MIR Unleashed


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2003
14 NeverNeverLand
i was thinking more along the lines of npc teleports to a location, useful in quests

but your version of my idea ^^ is good aswell, would like to see both ideas in the files

an calculation would be needed for it to do that tho, such as:

current map, distance of destination from current map, base fee, time of day rate

i could see that being a large amount of code but it would be nice to have ^^


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Jul 25, 2005
Essex, England
Kinda makes Mir even lazier than it currently is. If it's expensive it may be worth adding, but personally I think it would make things stupid.


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Nov 16, 2003
14 NeverNeverLand
i think that if you are able to config the base price and time of day rate yourself the feature is worth its weight in gold but i dont think that he base pice and time of day rates bing built in would work ^^


Software Developer
Jan 16, 2004
Say you used your skill point on Arcane. At level 1 it may add 2 MC, whilst spending another skill point on it would make the skill give 4 MC instead of 2.

That sort of thing.


Software Developer
Jan 16, 2004
Here is an example of the Hero Skills:


  • HeroSkills.JPG
    92.1 KB · Views: 126


Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
like tiger woods the better your skills by the more points you spend on them, would just turn into a slog untill the skill is full i recon


Software Developer
Jan 16, 2004
At level 20 on that one skill you'd only recieve + 20 DC. So at level 20 you've spent all your points on one skill when you could have mixed your skills. There is a skill to boost experience temporarily which would be very useful.

Trust me this won't be overpowered and it will be a very well made system that is balanced from every angle.

Infact that won't even happen as to get Level 20 in a skill requires your player to be Level 50. So no abusing the system will occur.
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Software Developer
Jan 16, 2004
Yes, that's being done too. You do realise that the Hero Skills needs to be implemented early on otherwise alot of recoding will occur later on.

Besides the client's near enough done, it's just server coding at the moment and bug testing.


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Nov 18, 2005
Looks amazing, wish i could do something like this i have so many ideas for my private server that can't be implemented to gain the full potential.

Have you though about a overhaul of the entire Guild system, i had ideas i was going to post on the mir2 europe developing contest - but really they'd just be wasted there, maybe you can make use of them.

When you created you guild, the name of the guild and the date of creation are put at the top of the guildpage - i have seen this on many guilds i've been in, thought it would be cool, maybe even the exact time also.

Still 2 leaders, but then lower rankings which can still have secial features enable within the guild. Leaders have full run of all the old functions such as name change, editing the page, etc but also some newer ones.
Access to a page which lists every guild member, along with their: level, class, sex, location and wether or not they are online - allowing for the guild powers to be increased majorly.

Like a guild council, consiting of 3 members or so each with the ability to change a small section of the guildpage - and edit titles within the rankings page.

Guild hunt leader, this giving the person in this role the potential to organise hunts easily. Also able to edit a small section of the guildpage - within the guildpage they can select from a hunting ground from a menu which would then place on the guildpage, the name of the map and the co-ordinates of the location allowing for people to read the notice rather than bother the hunter. Another idea i had was to allow the hunt leader to recall his group without the use of a recall set, although this would pretty much rule out this function - maybe it can be implemented to just the guild who holds the castle - or maybe the hunt leader could recall each person one at a time, but there would be a few minutes delay on this use of this function, so its not abused.
Also the gold collected by the hunt leader, could then be processed by a function and spilt equally between the group - allowing for ease. Also any items can but input into a special section of the guildpage which the hunt leader can edit.

Guild Bank, where people could input certain amounts into the bank. However only the leaders would be able to access this fund - the amount could be added on guildpage.

A button implemented on guildpage which allows members in the higher rankings to teleport with ease to the guild teritory.

Also edits such as changing the font color, size, underlining, italics, bold etc - to allow for variety within the guildpage.
Maybe the abitily to select or add your own guild flag/crest, maybe could be implemented.

Sorry if you have already had these suggestions, i didn't have time to read the whole thread - but maybe they'd be useful, if not then no matter. :D


Staff member
May 19, 2003
not really lol .
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LOMCN Veteran
Feb 13, 2006
MiR Unleashed still open for ideas?

MSN ingame - (Like lineage2) i find this feature extremly useful, myself and DoomDevil were talking about this, many a time ave we been talking to someone on msn, go on mir and about an hour l8r realise we were still talking to someone on msn...

Was reading the post by NewHope about the guild features, i believe a few of them were good... i liked:

GuildBank - Like a button that says "Funds" and anyone in guild can press it add as much gold as they want press ok and then the money would be transfered into a back, where one of the leaders can take out and spend on recall set so on for... think thats a brillant idea.

GuildCouncil - liked this one to, like secondary leaders, but do not have the ability to add / del members but can change titles and guild page...

iv had an idea of my own about guilds, n stuff would take alot of coding but i believe it would be a great asset to the guild (well the good people with-in the guild)

Items Bank - Basicly what i mean by this is, say you buy a recall set for 25m (have no idea how rare the items will be so dunno prices exactly :P) you can then take it to an NPC and impliment your guild stats into it (GuildName? N-W-Man GuildLeader1? EchoMan GuildLeader2: DoomDevil)

Basicly what this does is make it so the items cannot leave the guild, and if they attempt to the items will be automaticly take away and given to either GuildLeader 1 or 2...

for example i give the recall set to HuntLeader cause he wants to hunt but insted of hunting he trys to con me and leave guild and take my recall set... this feature will let him leave guild... but the recall items will get taken and given back to me...

Also no1 but the guild leaders can drop these items on the floor on purpose / or trade them... if you die of course there is still a chance of dropping them...

Also can work for skillnecklace so on... so guild items are safely used in guild without no worrys of some nicking em...

what ya think?



Hallowed be thy name
Golden Oldie
Loyal Member
Jul 20, 2004
daniejam said:
lmao senture wud b hard 4 them 2 code it same as euro mir
I don't think it would.

Right now, i beleive they only have a deer and hen working or something :p, they are focusing on the gameplay right now i think.