

Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Apocalypse team - I don't see how it's any different to you using Chronicles' work which they put time into editing (maps, interface, who knows what else) so please, drop the hypocrisy.

Like I said, I was just responding to his reply about negative feedback, I explained to him why he got negative feedback. He literally used everyone else's work and just copied and pasted (its a carbon copy of the site Aldor has just spent hours working on).
Tai you of all people must know how hard it is to change an interface, don't give me that :P. also our interface has been customised loads from the Korean version. And again with the maps. Chronicles maps don't work so well on the C# so again I have had to edit them for hours on end. The two points don't really compare.
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Dec 4, 2007
Like I said, I was just responding to his reply about negative feedback, I explained to him why he got negative feedback. He literally used everyone else's work and just copied and pasted (its a carbon copy of the site Aldor has just spent hours working on).
Tai you of all people must know how hard it is to change an interface, don't give me that :P. also our interface has been customised loads from the Korean version. And again with the maps. Chronicles maps don't work so well on the C# so again I have had to edit them for hours on end. The two points don't really compare.

Like I said, none of them were actually feedback apart from DayIDie's reply. All the others were everyone on the same wagon having a dig.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Like I said, none of them were actually feedback apart from DayIDie's reply. All the others were everyone on the same wagon having a dig.

I know, and I don't disagree with you, I was just letting you know why people were digging.


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
Is this kid fo real?

Backgrounds burry on 1920, website and forum skin looks horrid. Copy & paste images, not sure what we're supposed to comment on??? Put some CUSTOM work in then i think maybe people will comment politely.

Did you do the background in photoshop? Bloody awful job too..
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Dec 4, 2007
Is this kid fo real?

Backgrounds burry on 1920, website and forum skin looks horrid. Copy & paste images, not sure what we're supposed to comment on??? Put some CUSTOM work in then i think maybe people will comment politely.

Did you do the background in photoshop? Bloody awful job too..

Is this kid even for real?

I am changing around the background to fit for all resolutions so you probably visited it at a wrong time.


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
Cheap. I didn't ask for your opinion on my server or my servers name for that matter.

I mostly was expecting feedback on the new layout, the background image, the logo but people are mostly interested in the guide more and by people I mean your team.

It comes as a package, I am commenting on your website for your server. Also quoted by you 'expecting feedback for the logo' which includes the name of the server. I am stating my opinion as I would on any server advert when I play mir 3.

Also how can it be generic when for years people have been using the same form of layout, way before chronicles or lomcn even started it. But if you want to head down that route we can.. Look at your background on your site and look at chronicles.. It's not exactly the same but your both using a dragon. So don't talk about originality when Mir is almost the same on every server apart from people's own ideas implemented into a server.
Generic as in the kind of blocky, two colour forum with a picture of mir characters either side of the main body. Yes I agree it's a good design for touch screen users but there is very little difference from your forum and lomcn/chronicles forum. Can I just say, what's with the use of different shades of blue across all three forums.

As you so rightly pointed out our website has a dragon which in a sense is similar to chronicles website which has a dragon but this hadn't crossed our minds when we picked our website templates, our goal was to pick something that represented mir and our apocalyptic theme. We planned everything around our name and this vision of apocalypse.

Actually my server is called The Five Heroes and it represents the five classes since it's the first files that supported five classes and considering my server was the very first server that went online using the files (not to forget that most of which my server helped develop the files considering there were a lot of bugs that were found and passed on to developers). I can't argue with the server being a bit dull but I no longer work on that server anymore (just fyi) and when I did there was a lot of issues with the files that I went through and put them first before adding custom ideas. But this weren't a subject regarding my server but you thought you would just through yourself because there's one angry third team member.
Well I was just plucking a name out from the top of my head, I had a 1 in 3 chance of getting it right - it was either EpicMir, Five Heroes or something like Legends Untold. Yes your server was one of the first servers that come up - only because it was rushed up. Apocalypse has been in development since before you put your server up. Rightfully you helped lomcn identify a lot of bugs but anyone could have done that and I am sure EpicMir have reported as many bugs as you have.

P.S. I'm not an angry third team member, I just don't want to be labelled as a part of the 'Apocalypse Team' who has jumped on the band wagon of insulting your website guide. If I was you I would chose your words a lot more carefully before accusing a group of people because not everyone you label will be involved. It's like me saying that all of LOMCN staff are biased towards Chronicles because half of them are on their team. Half of them is not all of them.

I am introducing a guide and will continue to do so, not because it 'showcase' my server but to do its job which is 'guide' my players and anyone else who plays mir who wishes to use it as resource site. It's not just a 'trend' for popular servers. People seem to think that most things I do is to do with my server, it's really not, I like web development and I'm enjoying doing it in my spare time. You are going on like it's a crime to use something that will almost look identical if I took it myself. Let's not forget to mention mirguide.com took these images from chronicles and used them but I don't see anyone else complaining? But because it's me and I am using it on my website it's become an issue from something so little and I haven't even completed yet.

Server guide's are usually to showcase work or to give in more depth about the server. If you want to work on a player guide why not build on the in game help guide and contribute it back to the community? You would helping your players, the community and reducing the amount of haters you currently have.

Fair enough you like web development but building a website that isn't your own work isn't hardly much of an achievement? Also for the record mirguide.com have created a guide of Chronicles with Chronicles images. It's not like he's ripping off chronicles content and saying it's his own content on his own server.

Some feedback on your website as you requested:
1. Gallery images would be better if they popped up on a slide show type window rather than in a new tab.
2. I think the LegendOfMir info and Gallery section could be separated a little better with some borders (at the moment they look like they are as one).
3. The text in the footer "Forum software by XenForo™ ©2010-2015 XenForo Ltd"is too dark to see, but I assume it's purposefully like this.
4. I feel like the info and gallery shoved on the bottom clutters it. It should be moved to a separate page.
5. Why do you have a whole section for your Facebook page link? Why not put a button somewhere on the sidebar?
(if your worried about there being space at the bottom of your page then possibly look into a live chat system so you can talk directly to players when your available).
6. When you start to scroll down from the top of the screen, that whole bit is really glitchy and it doesn't look smooth at all. The grey bar vanishes where the search box is but the search box doesn't vanish. I'd expect that blue bar that fades in / out to fade down wards not left to right. Personally i'd remove the sign in / log out bit at the top and attach it to the bar below that moves when you scroll.
7. Bad photo shop

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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Like I said, I was just responding to his reply about negative feedback, I explained to him why he got negative feedback. He literally used everyone else's work and just copied and pasted (its a carbon copy of the site Aldor has just spent hours working on).
Tai you of all people must know how hard it is to change an interface, don't give me that :P. also our interface has been customised loads from the Korean version. And again with the maps. Chronicles maps don't work so well on the C# so again I have had to edit them for hours on end. The two points don't really compare.

So because you've taken someone elses work and made further changes to it, that somehow puts you in a different league of thieving? XD

Rightfully you helped lomcn identify a lot of bugs but anyone could have done that and I am sure EpicMir have reported as many bugs as you have.

Sure, but they didn't, did they.

You seriously need to all stop bashing eachother like this.


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
Sure, but they didn't, did they.

You seriously need to all stop bashing eachother like this.

Maybe you should have continued reading?

Rightfully you helped lomcn identify a lot of bugs but anyone could have done that and I am sure EpicMir have reported as many bugs as you have.

Also an additional note, I report plenty of bugs but instead I post them on git hub to give Far better management and tracking. On top of that when I can I try to fix some of the bugs myself and apply the fix to the source.
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Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Maybe you should have continued reading?

Oh sure, two months later

TheDayIDie said:
Also an additional note, I report plenty of bugs but instead I post them on git hub to give Far better management and tracking. On top of that when I can I try to fix some of the bugs myself and apply the fix to the source.

And now it's a willy waving competition?

My bug reporting's better than you or Someone else would have eventually reported that too



Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
Oh sure, two months later

And now it's a willy waving competition?

My bug reporting's better than you or Someone else would have eventually reported that too


If you want to label it that, I'd rather think of it as something more along the lines of 'oh he reported bugs, congrats but he's not the only one to do it so what's the big deal?'


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
So because you've taken someone elses work and made further changes to it, that somehow puts you in a different league of thieving? XD

Of course it does, otherwise every single server would be the same, if you don't change things then what's the point...?


Most Importantest
Sep 10, 2004
Of course it does, otherwise every single server would be the same, if you don't change things then what's the point...?

I always went through my Mir playing career with the following motto.

If I don't like the look of it, I ain't gonna play it.

What's pointless is people bitching when truth be told they're all jealous of the domain.


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
I always went through my Mir playing career with the following motto.

If I don't like the look of it, I ain't gonna play it.

What's pointless is people bitching when truth be told they're all jealous of the domain.

Well jel :O
I also wanted your name, so jel... Jel to the max!


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
If you want to label it that, I'd rather think of it as something more along the lines of 'oh he reported bugs, congrats but he's not the only one to do it so what's the big deal?'

No big deal I just don't like the attitude of "if you didn't do it, someone else would" because it's easy to say but bar 1 or 2 people no one does **** all around here unless it benefits themselves

Of course it does, otherwise every single server would be the same, if you don't change things then what's the point...?

Sorry no, that doesn't make your "theft" any more admirable and that's my point.


Dedicated Member
Jul 29, 2011
No big deal I just don't like the attitude of "if you didn't do it, someone else would" because it's easy to say but bar 1 or 2 people no one does **** all around here unless it benefits themselves.

That's not what I was trying to portray. He claims his server has helped the community a lot by reporting a load of bugs (which is true) but in return the community have helped him a lot by fixing the bugs or guiding him on relevant topics to improve his server.

I know this all too well, especially when I was working on files in the mir 3 community. There are people who work endlessly to help the community and in return when people get what they want they turn their back on the community that helped them and work for their own gain (usually a quick buck). Although I am working on a closed source I am trying to give back what I can but as probably many know I am not an expert coder so my code may not always be up to scratch (efficient or correct at times) so I try to offer fixes that I can (usually small ones).

I feel that if I offer a piece of code to Far to add something or fix something (it may less efficient and more time consuming for him and me to go through and fix my problems than for him to make it himself from scratch). Even if I make something that's perfectly fine code wise I don't know if Far will want it on his source as it may not be accurately reflect korean systems. Since Far moved to git hub it's a lot easier now to review and merge source code though!


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Sorry no, that doesn't make your "theft" any more admirable and that's my point.

Tai, your Crazy, If this is your theory of life, then everything is theft.

Ill give you an example though.

So cars were not originally made by Skoda. But they copied the idea of making a car.

Now here's the two options they have:

To design their own one (although the car is still a stolen idea)

Or to copy the exact model from another company and call it the Skoda xlife (originally the Vauxhall Astra).

If they take option two, they are going to get slated. #JustSayin

They are two completely different outcomes, you cannot say its all theft, its not.


Staff member
May 11, 2003
United Kingdom
Tai, your Crazy, If this is your theory of life, then everything is theft.

Ill give you an example though.

So cars were not originally made by Skoda. But they copied the idea of making a car.

Now here's the two options they have:

To design their own one (although the car is still a stolen idea)

Or to copy the exact model from another company and call it the Skoda xlife (originally the Vauxhall Astra).

If they take option two, they are going to get slated. #JustSayin

They are two completely different outcomes, you cannot say its all theft, its not.

lol your misguidance here is that you think you are option 1 when you are in fact option 2. The same as the 5heroes guy. Which is why I told you to stop being a hypocrite and slagging him off for it..


Feb 20, 2009
The beauty of all of this is mir is one big 'dishonest appropriation of property belonging to another' s1 theft act 1968 ;) case closed


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
lol your misguidance here is that you think you are option 1 when you are in fact option 2. The same as the 5heroes guy. Which is why I told you to stop being a hypocrite and slagging him off for it..

No Tai, that's your misguidance once again. We have changed 50% of our server .

Yes we still use the same "engine" as all Mir, Yes we still use the same Maps (Windscreens) but our design is completely different to any other Mir, as is 50% of our performance, considering we coded mobs/skills and many different features ourselves. Your too buried into this debate now to un-dig your head from the sand to admit you are wrong.

There is a Huge difference between copy and paste, to making something of your own using features that are already in place.