Hair style


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
hmm. dont think you quite clicked to that 1 blam.

skrag said get hair like his.
then i replied with that.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 13, 2006
lol whats wrong with my hair loved1 i think your just jelos. and i dont get bullied cos of my hair lol

people are to destracted by my size

blam get away from your comp go outside into the real world and get a life! all you can do is try and insult people and fail mishrabley.

cant spell


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
Jelous of you? Sorry Mr. LadyMagnet. Ok, you dont ;) <3

No, you've got it all wrong, they mix in, so you look like a very hairy / stocky hippo ;) <3

Lol. *Gives Skrag a round of applause*. Nice 1, Blam got owned by the n00b. (Y)

We know.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
Hmm. And at which point did i say that? You said because my cousin says i did it doesnt mean i did, which is correct. But my cousin has only just joined the forums, ive owned numerous people over the times.

And yes, he is illiterate. If it is so much of a problem, im sure you will be kind enough to teach him a thing or 2.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 13, 2006
hmmmm im illiterate yet you cant use words in the right way

So you admit to the fact that you or your illiterate cousin havent actually owned anyone. Ever

its hasn't you idiot evan i know that

and blam im suprised that you new it was PM as you sit in your room with the curtians closed wondering why you are such a losser and to make yourself feel better you go on lomcn and get owned by random people
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2003
hmmmm im illiterate yet you cant use words in the right way

So you admit to the fact that you or your illiterate cousin havent actually owned anyone. Ever

its havent you idiot evan i know that

You spelt "even" wrong while correcting someone's spelling. A word of advice would be to not argue over a subject that you obviously can't and won't ever grasp. Your the biggest tool on this forum.

The irony is so resounding, they are actually laughing at you in china. Your a ****ing moron. Piss off, its pretty damn obvious this a pathetic orchestrated ploy to pretend you two suddenly dont like each other, and some ****.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
Lol. He has only just joined, and has taken my spot, nice 1 (Y)

Erm, no, we are cousins, this is how we act.

Loved1 > Skrag



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 13, 2006
You spelt "even" wrong while correcting someone's spelling. A word of advice would be to not argue over a subject that you obviously can't and won't ever grasp. Your the biggest tool on this forum.

The irony is so resounding, they are actually laughing at you in china. Your a ****ing moron. Piss off, its pretty damn obvious this a pathetic orchestrated ploy to pretend you two suddenly dont like each other, and some ****.

lol seems to me that you are a power crazy basterd. i cant spell and i have admited this a few times. i think it is funny that now you have got all this power you think that you are better then anybody els you saw your opotunity and you took it see i dont give a crap what you say about me cos i know that i would never bye my way into power you are susposed to ern it but u dont think this obiously. myb cos your dumb or blinded by power on some fourm that has taken over your life you are a compleet nub. hmmmmm the thing is i have friends that arnt people that you will probabaly never meet. i will argue with hated1 whenever i like he is familey.

so in other words piss off atom :)

got nothing against you you bit me and i bit back not very well ile admit

no point corecting me i dont cear
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Feb 8, 2004
hmm. well. atom got told =/
Step-by-step guide:

-Atom reads
-Atom looks
-Atom presses
-Skrag is banned


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2005
lol seems to me that you are a power crazy basterd. i cant spell and i have admited this a few times. i think it is funny that now you have got all this power you think that you are better then anybody els you saw your opotunity and you took it see i dont give a crap what you say about me cos i know that i would never bye my way into power you are susposed to ern it but u dont think this obiously. myb cos your dumb or blinded by power on some fourm that has taken over your life you are a compleet nub. hmmmmm the thing is i have friends that arnt people that you will probabaly never meet. i will argue with hated1 whenever i like he is familey.

so in other words piss off atom :)
Atom has always been the way he has you fool, and loved how in 1 single way did atom get ''told'' then?