= [Live] - [Meteora] - [v3] =

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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 4, 2006
Finally ... AFTER 12 MONTHS we see a longrange repulsion spell ...

I wonder why a Longrange repulsion is a bad idea ... Hummm ... lol
Thats another thing that we have hardcoded that OS doesn't, because you bum hardcoding so much.

Little update, planning to release a new client today that fixes all the autolock problems with certain spells, this will fix the problem wizzies were having when spells randomly stop working ebcause they are locked onto a dead monster or a monster off screen. It will be on the autopatcher but you have to run the autopatcher to get ingame anyway so its all good!

And we will get a new installer up with the latest files in and the autopatcher, so new comers don't need go through a bunch of links to get ingame :)


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Thats really quite nice, i like it.

Im really impressed with the work thats going on.

DavidShaw - Not taking sides or nowt, but i feel a long ranged repulsion spell for a taoist wont be too unbalanced considering they dont do enough damage to take effect whilst the spells in use. Aslong as they put a time delay on the spell i feel it will be fine.


LOMCN Veteran
Aug 5, 2004
Nice. Do you know what the warr / wizz equivalents are yet?

Yep we've got both the warrior and wizard one 80% coded. Just need to reshuffle the image files a little.

Warrior - EarthQuake - Cast it the same way as blade avalanche. Hits a 1x5 column infront of the caster with a small chance of para'ing the target. All players within visible range of the caster will also experiance a small screen shake (Haven't decided on a level yet, might make it a bit higher due to para effect.)

Wizard - IceBlast - A mass attack similar to Flame Field. Hits a 5 x 5 area around the caster with a small change of casting slow on the target (Again haven't decided on a level, might make it quite high due to slow effect).



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
You gave taoists mir3's Tempest spell, with poor graphics. Congrats.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
No...thats a completely new image made from scratch by our graphics designer...

Thats what i said.

Old spell actions. Crap new graphic.

Spell works exactly like tempest on mir, minus needing MC to function.
Its probably doubtful its been coded so the more SC the more damage being inside the fog does. Probably a simple, higher level the spell more damage it does.

Seems either i wasn't clear, or you were quick to try and prove what i said wrong. I vote the second, simply because i was clear. :eek:


LOMCN Veteran
Nov 3, 2007
Thats what i said.

Old spell actions. Crap new graphic.

Spell works exactly like tempest on mir, minus needing MC to function.
Its probably doubtful its been coded so the more SC the more damage being inside the fog does. Probably a simple, higher level the spell more damage it does.

Seems either i wasn't clear, or you were quick to try and prove what i said wrong. I vote the second, simply because i was clear. :eek:

Lies its not Tempest!!!

Its a longrange repulsion spell!!!

Oh ... wait ... L O L


In terms of skills ... Increase skill Radius and giving new image ...

Or increasing Skill Damage and giving new image ...

Or taking existing skill effects and increasing range or damage ...

WeMade has already added all the REASONABLE skills , Longrange Dc multiplying spells on a melee chara , longrange repulsion , Area Slow damage ... bad idea's .

The more ridiculous a spell is made to be ... the less variety your server actually has ...

Why use Flamefield when you got 5x5 Slow damage?
Why use curse when u can cast repel everywhere? lol
Why use BladeAvalanche when u got earthquake?
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2004
Erm as for You yet again DavidShaw. Is it so hard for you to stop posting on our thread? Its our server, we will add whatever we want. Dont see us on your thread saying "LOL TeamDeathmatches thats going to **** up" because frankly if you want it in your server thats fair play, its your server who am i to say its sh!t.

Frankly i feel your threatened and dont give me that "Usercount" bollocks your a immature little boy and need to get a life kid.

As for NewHope, you do better man

As for Ben cheers man, we'll post the rest as soon as there in.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
As for NewHope, you do better man

With the constant claims of ability your team is said to have you haven't done much yourself, except from take a game that wasn't entirely flawed in the first place and it seems, create as many annoying and irritating bugs as you could possibly muster up. Then ignore them while you introduce new features, which lets face it aren't going to be bug free.

I played this server enough to know what im talking about, in terms of gameplay and so forth. The core player base is only hanging on by the fact that most of them have some sort of friendship conection to one or a few people creating the server. Otherwise heres hardly anyone there who heard how decent the server was to play.
They may trust you, but lets face it - your servers nowhere near decent gameplay standards, and in recent days you've made these standards worst with your 'bug fixing' attempts.

But goodluck. Maybe in another year you'll manage to fix the bugs.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Feb 4, 2006
With the constant claims of ability your team is said to have you haven't done much yourself, except from take a game that wasn't entirely flawed in the first place and it seems, create as many annoying and irritating bugs as you could possibly muster up. Then ignore them while you introduce new features, which lets face it aren't going to be bug free.

I played this server enough to know what im talking about, in terms of gameplay and so forth. The core player base is only hanging on by the fact that most of them have some sort of friendship conection to one or a few people creating the server. Otherwise heres hardly anyone there who heard how decent the server was to play.
They may trust you, but lets face it - your servers nowhere near decent gameplay standards, and in recent days you've made these standards worst with your 'bug fixing' attempts.

But goodluck. Maybe in another year you'll manage to fix the bugs.
Around 10 bugs have been fixed and we have encountered two problems, which have been fixed, just waiting for a few bits and bobs so we can put new m2server in.

So god knows what standards we have made worse seen as though we have fixed loads.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Davidshaw/Newhope what the **** have you got against these guys? Their simply trying to make a server for people to play and your giving them greif?

They dont get payed for it, they dont have to do it, you dont have to play it.

Honestly, grow up.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 4, 2004
Cheers man, we got some new things planned, but first off its bug fixing. Think most of bugs are fixed now guys, a few more to hammer out but erm hopefully TDB will be fixed again next reboot and then there are going to be some client updates and bug fixes very soon.
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