reason to go in.

Afghanistan has **** all to offer the US, zero, the country is actually ****, theres no political, financial, or economical gain from invading that country.

FINALLY: I can understand people dont like war, and that they think the war was about oil prices and lining the USA's pockets, i must say if i drink 8 litres of cider and have a truck drive into my head i can see their point of veiw. However i cant beleive anyone is stupid enough to think America attacked itself.

This conversation is creating a vacuum of intelligence (like space is a vacuum) and that vacuum will soon implode pulling the intelligence of everyone who is reading into the void to fill it. So can i ask for this to be locked removed and deleted before it actually sucks the intelligence out of people.

Ps. Maybe they blew up the WTC becuase someone found photo's that confirmed the American government is stiking a secret deal with the Loch Ness monster and the Martians to invade Neptune. These are the same martians that helped build the fake moonlanding site in 1944, that year America put the World Clocks forward 25 years so the moonlanding could be broadcast on colour TV that was also invented in the REAL 1969



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 20, 2006
About the london thing, since when does a person blow himself up and his passport is just laying there perfect :P


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2004
About the london thing, since when does a person blow himself up and his passport is just laying there perfect :P

Since when do countries blow up their own main economic hubs? :tard: just go look for chem trails or something.


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
If america has nothing to hide then why obscure so much information. Like the black boxes of the plane, and the cctv footage that captured the pentagon disaster. You cannot deny the fact that the pentagon was not a plane shaped hole, and it embedded so deep it just couldnt happen.

Fair enough the apparent implosions on the tower could have been concrete posts collapsing however, flashes seen on the 8th floor? Thats charges mates. The tapes from the firefighters? 'A Bomb has Just Gone Off'

It was built too withstand a planes impact we know that already, hitting so high theres noway any downward weight would crush the whole structure, we know from the plans that it was built in sections so couldnt fall as it did.

The passport thing was the icing on the cake for me.

Im sorry im as patriotic as anyone on this forum however if i was an american and presented with such information i would realise what a game i belonged to.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2004
MrRob said:
If america has nothing to hide then why obscure so much information. Like the black boxes of the plane, and the cctv footage that captured the pentagon disaster.

Because they have more important things to worry about than some moron conspiracy theorists throwing accusations at them? Why WOULD they release CCTV tapes? Whats the point?

You cannot deny the fact that the pentagon was not a plane shaped hole

This isnt Tom and Jerry.

Fair enough the apparent implosions on the tower could have been concrete posts collapsing however, flashes seen on the 8th floor? Thats charges mates. The tapes from the firefighters? 'A Bomb has Just Gone Off'

It could be anything, gas pipes exploding for instance. Big buildings are dangerous places when planes just happen to crash into them.

It was built too withstand a planes impact we know that already, hitting so high theres noway any downward weight would crush the whole structure, we know from the plans that it was built in sections so couldnt fall as it did.

And youre an architect extrodinaire? Could it be that the force of one section collapsing is enough to cause the one below to do the same?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Atomacide, just to address your post, I'd like to say that as confident as you are in your view on the whole problem, there are those that are just as confident that they're right. Leaves us with two possibilities, either you're wrong or they're wrong. So let's leave both doors open...

Atomicide said:
1. If America wanted to take down the WTC themselves, they could have done it far easier AND made themselves out to be awesome. IF they wanted to blow up the WTC they would have planted bombs, not involved aeroplanes at all, then they would have notified the towers of the bomb threat, evacuated and then blown the towers to the floor.

This would ensure no loss of lives, still give them a reason to go to war AND they would have been able to claim they have awesome intelligence since they "intercepted" these bombs and saved hundreds of lives. This would have resulted in a BETTER war backing and less pressure on the government. It would also have made life easier as they wouldnt have to answer any question about how they got their intelligence as it would be classified.

2. By saying America attacked the WTC, your also saying Britain attacked itself with the London Bombings. I thought it was reatrded enough when people claimed France were behind it. As we all know Britain DIDNT commit the london bombings against itself because we had the good fortune of damning evidence.

3. Could someone please exaplin how the American Government managed to plant tonnes of explosives inside the WTC without anyone leaking the information and without anyone getting suspicious? You cant sneak a load of explosives into 2 towers even over a period of time.

4. If they did want to blow up the towers, kill all those people and cause mass destruction. Then the Bombs OR the plane would have been sufficient, you dont need both.

5. Windows further down explode beccuase of the pressure of the collapse above. Every supporting pillar inside would be slightly different, causing some to collapse while others stood, the force of the implosion as it mvoes down would have hapilly blown out a few of the weaker windows, a well placed bomb blast would blow out more than a single window. Other possible causes are radioators exploding under the immense pressure, even fire exstinguishers or others compressed gas cylinders would explode under the heat, blowing out a window or two. Bomb blasts would blow out a row of windows and put an unmissable hole in the side of the building.

6. The war on iraq was about WMD. Or as some clever people like to claim, petrol prices. Eitehr way, it doesnt matter, the US and UK stated it was about WMD and went in on that claim. They didnt need to blow up themsevles, London or the WTC to invade Iraq, they already had a reason to go in.

Afghanistan has **** all to offer the US, zero, the country is actually ****, theres no political, financial, or economical gain from invading that country.

FINALLY: I can understand people dont like war, and that they think the war was about oil prices and lining the USA's pockets, i must say if i drink 8 litres of cider and have a truck drive into my head i can see their point of veiw. However i cant beleive anyone is stupid enough to think America attacked itself.

This conversation is creating a vacuum of intelligence (like space is a vacuum) and that vacuum will soon implode pulling the intelligence of everyone who is reading into the void to fill it. So can i ask for this to be locked removed and deleted before it actually sucks the intelligence out of people.

Ps. Maybe they blew up the WTC becuase someone found photo's that confirmed the American government is stiking a secret deal with the Loch Ness monster and the Martians to invade Neptune. These are the same martians that helped build the fake moonlanding site in 1944, that year America put the World Clocks forward 25 years so the moonlanding could be broadcast on colour TV that was also invented in the REAL 1969



The whole idea is about the human lives lost and the need to balance the equasion with some hardcore payback. I believe you have heard the concept of a Just War?

One of the twelve factors in a Just War, is that the end damage has to be in proportion to the cause of the war, and in retrospect, the possibilities of damage if the war had not happened. In this case, it is a matter of loss of human life. The impact of 3000 deaths through a terror attack gave the government the pathos required to innitiate a war, in an otherwise very liberal society. The Post 9/11 shift towards the right was the immediate reflexive action taken by Western society as a whole.

Not necessarily. The tapes pre-recorded after the event of 9/11 was in direct relation to the apparent 'example' set out by Osama Bin Laden. What was done was done, and thus it opened an otherwise taboo door for Western Muslim citizens who had otherwise heard the stories of Martyrs as distant legends from the past. This was a very real example, a punch in the nose of one of the superpowers of the world and a pride for the radical Muslims for apparently committing such a daring act on the world stage. America was humilaited. This also added to the pathos of 9/11 which trigured the shift to the right.

The American Government has the most sophisticated methods of deployment and spying in the world, rivaled only by UK and Israel. Are you telling me that it could not conduct a simple operation of planting/arming a building with explosives? I believe I stumbled across a documentry stating that there was a number of renovations in the buildings a few months or was it years prior. I will dig it up if I can. It is very strange, that the World Trade Centre was also a target of Terrorist groups a few years prior.

I've already mentioned the possible aim of causing enough damage and tragic loss of human life to inspire a hatred of terrorism and a full justification of war in Afghanistan under the guise of war against Terror. I will make clearer however that for this condition to be met, the qualities of the attack had to be of sorts magnificent, in that it would have a lasting impact. The plane I believe was a classic symbolism of a hijacked society, something different from the cliche bombing, whilst the bombs themselves would have simply ensured the full destructive damage required was accomplished.

I appreciate your alternative perspective on the issue of the apparent inconsistancy in the videos. However I'd like to point out that the damage of the flame was recorded as only spreading across four floors, and that the common consensus was that the debree of the aeroplane only travelled a couple of floors. The damage required to collapse the building in the manner that was shown in the videos, required the spontaneous destruction of the support columns as well as the reinforcements across a net structure. Also note that the fire spread down elevators only, which brings one to question, why did the flames reach the elevators before they broke out of the main impact site?

The War on Iraq is actually quite funny. The agenda of the war flip flopped several times, until it struck the right spot. At first it was the claim that Iraq possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, which is a pretty vague term, considering all countries retain some sort of deterrent or defensive weapons. The idea here was that somehow the Bush Administration had to prove a connection between Iraqi constiuency an Terrorist bases and links with Al Qaeda. When these aspects of their argument began to fall around them and there was no credible chance of finding any particular WMDs, America turned again to its cliche War of Terror to justify its actions.

Whilst the question of the Oil and the possible economic gains of the war are heavily debated, I would request anyone with serious consideration to look up on the fear of Iraqi oil embargo against the USA. Follow up the claims that Iraq was threatning to change its foreign exports from the USD to the Euro. As this isn't on topic, I will only discuss on request.

Afghanistan was a rising state of Islamic Extremism. It posed a threat to American interests in the Middle East, as a fully developed [extreme] Islamic government would impose a threat to Free States, and an aspiration for other radicals. It is also a strategic spot right in the centre field of Asia, not to mention a US statement of power. In Islamic legend, Afghanistan is well known for its warrior race and their ability to fend off invasions from foreigners over centuries.

I have provided my view and opinion on the matter and would like to restate what I said in the beginning; it is best to leave all doors open as anything is a possibility with a meglomaniac state like the US. The Americans, like an increasing amount of European/UKers are a people that are controlled in a state of constant fear and hysteria. After all it is one of the most powerful emotions to pull on when justifying your means. Don't take my word on it. Look at the antipathy post 9/11 has created in the West towards Islam and foreigners in general. Then look at how the government is able to harvest this new founded xenophobia into ever more controlling legislations in the name of security and homeland defence.

I'd say that ruined what was a respective post lol.

My 2pence.
Last edited:


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Vannaroth said:
Because they have more important things to worry about than some moron conspiracy theorists throwing accusations at them? Why WOULD they release CCTV tapes? Whats the point?

Taking on your sort of stance m8, I could just as easily say... Why not?

This isnt Tom and Jerry.

Oh I used to love that cartoon. Wish it was, because that way people wouldn't die and the world would be a much funnier/quirkier place.

It could be anything, gas pipes exploding for instance. Big buildings are dangerous places when planes just happen to crash into them.

You have the freedom to speculate. Let other's speculate too.

And youre an architect extrodinaire? Could it be that the force of one section collapsing is enough to cause the one below to do the same?

Are you? Those who made the videos in question have actually bothered to research the two towers and their infrastrucutre. He actually makes references to renown architects commenting in the video. Look it up m8.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 21, 2004
Turin said:
Taking on your sort of stance m8, I could just as easily say... Why not?

Because showing the public scenes of the pentagon being attacked wouldnt be the greatest of morale boosts in a time such as that, and getting private CCTV tapes into the public would be the least of their worries. Releasing them now would just be stupid. ''Oh hey guys, you know that thing that happened a few years ago? well do we have a surprise for you...''

Oh I used to love that cartoon. Wish it was, because that way people wouldn't die and the world would be a much funnier/quirkier place.

I always wanted jerry to die, he was such an asshole :(
You have the freedom to speculate. Let other's speculate too.
The can speculate, but i can dispute.

Are you? Those who made the videos in question have actually bothered to research the two towers and their infrastrucutre. He actually makes references to renown architects commenting in the video. Look it up m8.

No I'm not, but I can speculate that the ''reknown architects'' in the video arent either. Thats the thing with conspiracy theories, you cant trust anything that is said. There's a book with references from ''respeced scientists'' who speculated that the earth is infact hollow, and that there are people living inside our very planet (look up ''hollow earth theory'', its really quite funny). How is this different from that?


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Mar 21, 2004
Vannaroth said:
Because showing the public scenes of the pentagon being attacked wouldnt be the greatest of morale boosts in a time such as that, and getting private CCTV tapes into the public would be the least of their worries. Releasing them now would just be stupid. ''Oh hey guys, you know that thing that happened a few years ago? well do we have a surprise for you...''

Please... releasing the tapes doesn't mean worldwide broadcast... if anyone wants to, they should have been allowed ACCESS to the tapes. This doesn't mean forcing it on everyone.

I always wanted jerry to die, he was such an asshole :(

lol so true. Poor Tom, for those who don't know of Tom & Jerry, you can sort of relate to that psuedocartoon of the cat and mouse in the Simpsons.

The can speculate, but i can dispute.

Exactly but you can't dismiss without disputing eh ;)

No I'm not, but I can speculate that the ''reknown architects'' in the video arent either. Thats the thing with conspiracy theories, you cant trust anything that is said. There's a book with references from ''respeced scientists'' who speculated that the earth is infact hollow, and that there are people living inside our very planet (look up ''hollow earth theory'', its really quite funny). How is this different from that?

As long as you cannot prove otherwise, one can assume that the acclaimed architects are trustworthy. Meanwhile their are oceans below the crust of the Earth m8, nevermind empty caverns. The world isn't a ball of fire with a crispy top - BUT the whole world is obviously not hollow, since that would break almost every geological law imaginable... not that we've ever been too low *dundundun* ... k enough conspiracies in one thread lol
